What do the words “Self-Sufficiency” mean to you? Well, according to one leftist think tank in the People’s Republic of Colorado, the words “Self-Sufficiency” now apparently mean: establishing guidelines for obtaining welfare handouts, tax credits, government grants, an increased “minimum wage”, “affordable (read: taxpayer subsidized) housing”, “economic justice”, and other assorted socialist claptrap. Their calculated annual “Self-Sufficiency wage” is a whopping $68,182 per year in Denver. That would be considered rock star uber wealthiness, to 98% of the world’s population. But in Denver, it apparently means just getting by. In classic Orwellian Newspeak, what used to be called “Dependency” isnow called “Self-Sufficiency”. But no matter how they want to twist words, the statist-collectivists clearly only have one goal: extracting money out of my wallet, by force and under color of law, and then handing it to someone else, to buy their vote in the next election.
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Reader James W. suggested fascinating hour-long lecture (video): 3D Printing and the Future(or Demise) of Intellectual Property” by John Hornick
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Some seasonal wisdom from Commander Zero’s Notes From The Bunker
blog: Gas Can Fillup.
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I often have seen consulting clients confuse their needs versus their wants, in selecting survival gear. Please be dispassionate and prioritize, folks! Do you really need a $3,000 Valmet M76 .308 rifle, when a $900 PTR-91 will do the same job? People (and governments) often make poor choices of gear with dubious utility. (“Shoot! A fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.”) – JWR