Coupon Warrior Part 2, by GRITS (Girl Raised in the South)

I’ve learned a few tricks since writing the first part of this article on stocking up on food items and other good stuff with the help of coupons combined with sale prices. Here are some tricks that I’d like to share with you: First, a word about ethics:  The web sites will limit the number of coupons you can print. Photocopying coupons is considered coupon fraud. Each printed coupon has its own codes, and duplicates are not legal to tender. They are counterfeit. It is fair game to clip several coupons for the same item, or to use more than …

Letter Re: In Praise of Productive Dumpster Diving

JW,R:   Ever since I was a young’n, it has been hard for me to pass a dumpster or trash heap without investigating it.  I quickly learned that folks throw out a lot of good stuff, thinking it is worthless (someone said “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”); e.g. I’ve found appliances which only need a new electrical plug!  Nowadays, the same habit has greatly enhanced my prepping inventory, and best of all, it’s free, leaving more of my tight budget to buy store-bought items.  If you collect more things than you can use, the extras can be bartered, …

A Crucial DIY Skill: Ammunition Handloading, by Aaron L.

Would you like to learn a skill during these relatively quiet times that will assist you to obtain, or at least keep,  gasoline, diesel, food and every other commodity the a day after this society falls?   The SurvivalBlog posts regarding TEOTWAWKI may provide you with information regarding  what is the bare minimum you need to strive for in you preparation of the day after disaster strikes.  What if you want to be more prepared?  Do you want to possess a skill that everyone will have a need for the day after the disasters strike? Some people believe that a person’s …

The Post-SHTF Store, by J.P.C.

So much has been written on preparing solely for survival of TEOTWAWKI. What about after? What about five years after? Granted, if something minor happens and we could overcome it within a month or so, I truly see precious metals quite viable. However, should the whole world fall to its knees and we would be looking at years before any sort of progress could be made, I think material goods would be much more important. This list is not meant to be a final checklist, but rather a starting point that you could adjust, add, or take away from. These …

Letter Re: Retreating: A Minority Perspective

Hello Jim, Blessings to you and your family. Here are my comments regarding the article Retreating: A Minority Perspective, by Alex B. The Aryan Nations group has been forced out of North Idaho.  Not only did they lose the lawsuit that took away their “compound”.  The new owners allowed local fire department to train on site when the buildings were torched. Their leader, Richard Butler, died a few years later and the rest of the bugs left for parts unknown. This small group was good at making themselves look bigger by holding an annual camp-out at the compound and marching …

From Beginning Prepper, to Fully-Stocked Retreat: What to Buy, and When, by Scott in Wisconsin

It’s easy to see that the world may be heading for more trouble, and we need to prepare for hard times ahead.  But it can be daunting to decide what to do, what to stock, and when to get it. I’ve been working at this a while, and I’ve figured out a simple balance in what to buy, and when to buy it, that I think will help other Preppers move ahead with confidence. You could call it my 100/1,000/10,000 system, and I hope it helps you get going, and get to a place where you feel more prepared for …

Letter Re: A Technique for Decanting Oil Into Small Containers

Sir: I found many years ago that oil by the gallon like WD-40 is cheaper than small cans of three in one. But, how to get the oil from the gallon jug to the small can? I took about four inches of surgical tubing, and pressed it onto the end of the squeeze can. Hold the small can with cap up. I took a small pill bottle, and filled it from the big gallon jug. Hold the small can upright, and put the end of the surgical tubing into the small bottle of fluid. As I squeeze the small can, …

Letter Re: Cleanliness–Maximize Your Productivity and Protect Your Investment

Letter Re: Cleanliness–Maximize Your Productivity and Protect Your Investment James, Please remind your readers that there are two bars of soap that you should always keep a good supply stocked: The first is Lava hand soap. Lava bar soap will lather up even in cold salt water – so then there are no excuses that you can’t “clean up”. The second bar of soap is Fels-Naptha laundry soap. Fels-Naptha bar soap is so very important because it will lift urushiol from the skin when you get into a poison patch and keeps it suspended long enough to wash it from …

Organizing as an Important Part of Prepping, by K.S.

I’ve enjoyed the site and articles for some time now, but I never thought I would contribute an article! I have been prepping for a few years, and my husband and I have secured enough food, guns, ammo and other necessities to care for ourselves and a few relatives for at least 12-18 months. We live in the country, have spring-fed ponds, gardens and lots of game in our immediate area.  Still, we can never get cozy with the idea that we are fully prepared.  Prepping, I am finding, is a lifestyle and life skill that continues as long …

Two Letters Re: How to Get Your Doctor to Help You Stockpile Medicine

Greetings Jim, I just wanted to offer a few words about my experience with my doctor in helping me to stockpile prescription medication I take daily. A couple years ago while undergoing treatment for migraines, my neurologist prescribed nortriptylene, a rather old antidepressant that can also help treat some types of migraines. My doctor originally prescribed up to 100 milligrams every night at bedtime, but she advised me that if a lower dose kept my migraines away, go with the lowest effective dose. Over time I realized that 50 milligrams every night was sufficient and told my neurologist that on …

How to Get Your Doctor to Help You Stockpile Medicine, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Picture this: Your doctor enters the room and asks, “How can I help you today?” “I’d like enough medicine to survive the end of the world as we know it,” you reply. He narrows his eyes and responds, “Just how much Prozac would you need?” . . . Finding a physician to help you stockpile medications will be a challenge. Unless your doctor, too, believes Armageddon is nigh, he’s not likely to grant your request. Why not? Doctors are responsible for the medications we prescribe and the consequences, intended or unintended. Remember, every medication is a potential poison. You’re probably …

What Am I Prepping For–And How, by T.N.T.

I  started “officially” prepping about two years ago simply based on the way things were starting to turn bad with the economy and for fear that a real depression was coming.  As I studied and read what other preppers were doing and the reasons they were prepping I came away with some useful knowledge and information that changed my perception of prepping. My early experience found me gathering supplies helter-skelter and after several months I had no idea what else I might need to focus on.  Back in my younger day from backpacking experience, I knew I could make some …

Letter Re: Garage Sale Prepping

This has been covered before, but I’d like to reinforce that use of garage sales for low-key cash purchases of essential survival items. In the past two months I’ve been making weekend trips to various community garage sales – spending an average of less than $20 per weekend. Most of the items cost me less than $10 each and I often only paid $1 or $2. The following is a partial list of the haul: 2 – Complete dissection kits with scalpels, forceps, etc 1 – Craftsman toolbox, steel, in good condition 1 – 19th Century wrench 1 – Drawknife …

Planning for Extra Mouths to Feed, by D.V.

As a regular reader of SurvivalBlog, I have found a fountain of information to be gleaned from the many great writings posted on here and wanted to quickly say thank you to all those who write in with their thoughts and experiences.  What I wanted to share was something that I experienced recently.  I found in all my prepping and plans something I had not realistically considered.  I have considered the possibility of many scenarios for a long time but I think it has been in just the past few years that I have felt that things are rather precarious.   …

Seven Letters Re: Community Crisis Planning for Societal Collapse

James: Some of the arguments made against J.I.R.’s article reminds me of a scene in Gone With the Wind, in which the southern gentry are talking of coming war and Rhett Butler steps in and tells everybody that the North is better equipped for war; and that all they, the southerners, have is “…cotton and dreams of victory.” Obviously this was met with indignation, but Rhett Butler was right. As preppers we are our own group who thinks we are better equipped for “war” and can also be blinded by our own arrogance. Even amongst the prepper/survivalist groups we must …