Today’s first post is a cross-post (with permission) from Dr. Richard’s excellent Virginia Prepper’s Network Blog. His article addresses a fundamental issue that is a concern for most SurvivalBlog readers. Choosing between a rural retreat versus an “in town” approach is a decision that should be made deliberately, with plenty of study and prayer. There is not a “one size fits all” solution. Choosing a retreat locale depends upon your personal circumstances, the size of your extended family , your source of income, your health and fitness, your stage in life, and your personal envisioning of the future. OBTW, be sure to visit the Virginia Prepper’s Network blog site. If nothing else, it will give you links to the rapidly-growing network of state-level preparedness “Prepper Network” blogs and forums. (Of course, all the usual operational security (OPSEC) provisos apply. Some people, particular those in the non-Doomer camp of the Peak Oil crowd, have atrocious OPSEC discipline. If you get involved in a Prepper Network, please do your best to raise their collective OPSEC awareness, and don’t get sucked in to revealing your particulars, just because “everyone else is doing it.”)
Note from JWR:
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