Odds ‘n Sods:

Damon mentioned a web site that describes the construction of inexpensive sand water filters.

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Directive 21 (one of advertisers) just added the Go Berkey Kit to heir product line. It is a smaller (one quart) Berkey system. It definitely fills a preparedness niche.

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Just as he predicted in an e-mail to me, my friend Jeff’s edits to the Wikipedia page on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition.were repeatedly ripped out by an anti-gun cabal. I am amazed at how Wikipedia has become so politicized and manipulated by the Politically Correct. Oh well, Jeff tells me that if you want to see “the rest of the story” about Mayor Bloomberg’s coalition, then take a look at the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Conservapedia page. Wow! Lots of indictments and felony convictions for members of a “crime fighting” organization!

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McChrystal: More Forces or ‘Mission Failure’ in Afghanistan