The SurvivalBlog is looking better and better all the time. I think that you are getting really good information out there.
I’m not sure about J.M.’s letter about the Penske trucks. But it’s worth considering. I still think the GMC 2500 HD is the way to go. OBTW, they interviewed the CEO from www.autotrader.com last night on TV. He said they now have one million SUVs listed on their web site. I guess that your axiom is correct: Buy when everyone else is anxious to sell, and you’ll get the best price.
Diesel is very expensive now. It is $3.32 per gallon down here in California. Yikes!
I see fuel as a real problem [in the] long term. I don’t have an answer unless you live in Kern County next to an [oil field] cricket.
OBTW, I think everyone should own at least one tube radio. [For EMP protection.] Yup. You read that right. A tube radio. I have several. I’ve also put a few of my spare transistorized shortwave receivers in storage in milsurp ammo cans, just in case. (The poor man’s Faraday cage.) I am seriously concerned about [the nuclear threat posed by] Iran and North Korea.
Regards, – The Rabbit Man