Letter Re: Melting Lead for the Meltdown

I wasn’t going to say anything about some of the lead info on your site, but this last one warning of perspiration making lead explode was too much.
Yes, molten lead is very hot and it holds many many calories.  It will burn skin like crazy.  But for water to be a problem it has to go under the surface and do it quickly.  If it can make it under the surface before it turns to steam then when it does turn to steam it does so with some violence.  This can push lead out of the pot.  But the water has to go under the surface.  Dropping a drop of sweat onto the surface of the molten lead with make the sweat turn to steam right there on the surface.  No problem.  Six or seven hundred degree lead will vaporize water so fast that it isn’t all that easy to get it under the surface.  But when you do, well, the technical term for that is a “Visit from the Tinsel Fairy”.
One way that it is easy to get water under the surface fast enough to cause an explosion is to drop some lead that has ice on it into the molten lead.  That  would do it.
I have piled wheel weights that were covered with ice into an empty smelting pot and turned the heat on.  As the lead heats, and well before any melts all the ice turns to water and then steam and evaporates safely away.
If one wants to learn all about casting then go here:http://castboolits.gunloads.com/index.php  This site is clearing away the old wives tales that have been stuck to casting since forever.  Like fluxing with a piece of wax/bullet lube.  Wrong way to do it and now we know it. – Cat

Bowel Issues – Part 2, by Dr. Bob

Mechanical bowel problems
Mechanical bowel problems can include gallstones, bezoars, malrotation, ileus, foreign bodies, food impaction, stool impaction, tumors both cancerous and benign, and intussusception.  Then there is the mechanical problem we can actually do something about in a TEOTWAWKI environment:  constipation.  First, we will review the list and talk a little bit about prevention and conservative treatments of the list above; then we can spend some time reviewing the prevention, treatment, and management of constipation.  We will also talk a little about constipation’s frequent sidekick:  hemorrhoids.  Fun topics, to be sure, but a little knowledge in these areas may one day really help your overall peace and comfort in a survival situation.
Gallstones form in the gall bladder and can obstruct the cystic duct, the common bile duct, or worse at the opening of the small intestine causing a painful and potentially deadly condition called pancreatitis.  Gallstones most often pass on their own without problems.  They can be encouraged to pass with a simple home remedy that Docswife herself has used successfully:  3 tablespoons of olive oil with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.  This remedy encourages gall bladder spasm and emptying, and it seems to work for those stones that are “on the line” of being big enough to cause problems but just need a little shove.  It is worth a try if you have no surgical options in the future.  If you know that you have had gall bladder problems before and still do on occasion, now would be the time for an elective surgery to remove it.  Don’t wait until it is not an option.
A bezoar is a collection of compacted indigestible material that accumulates in your digestive tract, and can sometimes block the intestine (large or small) and is synonymous with a food impaction.  Bezoars usually form in the stomach, though they may also occur in the intestines.  Bezoars can be made of fibrous vegetables (celery, etc.),  hair, fibers or medications that don’t digest properly.  Usually it is the “rolling” feature of digestion that continues to “ball up” whatever is starting the bezoar into a larger problem.  Bezoars may cause lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and a feeling of fullness after eating small amounts.  Bezoars most often occur in people with certain risk factors; like those with delayed stomach emptying, people with diabetes, or end-stage kidney disease.  Without one of the risk factors for bezoars, you’re not likely to develop them.  If you are high risk, reduce your intake of foods with higher indigestible cellulose to reduce your risk.
Malrotation, intussusception, and ileus are all mechanical bowel problems caused by the wave-like muscle contractions of the intestines.  Malrotation is just what it sounds like, the bowel “twists up” in the wrong way and pinches off the flow “downriver” and causes a backup.  This leads to pain, cramping, vomiting, and eventually death as the bowel will die of at the site of the twist.  Intussusception is a “tunneling” problem where the bowel slips inside another section of bowel and sometimes gets stuck.  It most often is a problem of children 3 to 5 months old and rarely it is a problem of older adults.  If an adult suffers from intussusception, it is nearly always from another cause (like cancer).  Intussusception is a very serious problem as the intestine will begin to swell and then the problem worsens and then can cause perforation which will lead to abdominal infection and death without surgery.  Ileus is the lack thereof of such contractions, almost always after a surgery.  Ileus is very common in hospitals now, as when a person wakes from surgery the bowels sometimes take longer to “wake up” and this is why nurses ask incessantly about passing gas and your bowels if you have ever had a surgery before.
Foreign bodies are self-explanatory.  Most often children and psychiatric patients will swallow things they should not and it can cause obvious bowel trouble.  Amazingly, coins smaller than a quarter will almost always pass through a child without problems.  Single coins, buttons, and other non-pointy objects will usually pass through the bowel without problem.  Lots of things that are eaten that you would think may cause problems like straight pins, needles, and other metal objects can often be digested by our stomach acid and are rendered fairly harmless.  Obviously, if you swallow something that cuts into your bowel or blocks it entirely, bad things will happen post-collapse.  Don’t do that, and keep others in your group (like kids) from doing it too.
Tumors can cause many of the above secondary circumstances, due to the mass itself.  Malrotation and impaction are common due to tumors, both benign and cancerous.  Bleeding can occur with any larger tumor that is eroding the bowel wall.  If erosive or large enough, the tumor can cause perforation leading to unhappy non-survivor syndrome.  There is nothing you can do about a tumor once you have it post-grid, so make sure to get your colonoscopy if you are over 50 and see your doctor for any tumor concerns now.
Food impaction was discussed just a bit ago, because bezoars are sometimes food.  Other times, food gets far enough digested to become a fecal impaction.  Impaction is related to, but different from constipation itself.  Impaction is due to the “rolling” action of the bowels previously mentioned.  In some instances, this rolling can cause large “balls” or “rolls” of stool to harden into nearly rock-like stools.  These can get large enough to need to be removed surgically at times.  Children that often avoid bowel movements are at high risk.  Once, I helped coach a child suffering from impaction to birth an impaction ball that was literally the size of a baseball.  Amazing, and it must have hurt to be sure.  Impaction can cause severe pain, diarrhea as the stool blocks other stool behind it but lets liquid pass around it, and ultimately vomiting as the stool backs up all the way to the source.  Perforation of the bowel can occur, which again leads to bad outcomes at TEOTWAWKI.
Long before impaction comes constipation.  Constipation should and probably will have its own article in the future.  The short version of the story is prevention.  Prevent constipation before it starts, or treat it early to clear it before it worsens and bad things happen.  Prevention starts with being informed.  Regular bowel movements are important, bowel health is essential to survival long-term and comfort short-term.  Fluid and fiber, fluid and fiber, fluid and fiber.  Repeat.  No one should ever take fiber without thinking consciously about increasing their fluid intake.  It’s that simple a rule.  Fiber goes with fluid, and visa verse.  Another that I stress for patients is regular exercise.  Moving around seems to help move around your bowels.  This is another reason nurses get you up and moving after surgery to encourage your bowels and prevent ileus.  Darn, those nurses are smart!  Laxatives should be used as a last resort for management of constipation, but again waiting too long can cause more of a problem to solve.  There is a fine line in using laxatives too much, but in TEOTWAWKI laxatives will be scarce and should be used sparingly.  After all these have failed to produce results, mineral oil enemas and disimpaction are the final options.
With constipation or with simple diet changes can come hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids are more common with protein-heavy diets, and with increased physical activity.  Hemorrhoids can be miserable, and sometimes internal hemorrhoidal bleeding can be severe, even life-threatening at times.  Prevention and early treatment are the best approaches.  Prevention of hemorrhoids is accomplished with the same general recommendations as constipation; but also witch hazel wipes, anti-hemorrhoidal medications and plain old ice used early can really help nip the bud in this situation.  Diet changes often will cause constipation and hemorrhoids, sometimes both, sometimes one then the other.  Weight control, regularity in diet, regular exercise, and sweat control can all help prevent or reverse hemorrhoids quicker.  All preppers should have a good supply of witch hazel wipes and hemorrhoid suppositories for treatment.  Ice may not be available, but if it is, ice is a much better treatment plan than topical gels or creams.  Good hygiene can also help treat hemorrhoids once they start, keeping everything nice and clean and dry down there is essential.

JWR Adds: Dr. Bob is is one of the few consulting physicians in the U.S. who prescribes antibiotics for disaster preparedness as part of his normal scope of practice. His web site is: SurvivingHealthy.com.

Recipe Of The Week:

Pumpkin Soup, by Mrs. R.L.B.

Pumpkins store very well, which makes this a great recipe to have on hand. I have made this with a variety of pumpkins and other winter squash, including butternut squash, but I have also used some pretty odd looking varieties of squash out of curiosity at the store. (If it kind of looks like a pumpkin, it will probably work. ) This soup has always come out great despite my experimentation.  When you plant your pumpkins, consider planting a variety so that you have a better chance of growing and storing successfully.
Two tricks to better storage of pumpkins are: 1) to let them set out in the sun for a week to harden the crust and, 2) to leave a length of stem on when you harvest them (see the book Root
Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables
Mike Bubel and Nancy Bubel, a very worthwhile book!)  Then move them to your cellar.  Everything else in the recipe grows in the garden or can be stored in a can or as a dried spice. If you store canned pumpkin, you can still make this up, or consider making batches ahead of time and canning with a pressure cooker.  Just take out the anise before canning.
Another great source of pumpkin recipes is the little cookbook "The Pumpkin Book".  This came out of the Pumpkin Festival held at Half Moon Bay, California. Note:  Don’t forget to add a food press to your survival kitchen list. 

It’s worth making now! Get some practice on this one and try it at least once with butternut squash.

Pumpkin Soup

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Pinch of nutmeg

2 Tbsp Shallots or Onions

Chopped finely ½ star anise

1 tsp garlic, minced

4 cups chicken stock

3 Cups pumpkin

2 Tbsp butter (not really necessary, I seldom add it)

1/8 tsp cinnamon

Ground salt and pepper

Cut the pumpkin in half, scrape out those precious heirloom seeds and don’t lose them. Bake the squash in a solar oven or similar oven with a little water in the pan, until it is easily pierced with a fork. Mash or puree the cooked squash in a food press and set aside. (If you have electricity still, use a food processor). Add a little oil to the cooking pot, then add the shallots, garlic and cook, stirring often to soften. Add the squash and the spices and cook stirring for 5 minutes. Add the chicken stock and bring to a simmer for about 5 minutes. Season well with salt and fresh pepper and just before serving add the butter and whisk in.

Chef’s Notes:

I have cooked this many times without butter and can’t tell the difference.

The anise can be fished out, rinsed, dried and reused a couple of times in future batches.

Useful Recipe and Cooking Links:

The gals over at Food Storage Made Easy have compiled a free cook book with shelf stable ingredient recipes from their readers. This is a great book to add to your kitchen reference binder.

Check out the plethora of great recipes and tips at Red Dirt Cooking, such as this one: Cowhand Soup.

Do you have a favorite recipe that you have tested extensively? Then please e-mail it to us for posting. Thanks!

Odds ‘n Sods:

I heard that Ready Made Resources will have a booth at the upcoming Dallas, Texas Self Reliance Expo on February 10th and 11th.They tell me that they will have Mountain House foods available by the case–over $30,000 worth of inventory at the show available for you to take home immediately. They will also have with them: Country Living grain mills Goal Zero solar power products, Katadyn,  and Ultimate Survival kits, as well as many others. Anyone who desires absolute privacy  can purchase there at the show without any records. (So bring plenty of cash!)

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Preview of the future north of the border? 2,500 Cops in Mexico Abandon Their Homes Thanks to Cartels. (A tip of the sombrero to R.C. for the link.)

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There have been several new property listings added at our spin-off SurvivalRealty.com web site, including a former Marble Mine in Arkansas.

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From J McC. comes this bit of humorous news: Cops Bust Naked Burglar Covered In Chocolate, Peanut Butter

Note from JWR:

Today we present another two entries for Round 39 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $275 value), and E.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo.

Second Prize: A.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol. It is a $439 value courtesy of Next Level Training. B.) A FloJak F-50 hand well pump (a $349 value), courtesy of FloJak.com. C.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, D.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials, and E.) two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value) and F.) A Tactical Trauma Bag #3 from JRH Enterprises (a $200 value).

Third Prize: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, C.) A Commence Fire! emergency stove with three tinder refill kits. (A $160 value.), and D.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Round 39 ends on March 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

A Survivalist Plan of Action and a Survivalist Mindset, by Ringo

I have recently retired from the military and have began to dig deeper into the survivalist arena. I have always been interested in this area for quite some time but have not really dedicated the amount of time that I want due to job requirements, life events etc. I have been reading all the blogs, videos and write ups about prepping, survival and there are a lot of good information out there. So I decided to use my 26 years of military experience (4 yeas Infantry, 6 years Long Range Surveillance and 16 years Special Forces)  and apply pertinent concepts toward the Survivalist Mindset.  In this paper I will discuss some planning considerations for establishing a Survival Plan of Action (SPA) and the survivalist mind set. Your skills and abilities are tools in the tool box (your mind). Hopefully this discussion will aid you into adding more tools to your tool box.                 

Throughout the Internet and online blogs you have seen a plethora of acronyms dealing with prepping, survival, and the end of the world.  Some are The Schumer Hits The Fan (TSHTF), The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI), BOB – Bug Out Bag, Get Out Of Dodge (G.O.O.D.), But we don’t have an overall acronym for all the planning, resource identification, rehearsing, etc that encompasses the entirety of what we do to accomplish all of this great information and techniques. This is where the SPA comes into play. It is the Survival Plan of Action (SPA). This document should include information that outlines your groups plan to Get Home, Bug Out, Bug In, Get Out of Dodge, etc. You can add to this document by adding Annexes to augment the information like Food Storage Inventories, Vehicle Inventories,  or Bug Out Site Inventories.

I am currently working on a format to help with creating your SPA. It will include the base document, annexes, appendices and tabs, which will be all inclusive to every scenario.  Now if one decides to establish a SPA he must take the utmost care in securing it in a safe and secure location that only a select few will know or have access. One technique is to have a hard copy sealed in an envelope in a safe. If you have a digital copy or use a computer to write one, use a laptop that is never connected to the internet preferably with a removable hard drive. If you store a back up on a thumb drive with all your personal information place this in your envelope also.

Area Study

One of the first things you should do is conduct a comprehensive area study of your operational area (home site, get home route, bug out site, etc) especially if you have recently moved or plan on relocating to a more suitable area. Some of you may be saying “I have lived here all my life” then this area study should be real easy. You will be surprised with information that you find or might never have considered. This area study should be a living document (continue to update and add information) and your base resource document for planning.

Why is it good to have one? Several reasons; if you plan on establishing a group survival area, the new members of your group can read the document to become familiar with the area. If you have distant family members relocating to the area with you, you can send them the document so they can become familiar with the area. These documents should be a great addition to your survival SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).

This document is all open source and contains the following basic  information (not all inclusive): Natural environment, Demographics/Cultural features, and Lines of Communications/Information Systems. Since this is a living document you will periodically update it and add additional information. If you need to add new categories or scenario plans, just add an annex, appendix or tab to your overall SPA.

When you are researching the natural environment include all geographical data.  Consider your operational area and dimensions; state, county and municipal boundaries; terrain,  general direction of mountain ranges, areas that provide good concealment/cover, the general degree of slope, large open fields suitable to land small aircraft, hazards toward movement, natural routes over land, natural resources for survival, historic land use, suitable locations for hole up sites or base camps, typical climate overview, temperature tables, snow/rainfall, wind/visibility, sun/moon table, general drainage pattern, river flow and current, location of lakes/ponds, potable water resources, coastal tides/currents, beaches, and areas that are good for subsistence. Remember to include seasonal changes to all these categories.

In the demographics and cultural section be sure to include area population estimates, location of towns,  ethnic composition, language, social conditions, religious factors, medical/health information, economic conditions, political factors, type of currency, typical dress, customs, local government information, travel restrictions, local degree of self sufficiency, agricultural information, local industrial information, and commerce/trade information.

When it comes to lines of communication/information systems we are referring to how do people commute and communicate in the area. Include location/direction of interstates, state highways, county roads, forest service roads, jeep trails, hiking trails; major active and inactive rail ways, navigable waterways, location of large and small ports, harbors, marinas; location of gas stations, petroleum storage; location and type of power plants, sub stations, transmission lines; location of radio broadcasting stations, telephone companies, satellite companies and newspaper offices.

When writing your SPA, you will get pertinent information from this section. Like urban and rural key terrain (places to avoid or to occupy) , avenues of approach (places for travel routes and places for avoid ambushes, choke points, bridges, river crossings), the best times to move in total darkness (no illumination), time of year with the best or worse weather (seasonal effects of weather on terrain and visibility), river and stream data (depth, width, flow rate and direction of flow, potable water), coastal data (tides, beach type, coves) towns with dense or sparse populations, subsistence data (cultivated, natural wildlife),government offices (urban key terrain),  military bases, governmental control measures (check points, curfews, population control measures), health data and hospitals, areas with friendly or favorable ethnic/social/religious factors,  agriculture and domestic food supply, natural resources, percentage of self sufficiency, manufacturing plants, local dress to assist with “blending in”,  economic trends over a period of time.

Your area study is basically a plethora of information that you update over time. It will give you all the information that you will need to plan all your scenarios. Use it to assist you planning your Get Home Plan (GHP), Bug Out Plan (BOP),  or your Link Up Plan (LUP). 

Planning considerations

When planning your scenarios there are a few acronyms to discuss. METT-TC, OCOKA, PACE and PRSCC. These acronyms will assist you in planning multiple scenarios and establishing SOP’s. A few of these will be used throughout your planning and during your scenarios to assist you in your decision making process. IN the following discussion I will focus on a Get Home Scenario.

METT-TC is used primarily during your initial planning phase. M stands for mission (what is your mission? Get Home) you should state who is doing the mission, where are they going, what is to be accomplished and when is it going to happen.  E stands for enemy situation (basically this is any hostile group) you want to detail their size, location, operational area and equipment to include weapons. T stands for Terrain and Weather (specific to your mission not your entire area of operations) for weather you want to discuss the effects on you and the hostile forces. When covering terrain you will use OCOKA, which  I will cover later in this section. T stands for Troops available (personnel that you have or need to accomplish the mission). The second T stands for time available to accomplish the mission. Do you have one day or a week? C stands for civilian considerations. You can put in this section the potential for mass refugees or displaced persons congesting up the main roadways, possible direction of mass evacuations from built up areas in your mission area. So by using METT-TC you are taking information from your area study and experience to narrow down information for your specific mission.

The next is OCOKA. This one is used for detailing the terrain section in METT-TC.  O is for observation and fields of fire.  You need to determine locations along your route that provide the best observation of and from road ways, towns, bridges. rivers etc. C is for cover and concealment. Cover is something that will protect you from small arms fire and concealment only conceals your location. Identify locations that aid you in your movement home by vehicle and foot. Which route offers the best concealment and what locations along your route provide good cover. The second O is for obstacles. you want to identify any obstructions along your route, destroyed bridges, natural terrain that hinders vehicular movement like a swamp or large bodies of water. K is for key terrain. Identify locations  or areas (natural or manmade) that the seizure, retention, or control of affords a marked advantage to either friend or foe.  A is for avenues of approach. Identify all road ways, trails, power line paths, railroad tracks between you and your home. Don’t forget to consider aerial and subterranean routes.

The third one is PACE. When constructing your plan you do not want to have only one route, one location, one vehicle or one weapon. You need flexibility and depth just like a NFL teams roster. This one is very simple. P is for primary, A is for alternate, C is for contingency, E is for emergency. Keep in mind that in some cases you will not use all of the PACE, mostly you will only use the P and A. It is up to you  and your resources how deep you are able to go. Bottom line, you should always have at least an alternate plan, route, weapon or location. So using a PACE for all your scenarios or missions is essential to good planning. Personally, I always have a primary weapon and an alternate weapon. 

The last one is the PRSCC  or the Five Principles of Patrolling. . It is used heavily by any combat force that conducts patrolling,  P is for planning. In the previous paragraphs I have discussed planning extensively, so I will not dwell on this one. R is for reconnaissance. Reconnaissance should always be part of your planning. It should be implemented at the beginning and continued throughout your mission.  You can accomplish this through maps, imagery and actually traveling the route (best choice) . By actually traveling the route you will identify any known obstacles, alternate routes and potential hole up sites, to include the time needed to accomplish. S is for security. Security is a constant throughout your planning and scenario. Keeping your documents locked up and your situational awareness while moving applies. Whether traveling alone or in a group always stop, look,  listen and smell (SLLS) first when setting up your camp. After this you should always have a conduct a short recon around your area to identify key terrain or avenues of approach that can assist you or effect you, to include water resupply. If everything is safe then you can ensure your weapons are ready to go and then eat. Once you have eaten and water is filled, then you can implement a rest plan. If you are in a group, not everyone cleans their weapons or eats at the same time. Always have someone on guard during the rest plan. C is for control. Control is any method, terrain or device that will help you control your team, movement or mission. Such as check points, phase lines, limit of advance, contact points, decision points, No later than times (NLT), no earlier than times (NET) and boundaries (left limit or right limit). The last C is for common sense. Common sense is not so common. So always do a common sense check with all decisions. Identify the your action, the reaction to it (from enemy) and what your counter reaction would be if it happened.


Having the correct mindset is the most important aspect to survival. With the proper mindset, you can achieve anything. So you can say survival is mainly a mental game. You should always keep your situational awareness, stay healthy, have the proper equipment and the right skills to survive.

Situation awareness (SA) is very important during all your activities, not just when a survival situation hits. Some would say stay alert, stay alive. Maintaining your SA will prevent you from becoming a victim. If I am on a trip or in an area unfamiliar to me, I apply the 51% rule. I look around me and see what the majority of the people are wearing, their actions and mannerisms, their type of vehicle, or other habits of the environment. Kind of like, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” By doing this, you will blend in with your surroundings and not stand out. Just blending in will help you not be a victim or a target. You can prepare yourself by researching the area you will be traveling. The next time you go somewhere and park in the parking lot. Look around and see how many vehicles are backed into a parking space versus parking “normal” in a space. You will begin to take notice of these vehicles every time you go out.

Staying healthy and in good shape is the second thing to consider. If you are overweight and out of shape you can become injured easier. This is probably the hardest thing to accomplish for some people. Lifestyles and life events can affect you. Always begin slow and never over do it. If you over do it and are unable to function the next day, it will discourage you from continuing. Set yourself small, realistic goals and give yourself plenty of time to achieve them. Get your whole family involved with a new diet and exercise routine. This will aid you in your goal of getting in shape, not to mention the benefits for your entire family. I am not saying you need to be a professional athlete but just stay healthy with a good diet and exercise routine.

The third thing you need is the proper equipment, basic foundation and skill sets. You need to look at your budget and realize how much you have to acquire the right tools of the trade. Just do not buy an item because it is a “name brand” or the “most expensive.” These terms do not always equate to good, versatile and solid tools. Research and test (if possible) these item before you purchase them. Establish your survival fundamentals or foundation. By this I mean your navigation, water procurement, food procurement, shelter making and fire making skills.

You need to learn the basic ways to accomplish each of these tasks. The ability to achieve each of these with a minimalist type of kit. A GPS is great to aid your navigation but when the batteries go out or you smash the screen it is a paper weight. So understanding how to navigate by the sun, stars and/or compass and map is critical. Learn how to start a fire without a lighter or match. Learn how to make a shelter out of natural materials, learn how to trap food, improvise a weapon to assist your hunt. Learn how to acquire water through various means. Once you have mastered the basics, then move on to more advanced techniques.

Do not go out and buy the entire Wal-Mart camping section, place it in your pack or vehicle and call it good. Because it is not learning the basics, it is a waste of time and money. There are a lot of videos, blogs and so called “experts” out there on the internet. Use your 5th principle of patrolling (common sense) when looking at these sites. You will realize that they are unqualified individuals that have no experience or training. That being said, there are a lot of great videos, blogs and web sites from people who have those skill sets and the experience. Good luck in all your endeavors. Remember to learn the basic fundamentals, acquire the right tools and sharpen your skill sets. You have the tool box, all you need to do is to add the right tools. De Oppresso Liber.

Prepping for Less and for the First Time Prepper, by Becky Bear

Recently, because of some significant financial changes in our life (including moving halfway across country, one of us unable to find work and the other getting laid off, and then getting a job at 50% of the previous salary) we are no longer able to invest as we done in the past. However, because we invested in prepping prior to our sudden reversal of fortune, what would normally happen in this type of financial emergency merely became a financial irritant. Even without 75% of our previous income, we are still able to live well and continue our prepping effort, if only on a reduced scale.
There are several things that many of my non-prepper, and less well-to-do friends, say that prevents them from prepping. The top three excuses that I hear are:

  1. I don’t know where to start
  2. I don’t have enough money to invest in prepping
  3. It’s too late to prep; if I haven’t done it by now, I won’t have what I need when TSHTF.

These are the responses our family gives to those who don’t believe they can, or should, prep:

  1. Not knowing where to start is no excuse. Every person knows what he or she will not eat. Every parent knows what their children’s favorite foods are. Get your kids involved to let them pick their favorite foods and give them a chance to learn about food storage along with you.
  2. Start a list of what your family likes to eat. Pick favorite meals, treats, and drinks.
  3. Then create a customized list of items that it would be useful to have extras of in your home in an emergency.
  4. Use your customized list to check for sales and coupons at the grocery store, focusing only on those items that are 1) on your list and 2) on sale at that time. Buy only the sale items that on your list, and only buy items on your list when they are on sale. This will save you a lot of money over the long term.
  5. Start small. If you normally purchase groceries for only one week, then use the sales to purchase extra to create an additional week’s worth of food in your home. Once you have an extra week’s worth, then go for a month’s worth.
  6. Take a week’s worth of lunch savings and pick up plastic tubs or boxes at yard sales, thrift stores, or on Craigslist. Ask your local grocery store deli for any food grade buckets and lids they are normally throw away.
  7. Stock your extra food purchases in the buckets and prominently label and date the contents. (We use a lot of plastic “shoe” containers for under the beds at our house. Not only does that prevent the kids’ toys, clothes, and junk from getting shoved under the bed, but storing the items in airtight containers under the bed keeps them away from light and extends their storage life.)
  8. If space is limited, try these ideas in order to store these items. You can then create a shelf unit with the buckets as separators between the shelves, or stack the buckets and put a round top (cut out of plywood) on them to create a side table which is covered with a large round table cloth to hide the fact they are now storage.
  9. Remember to rotate your stored food. When you buy new items for your food storage, place them at the back of the storage area, and refill your regular pantry area with items from the front of your storage. This will ensure that your food doesn’t go bad and you don’t lose money. Failure to use your food storage through a rotation process has cost many a prepper lots of money in waste.
  10. A final note on not knowing where to start: If you are in debt, make an honest effort to pay off your debts before investing a huge portion of what you have in lunchtime saves in food storage. If you can avoid using credit cards, do it. If you can invest your sack lunch savings into paying extra, do it and get those credit cards down to a zero balance. Once you have done that, you will find you have a lot more money to invest in prepping. As I stated earlier, we have recently lost 75% of our previous income. However, the first thing we did as a couple was to pay off all debt – that included college loans and credit cards. We paid off our car loans and did not replace them with newer or fancier models. We were fortunate to pull our investments before the last big drop and use the money to pay off our home; without a $1,500 mortgage payment, we were able to transition to 25% of our former income. That and our three month food storage supply were great comforts while we were both looking for work.
  11. Prepping doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. There are ways to make your dollar stretch if you really want to prep.
  12. As I stated earlier, we have had a significant change in our income levels, and added an additional mouth to feed. However, because of our preparations we have stopped purchasing (temporarily) bulk food storage from online vendors and have been exploring the following food storage methods, and have had some very positive results!
  13. If you go out to lunch every day at work, take just two days and bring a sack lunch. Depending on where you eat, that will save you $10-to-$30 dollars per week that can be used to invest in prepping. (Now that we are down to a quarter of our previous income, with only one of us working, we avoid eating out at all, and bring lunch to work every day. This has cut our food bill by easily $100-150 per week between the lunches at work and going out to dinner twice a week. Not only that, but we’ve eaten better than we used to eating out and lost weight, which is a complete win-win in my book.)
  14. Take half the money saved by bringing lunch and spend an hour or two each week couponing and sales surfing. Hit the grocery stores during sales and with coupons, where you can buy the normal things you eat in bulk at the same amount you would normally spend on just one or two items. The 10 for $10 aisles are a great place to shop for food storage as well.

I saw a lady at the local grocery store just this weekend buying huge amounts of items using the weekly mailer from the store. She had 10 boxes of spaghetti, about 20 cans of soups, even more canned fruits and vegetables, a bunch of boxed meals like Hamburger Helper, boxed side meals like Rice-a-Roni, and a large amount of powdered drink mixes in her cart. As I waiting in line behind her, I watched her grocery bill go back to normal with each coupon she handed to the cashier. Between the 10 for $10 and couples, her shopping cart – piled high with stuff that every family eats – cost her about $40 and change. That’s some good shopping!

  1. Take the other half of the money you saved by brown bagging it and shop the Dollar Stores. You can buy personal hygiene and cleaning supplies, sewing kits and patches, crackers and cereal, bottle water and juices, hard candies and travel toys (comfort items), first aid and over the counter medicines, and spices and seasonings (including bouillon) for a huge discount.
  2. Once a month, take the money you’ve saved from your sack lunches and invest it in thrift store shopping. Purchase camping gear, gently used warm weather clothing and shoes, backpacks and bags, blankets, pots and pans, and used books. We have been able to buy excellent travel bags in a variety of sizes. These bags have been used to create custom first aid kits, 72 hour kits for our vehicles, emergency kits for kids to carry in their backpacks at school (which were great when they were stuck sheltered in place during local emergencies), and barter/charity bags for use when TSHTF. Other awesome finds were a pressure cooker and a seal-a-meal, which we have been able to use to do home food preservation.
  3. Use the resources available on the Internet. The SurvivalBlog.com has great prepping information, as does LDS.org and many others. Find your local agricultural extension groups and web pages, where they can help you identify the best local produce, growing seasons, and methods for preserving local foods. These web sites can also help you find information on local wild foods, good recipes, and other helpful bits of information to make you better prepared, even if you are completely unable to spend a dime on purchasing food storage at this time.
  4. It’s never too late to prep. Even if you are only able to afford to spend $5 a week, or $5 a month, the extra supplies you have on hand may just be the thing you need in an emergency. If you cannot afford to spend an extra dime, the knowledge gained from internet research can help you be more mentally prepared in the case of emergency. This can include where to find local wild foods, learning first aid, learning canning and food preservation, and other information that will be necessary to do more than just endure in an emergency.

We now live in a tornado prone area. While we are fairly safe in a sheltered zone (most of the tornadoes touch land around our area), we still have to contend with power outages, lack of water, and sewer shut downs. While these have only been of a two or three day duration, having ready to eat foods stored (prepared using canning how-tos found on our local agricultural extension web site), enough water stored to last for three days, and emergency hygiene capability (I love the bucket potty and doody-bags found on beprepared.com) makes for a much more comfortable temporary emergency.

Even if you don’t have an emergency based upon natural disasters, there are other types of emergencies that can hit. Epidemics (or pandemics) can strike, where quarantines may occur. Temporary illnesses, such as a bad flu or strep throat, or even injuries can happen that may prevent the adults in the family from working, going grocery shopping, or even cooking meals. Having a supply of easy to prepare food in your pantry or 3-month storage will make it easier for you family to eat. Having extra hygiene products (including formula and diapers if you have infants and toddlers) will enable the sick/injured adult(s) to rest and avoid going to the store.
In this economic downturn, financial crises and emergencies are rampant. Many people are losing their jobs through no fault of their own, being forced to survive on unemployment or on part-time jobs. Having a one to three-month supply of food is a wonder safety net to have when this occurs. Having a full year’s supply of food is even better, but for the first time prepper or for those who need to prep for less, even a week of extra food may be the lifeline that is needed during a crisis.

  1. Prepping doesn’t have to been done by someone with a “Ph.D. in Prepperology.” Using basic common sense practicality to identify foods that your family will eat is the first step in getting started. Using free tools available on the internet, the library, and at local agricultural extensions will help even the newest prepper learn the basics and beyond.
  2. Prepping doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There is no point in getting into debt to prep. Using practical approaches to saving money to use on prepping is the best approach, as is shopping sales, dollar stores, and thrift stores. Craigslist free pages are also a good place to look, as are local yard and estate sales.
  3. It is never too late to prep, unless you are dead. As long as you are alive, you can and should prepare yourself and your family for tough times. It doesn’t take a major SHTF scenario for your preparedness to be useful. Many times your preps become a major benefit to you and your family during a simple illness, injury, or layoff. The time to prep is now, no matter what your circumstance.

Letter Re: Insurance Companies Encourage Immunization Paternalism

  As a practicing physician, I would like to alert your readers to a new policy which we are beginning to see from our insurance companies.&nbsp; As these companies become increasingly paternalistic, it is important to keep abreast of just what they are requiring, especially since most of these policies are invisible from the subscribers’ viewpoint.&nbsp; What we are seeing specifically is a policy under which we (the physicians) are penalized if parents opt out of vaccines, check-ups or follow-up visits.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The key here is that if you opt to follow a vaccine or check-up schedule that differs from that which your insurance company recommends, they will decrease my reimbursement for the entire panel.&nbsp; This means that if you have Anthem insurance (for example) and decline your chicken pox shot, we are at risk of losing up to 1% of our reimbursement for every patient who has the same insurance.&nbsp; At my practice that is roughly 50% of my patients.&nbsp; That may not seem like a lot, but here it would amount to about $15,000.&nbsp; Multiply that by every vaccine which is declined.&nbsp; The result will be that if you opt to vary from the schedule your insurance company &quot;recommends,&quot; we would ask you to seek your care elsewhere.&nbsp; This is wonderful from the insurance company’s viewpoint because it <strong>makes us the bad guys</strong>.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Please review your policy for this kind of &quot;incentive.&quot;&nbsp; While I am very supportive of vaccination and check ups, I also feel that it is not my job to be an enforcer, but to be a partner and educator.&nbsp; It is these kinds of policies that are driving good folks out of the medical field. – Peds Doc in Virginia</p>

Two Letters Re: Melting Lead for the Meltdown


Anyone casting lead must understand that Molten Lead and Water or Perspiration don’t mix!
Just One Drop of Water in the Lead Pot and…BOOM, an instant steam explosion.
Casting lead is hot business.
Standing over the pot you feel one drop of perspiration run down your brow, down the bridge of your nose right to the tip and in the pot.
By the time you realize what just happened, well… it’s too late.
That one little drop of sweat will most likely cause a violent explosion of molten lead all over you and every thing in the area.
Causing severe burns, maybe blindness and possibly a fire. That sweating glass of iced tea, or even a runny nose can put you in a bad situation. Wheel weights can hold a drop of water just under the clamp. Don’t drop them in the pot to save time.
A couple other good safety items would be sweatbands for the forehead and wrists and a full facemask instead of just safety glasses.
I personally believe melting lead in the kitchen on the stove is particularly hazardous. There are water sources everywhere…not to mention lead contamination in the kitchen.
You don’t use the turkey fryer in the kitchen, so why cook lead in the kitchen? 

Oh, by the way, I found a great on-line site for casting lead. About anything regarding casting lead is there.
Be Safe, – Bill in The Northern Neck of Virginia

Dear JWR,
I wanted to comment on the excellent article, Melting Lead for the Meltdown, by Charles J.

I would like to add just a few small things that I have picked up in 25 years of casting. The safety gear comments are spot on. Leather boots are very important, just make sure that your pant legs are on the outside of the boots. Take it from someone that learned the hard way, it is difficult to get a chunk of hot lead out of a boot while dancing around like a fool. Likewise, a face shield, or at the minimum, safety glasses, must be worn at all times when around molten lead. When my lead pot is on, a sign is on the door to the casting room reads that NO ONE is allowed entrance without at least safety glasses. The last safety item is that no liquids are allowed in the casting room when the pot is on. No soda, no coffee, no beer (which you shouldn’t be drinking anyway when dealing with molten metal). A small amount of liquid will cause a large splash of hot lead.One last hint would be that if you are casting more than one variety of bullet, do them both at the same time. Fill one mold, then set aside. Fill the second, set aside, open the first, re-fill and set aside. Repeat. When you get into a good rhythm, you can really crank out the cast bullets. Bullet casting can be very relaxing. Just be careful doing it. – Mr. M

Economics and Investing:

F.G. sent us this: Number of U.S. expatriates increases 16% in 2011.

Diana sent us this: States seek currencies made of silver and gold

Kevin C. suggested this over at Lew Rockwell’s site: Internet Resources for the International Man

Items from The Economatrix:

S&P Warns Cuts Loom For G20 Nations

CBO:  Taxes Will Shoot Up By More Than 30% This Year

Bill Gross Explains Why “We Are Witnessing The Death Of Abundance” And Why Gold Is Becoming The Default “Store Of Value”

The Experts’ View On The Euro’s Future:  There Is None

Oil Prices Rise After Drop In US Hiring Expands

Odds ‘n Sods:

Galt’s Gulch Green Light! I just heard that Atlas Shrugged, Part 2 is set to start filming in April, with a fast-tracked (pardon the pun) release date in October, 2012. Presumably to get it in theaters before Election Day in the United States. For some reason they are re-casting the film. I should mention that I found the first film (Part 1) was fairly loyal to the original novel, and worth watching. (Thanks to Jim M. for the link. )

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Steve V. was the first of several to mention this piece over at Mac Slavo’s blog: SHTF Planning: 20 Lessons from the Streets of Cairo. (Warning: Contains some crude language.)

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German pensioner eats 64-year-old US lard. (Thanks to James C. for the link.)

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Tim J. sent this: Why hunting and gathering makes us smarter and thinner

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J McC. mentioned that he really likes this blog: A Girl and Her Gun

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Yishai sent this: Quick Release Paracord Bracelet for Emergency Deployment

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also [do] ye.
And above all these things [put on] charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” – Colossians 3:12-15 (KJV)

Note from JWR:

Today we present another two entries for Round 39 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $275 value), and E.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo.

Second Prize: A.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol. It is a $439 value courtesy of Next Level Training. B.) A FloJak F-50 hand well pump (a $349 value), courtesy of FloJak.com. C.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, D.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials, and E.) two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value) and F.) A Tactical Trauma Bag #3 from JRH Enterprises (a $200 value).

Third Prize: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, C.) A Commence Fire! emergency stove with three tinder refill kits. (A $160 value.), and D.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Round 39 ends on March 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.