News From The American Redoubt:

More of that beautiful north-central Idaho scenery: The “Lead Dog” – Elk River Trike Fly-in ’12.

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Troy H. mentioned this infographic: Mexican Drug Cartels Have Infiltrated All of These US Cities. (JWR Observes: The artist’s arrows to the middle-of-nowhere in The American Redoubt appear to be more fanciful than they are data-driven. The reality is that there is not a lot of “cartel influence” inside National Forests and out in the middle of vast tracts of BLM land. (As depicted in the map.) And note that all but one of the dots shown inside the Redoubt are keyed to “Unknown Affiliation.” Read: Guesswork.) The majority of the illicit drug trade inside the Redoubt is domestic, namely: Locally grown marijuana and locally-cooked meth.

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John H. sent a link to an amazing collection of maps that should probably be titled: The Incredible Shrinking Redoubt. Yes, the population density is truly that light here.

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Earthquakes and Tornadoes? Not many in the American Redoubt

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Reader G.M. wrote to mention Nightforce, a growing American company that is producing a quality product in Orofino, Idaho–in the middle of Redoubt country. Their list of job openings changes frequently, so check back often.