Although my body is growing older, my mind is still stuck at age 27 – and at times, my mind is even younger than that. I hope this never changes, once the mind grows old, then the body will grow even older – faster! While I can’t do the things I used to do (physically) when I was much younger, there’s still a lot of “fun” left in me.
I grew up in Chicago, and like most kids at that time, and in my neighborhood, we were pretty poor, except back then, we didn’t know we were poor. We entertained ourselves in a lot of different ways. Back then, the television only had four stations, so there really wasn’t much to watch compared to today, where people have hundreds of different television channels to watch, and complain that “there’s nothing on…” As a kid, my friends and I often played marbles – we could play for hours on end. We also fashioned home made slingshots from tree branches. Most of the time, those slingshots didn’t even last a day. And, for ammo, we used rocks – we never ran short of ammo in those days. Yeah, and like most kids my age back then, we got into a little trouble with our slingshots by shooting out windows of abandoned buildings. I guess that wasn’t so bad, compared to the trouble kids get into these days – like taking guns to school and killing their classmates. Nope, back then, we didn’t get into nearly the trouble kids get into today.
When I grew older, I purchased a store-bought slingshot – made out of some kind of hardwood, and it lasted a good long time. The only thing that needed replacing from time-to-time, was the rubber band used for propelling the ammo, more often than not, the rubber band was made out of an old tire inner tube (remember those days, when we had tubes in our tires?). I’ve also had some other better made slingshots pass through my hands over the years, and they were really a lot of fun, and very well-made, too.
Montie Gear has a new slingshot called the “Y-Shot” and I’m here to tell you, hands down, this is the best-made slingshot I’ve ever run across – PERIOD! The all-aluminum frame is made out of 1/2″ thick aluminum plate, cut with a water jet at 50,000 PSI for unrivaled strength and low weight. Then, Montie Gear either powder coats the Y-Shot in different colors, or leaves the aluminum bare – with a grayish oxidized color to the finish.
I’m gonna give you the run down on the specs, right from the Montie Gear web site: “The slingshot features a tapered flat band and leather pouch assembly. The tapered flat band has a 16-pound pull weight at approximately a 28″ draw. The band has a tapered shape and is made from Thera-Band material for a fast shot and long life. The leather pouch and tapered band assembly come from A+ Slingshot in California. The handle is wrapped with 550 test weight paracord for comfort. The paracord also provides a source of very strong cord, should you need it in the field.”
This slingshot is ready for hunting (small game) or target practice. Don’t hesitate to use ammo up to a 1/2″ ball bearing or .44 cal lead ball ammo with this baby. My Y-Shot only came with 30, 1/2 steel ball bearings – which I shot up in only a few minutes, shooting at empty soda cans and empty milk jugs. Darn!I had to run to town, to the local big box store, and purchase a couple hundred more ball bearings – and in no time at all (again) I was out of ammo. Next day, I went to town again, and purchased a good supply of ball bearing ammo from the local big box store, so I’d have enough ammo to last me through several days of target shooting.
I’m here to tell you, that with only a little bit of practice, I found myself hitting empty cans at 25-yards without any trouble at all. I even placed some cans out to 50-yards, and about a third of time, I’d hit one, and they were hit with authority enough to make ’em go flying too. I didn’t do any small game hunting because I haven’t picked-up my hunting license for this year. However, I believe that the Montie Gear Y-Shot slingshot is capable of taking small game like squirrels and rabbits, as well as larger birds like turkeys, too…and we have a lot of wild turkeys are my rural country road. The slingshot would also discourage someone from coming very close to your property, with a well-aimed shot to the body or leg. Now, I’m not saying that you should purchase a mere slingshot for personal defense. However, if someone were trying to sneak on your property, and they took a hit from a steel ball bearing, they’d sure know that they weren’t welcomed. It would also keep pests out of your yard, too – stray cats or dogs.
I honestly believe, that there is a place in a Prepper’s arsenal for a good slingshot. It would be great for taking birds and other small critters for the stew pot – and you can do it silently, too. What’s not to like about this? And, ammo is plentiful, if you only use rocks as ammo. However, rocks are not nearly as accurate as ball bearings or round lead ball ammo – be advised! I personally wouldn’t want to take a hit from a steel ball bearing launched from the Montie Gear Y-Shot slingshot. I saw what it did to aluminum cans and milks jugs – they were easily penetrated out to 25-yards.
Now, while you can go to the local big box store, and buy a pretty decent slingshot, you won’t find one as nearly well-made as the Y-Shot is, or one that will hold up for a lifetime. Were there any negatives about the Y-Shot? Yeah, It only came with 30 ball bearings – I’d like to see at least a hundred included in the package. I’d also like to see at least one spare rubber band and pouch included – because sooner or later, the rubber band is gonna break on you. Full retail price on the Y-Shot is $99.95 – a bit spendy, to be sure. But if you compare this slingshot to ALL the others, you’re gonna see the difference, and it’s a big difference, too. The Y-Shot is outstanding and will give you a lifetime of pleasure – so long as you don’t run out of ammo. And, you will run out of ammo very fast – it is very addictive shooting the Y-Shot – trust me, the little kid in me is telling you the truth.
So, if you’re in the market for the world’s best slingshot, look no farther that the Y-Shot. Is it worth almost a hundred bucks? Yeah, to me it is, and I think you’ll also agree, if you get one, that it’s worth the money. Just make sure when you order your Y-Shot from Montie Gear, that you get some more ball bearings and a couple extra rubber bands with the leather pouch.
I’ve tested a lot of firearms and knives over the years, and to be sure, they were all a lot of fun. But I don’t recall when I had more fun testing a product, than the fun I had with the Y-Shot slingshot. It’s fun to shoot, silent and accurate…and it’s capable of taking small game and birds for the stew pot when the SHTF if need be. If it sounds like I’m more than a little excited about this product, I am. It brought out even more of the little kid in me. And, if I had this slingshot when I was a kid, I would have been king of the block, and would have been known as an “Ace” with it. Check this slingshot out on the Montie Gear web site and you’ll probably get one.
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