Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder that the ongoing Radio Free Redoubt podcast series is now available on iTunes.

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Simon Black brings us news of the latest absurdity from Nanny State Britannia: Trust me, this is good news. (OBTW, one of the comments to that article mentioned a parallel event, in California.)

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Almost half of new veterans seek disability

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G.G. flagged this surprisingly well-balanced article from The Guardian: Indian women turn to firearms against threat of violence. (Notes on the Video: The family in the opening sequence seriously needs to get some eye and ear protection! But you gotta love their Broomhandle Mauser carbine and the Road Warrior truncated double-barrel shotgun. They deserve a few style points, for those.)

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Pierre M. sent this news from Southern California: Flea-Borne Typhus Warning in Santa Ana