Odds ‘n Sods:

Notable for their absence: You won’t find any of the American Redoubt States listed in America’s 10 Most Dangerous States. However, you will find three of the Redoubt states in the Safest States List. (And if Eastern Oregon were a separate state, it would probably make the latter list.) – JWR

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NY confiscates Navy vet’s guns, revokes his license after he sought medical help for insomnia . – H.L.

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Video: Introduction to AmRRON . – J.J.

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Girl, 7, Who Walked Away from Plane Crash Had Survival Skills: Family . Girl, 7, Who Walked Away from Plane Crash Had Survival Skills: Family– G.G.

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Scores of GIANT asteroids on course to hurtle past Earth within the month, NASA reveals. – RBS