Five Letters Re: Addictions That Could Be Your Undoing

Mr. Rawles, The article written by Z.T. was spot on. As I write this, I have been five days caffeine free. For the past several months I have intentionally been cutting back on coffee. I was a chronic coffee drinker and had been for about 20 years. As many as four pots of coffee a day by myself. I loved coffee. Many years ago I spent several months in the woods camping and was stuck with no coffee. I learned first hand how debilitating ‘minor’ addictions can be. For the first two weeks I was useless. Couldn’t do anything but …

Preparing Your Mind, Body and Spirit for TEOTWAWKI, by K B.

Preparing Your Mind, Body and Spirit for TEOTWAWKI, by K B. I have met many great survivalists from all over this great country.  I have heard a lot of good advice on food preserving, silver and gold purchasing, ammo stockpiling and medication/first aid preparation.  I have further read numerous books and taken part in numerous survival training programs provided by the United States Army, that have taught me how to protect my family, my community and myself when the Fit Hits the Shan (FHTS).  I have utilized learned skills first hand during my tours with the army in Afghanistan and …

Letter Re: Advice on Joining the Canadian Army

Hello James,   Over the last number of months I have really enjoyed reading articles on your survivalblog.  I like to thank you for all the good and commonsense information.   What are your thoughts on joining the army?  I have a 16 year old son who has his mind set on joining the Canadian armed forces. I like the fact that he is willing to serve his country, but as a Christian is it wise to expose yourself willingly to crude and foul language and other foul behavior. I spoke to a Canadian veteran and told me that you are as a Christian on an ”island” on …

Where Do I Start? Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew, by Kentucky Girl in Ohio

One of the most daunting challenges in preparing for TEOTWAWKI is the absence of our crystal balls. What will TEOTWAWKI really entail? Let’s be honest, would a catastrophic disaster be necessary to majorly upset the balance of life as we know it, or could even the simplest of events turn our cushy, pampered, disposable income lives into a tailspin?  I think the answer is obvious. Despite any financial challenges we may be facing, it’s safe to assume that we all live relatively pampered lifestyles. Because we have become so far removed from our forebearers’ day to day struggle for existence, …

Lessons Learned on My Prepping Journey, by Tim K.

As Seen on TV – My Humble Beginnings I admit I’ve watched just about every episode out there from all of the popular survival shows – Survivorman, Beyond Survival, Man vs. Wild, Dual Survival, Man Woman Wild, and yes, even Worst Case Scenario with Bear Gryllis . I ate it all up. Those shows got me hooked on wilderness survival. My Christmas and birthday lists went from a focus on video games and computer upgrades to things like paracord, solar blankets, magnesium fire starters, etc. I also got a few great books that gave me vast amounts of knowledge. Everything …

Some Advice for Newbie Preppers, by Jillie

Around two years ago, I was sitting at my friend’s house visiting and he tells me about the supposed end of the world on December 21st, 2012.  At first I thought he was feeding me a line of horse manure.  He went on to tell me that he was going to buy the car of his dreams that he wouldn’t be able to afford, rack up his credit cards, get a big loan and live it up.  He wasn’t going to have to pay it back anyway, the world was going to end and we were all going to die.  …

Announcing Writing Contest Prize Winners and a New Grand Prize

We ‘ve completed the judging for Round 44 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. But before announcing winners, I have a special announcement: The Gunsite Academy–The first and best of America’s large scale shooting schools–has kindly donated a Three Day Course Certificate (good for any one, two, or three course with a value up to $1,195) for Round 45 and subsequent writing contest rounds. This course certificate is being added to the First Prize package. This brings the value of the First Prize package to $3,090 and the combined value of the top three prize packages to $7,485. (Note that …

What Made Me Begin Preparing for TEOTWAWKI, by Elizabeth in the Northeast

I woke up a few months ago. Literally, I woke up one day and realized if TSHTF, I was toast. In a big way. It all started with Hurricane Sandy. I live in a coastal town in the Northeast. The beach is a comfortable twenty minute walk from my home. Three streets behind me is Water Street, so named because not only is home to various Marina’s and marine supply stores, it has a tendency to flood every high tide. I woke up the morning Sandy hit to an eerily lit sky. Even though a hurricane was heading our way …

Rules For Living and Rules For Staying Alive, by Arizona Slim

Survival can certainly include situations that are a bit short of, and a bit more mundane than TEOTWAWKI. And as much as we wish it were otherwise, I know a lot of us are in a suburban or even urban environment. We find ourselves in a great many situations with the potential to become survival scenarios on a smaller, more personal scale. We are also subject daily to a million ridiculous rules and laws and prohibitions and warnings and  statutes and such that most of our rural brethren can go for long periods of time without even having to consider. …

Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Brought Home, by K.G.

A few months ago, work requirements took me to a country where I’d never been before, and where, frankly, I never dreamed I’d go: Bangladesh. I’d venture to guess that few Westerners (and even fewer Western women) have had the opportunity that I recently did, and so I’d like to contribute to readers some of the experiences I had and some of the lessons I was able to bring home. Before writing further, let me say that less than two weeks in any country does not make an expert of any visitor – myself included. I can’t and won’t pretend …

An Accidental Prepper, by C.J.

Last year I read JWR’s novel “Survivors” and discovered, We Are Preppers!   I did not know there was a name for it or a whole culture surrounding it.  The discovery has triggered a lot of discussion with my now adult children, my elderly parents, and my siblings.  I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject and I’ve tried to understand how and why we could get to this point by accident.   Six years ago my husband and I bought a place, expecting to retire there in 6 to 9 years.  We looked at places in a vacation area that …

The Po’ Mans TEOTWAWKI Guide, by R.B.

Useful tips and advice for the rest of us. Don’t have lots of money? Just started prepping when it hits the fan? This guide is for you. Free of charge! Tip #1: Bug-in Chances are that you won’t be in such immediate danger (dirty bomb, lava about to engulf your house, spiders like in that Arachnaphobia movie) that you actually have to leave your home. Most likely the government will stop functioning or the power grid will be down for a long time. Of course, there is always risk of civil unrest, but that is not likely to effect your …

Letter Re: Four-Tier Survival for the Newbie

James, Thanks so much for all you and your family do to keep going. It is a daily read for me. Upon reading “Four-Tier Survival for the Newbie,” I reminisced about what my father would say to me while I was initially preparing my bug-out bag:  “Son, you are preparing for luxury. Back when I was a boy during the Depression we used to go out camping with just the clothes on our backs, our pocket knife and a potato in our pocket. We took a potato ’cause we generally couldn’t ‘find’ potatoes.” Being in my mid-fifties now, I …

Letter Re: Voting With Our Feet

Captain Rawles, In response to your mention of people voting with their feet – I believe this is much more prevalent today than people realize.  According to the best data I can find, there are currently more than a million Americans leaving the United States each year.  And while the vast majority will choose to retain their US citizenship, and their reasons for leaving are varied, the net effect on the American economy will be great.  Here’s why:  The people who are leaving are, almost to a family, high income earners.  Many of those replacing them in the US are …

The Calling of the Christian Prepper: Faith and Survival, by Axgrinder

This article will have little effect on the scoffer, whether a survivalist or not, but is directed toward the Christian who is also conscious of the value of preparation and the duty to provide for family in survival circumstances. It may also be effective for the mind a person who knows little of God but is open to investigate His existence. It is what God has laid on my heart as I read through the great articles and letters here in this forum. Keep up the good work. What I sense though, myself included, is that we, as humans, sometimes …