Economics and Investing:

Evan D. mentioned this article: Next bubble: Corporate bonds..or stocks

The BBC reports: Finland in double-dip recession. (Our thanks to Evan D. for the link.)

By way of The Daily Bell, we read: Britain Becomes The First To Choose Deflation

Reader S.M. sent us this: Bernanke Puzzled by Gold Rally. Obviously, Helicopter Ben doesn’t understand that gold is a proven hedge against both inflation and deflation. Thankfully, Mr. Market isn’t fooled by such political pronouncements. When I last checked, spot gold was at around €1,018 per troy ounce. This is near its all-time high in Euro terms. In my estimation, the precious metals are nowhere near their eventual top!

Schultz: Deflation Now, Hyperinflation Soon

Items from The Economatrix:

IMF’s Unpalatable Truth: Euro Must “Reform Or Die”

Europeans Believing in Gold

Gold Breaks Record as Investors Fear Recession, Currencies

Bernanke Tells Congress: Reduce The Deficit

Risks to Global Economy Have Risen Significantly

Euro Crisis Could Hit Asia, IMF Warns

Perspectives on Gold Demand

Debt Spreading “Like a Cancer”: Black Swan Author

Soros: “We Have Just Entered Act II of the Crisis”

Fearing the US Dollar