Apparently, this server is straining as news of the DHS targets is spreading virally.
A friend wrote to ask: “Don’t these people have any devil’s advocate types on staff who might say, “Gee Bob, I’m not sure this is the best idea…”
Description: [Note: cut and pasted, all typos and bad grammar original to these Protectors and Servers of Freedom]
Non-traditional threat dipicting [sic] a hostile young mother surrounded by childred [sic] on a playground. Background is faded further highligting [sic] and highlighting the threat.
Full Color realistic target.
Size: 23″ x 35″
Site is overloaded. Target shows an armed “hostile” mother with child.
Other targets include young boys.
So cops can practice shooting at them…
– Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large)
JWR Adds: The server seems to have crashed. But InfoWars has now posted an article with target images.