Hello Mr. Rawles,
There’s a better product than the Cansolidator [that Michael Z. Williamson reviewed], but very few people know about it. It’s made by a local company in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I use to live near there, and visited their store several times. The store is Pharaoh’s Storehouse.
The reasons that the Pharaoh’s Storehouse products are better than Cansolidators:
Made of metal, not plastic!
No wasted airspace between the cans, like Cansolidator, so you can store a lot more food in a very small space.
Made in America [JWR Adds: But FYI, so is the Cansolidator]
Their wall units [are shallow and hence] can easily be hidden by false walls.
Sincerely, – Garnet
JWR Replies: We should also remind readers that are budget-conscious: Don’t overlook the do-it-yourself alternative,using cardboard material that A. in Texas mentioned in a January 24th letter posted in SurvivalBlog.
Can I order from Pharaohs Storehouse online? I really would like more information about the in wall can storage.