Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Guns and ballistics have fascinated me since boyhood, and I hope this elemental pleasure will endure, for it has offered me a great deal of pleasure as well as kinship with others that only ballistics and a cozy campfire could possibly create. Such cartridges as the .270 Winchester, .300 H&H Magnum, .30-06, and even some for the big-bore British favorites are as interesting to me as though magic were contained in these combinations of figures….What has been the result? I have reached up to the gun rack and taken down the .30-30 carbine by some process of natural selection, not …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Thomas Sowell, who is one of our favorite commentators, points out three things that make the collectivists uneasy.  These are cars, guns and home schooling, all of which grant to the individual a degree of independence of action which terrifies the champions of the super state. Cars, guns and home schooling reduce the need for the statism so prized by the socialists.  They do not wish you freedom to move around.  They do not wish you to be able to protect yourself.  And they do not wish you to decide what your children should be taught. Such things reduce the …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

Tennessee Stud (Lyrics by Jimmy Driftwood) Along about eighteen and twenty-five I left Tennessee very much alive I never would have got through the Arkansas mud If I hadn’t been a-ridin on the Tennessee stud I had some trouble with my sweetheart’s pa One of her brothers was a bad outlaw I sent her a letter by my Uncle Fud And I rode away on the Tennessee stud CHORUS: The Tennessee stud was long and lean The color of the sun and his eyes were green He had the nerve and he had the blood And there never was a …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Commander Harken: For some the war’ll never be over. I notice your ship’s called Serenity. You were stationed on Hera at the end of the war. Battle of Serenity Valley took place there, if I recall. Captain Reynolds: You know, I believe you might be right. Commander Harken: Independents suffered a pretty crushing defeat there. Some say after Serenity, the Browncoats were through. That the war really ended in that valley. Captain Reynolds: Hmmm. Commander Harken: Seems odd you’d name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of. Captain Reynolds: May have been the losing side. …