Odds ‘n Sods:

Joe K. recommended a piece in an Outdoor Life blog: Survival Skills: How To Make A Torch

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Rob L. pointed me to a video demonstration of a new sniper scope technology: TrackingPoint Demonstration.

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Regional update: Sudan, Iran, and Gaza

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November 30th is the Last Day of Safecastle’s Mountain House sale, with discounted prices on select canned favorites. Also, From November 26 to December 2, during Week 14 of our ongoing “Repel the Chaos” incentive program, Safecastle Buyers Club members who make any purchase of at least $600 in their e-store will receive a free bundle that includes a Firebox Folding Stove (uses any fuel), an Aurora Firestarter, and two ReadyFuel packets.

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The demonization begins: Kerosene Lamps Identified as Big Source of Black Carbon. The science behind this assertion are flaky, when seen in the proper conext. One good-sized volcanic eruption or a few forest fires generate far more more carbon than the entire amount of carbon produced by kerosene lamps in the U.S. each year. If the government wants to offset that impact, they should simply pony up to buy a couple of more fire retardant bombers. Oh, but wait, our government is instead spending its money kindling forest fires. (Thanks to Steven H. for the initial link.)