Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim.” – L. Neil Smith

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow citizens.” – Adam Smith

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“What manner of men had lived in those days…who had so eagerly surrendered their sovereignty for a lie and a delusion? Why had they been so anxious to believe that the government could solve problems for them which had been pridefully solved, many times over, by their fathers? Had their characters become so weak and debased, so craven and emasculated, that offers of government dole had become more important than their liberty and their humanity? Had they not known that power delegated to the government becomes the club of tyrants? They must have known. They had their own history to …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“In third world countries a traffic stop can be made to ‘go away’ for ten bucks or so. In the good ol’ USA, land of the free and home of the brave, it’s an opportunity to take everything in your wallet, everything in your car and maybe the car too. No warrant, no charge, just straight up theft. Congress—the people’s representatives, ask ’em—thought this up. The Supreme Court says it’s legal because it’s the property being charged, not you. It’s a legal concept from Medieval times. Karma awaits, and it’s never disappointed.” – Ol’ Remus, writing again in The Woodpile …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“A hand from Washington will be stretched out and placed upon every man’s business; the eye of the Federal inspector will be in every man’s counting house… The law will of necessity have inquisitorial features, it will provide penalties, it will create complicated machinery. Under it men will be hailed into courts distant from their homes. Heavy fines imposed by distant and unfamiliar tribunals will constantly menace the tax payer. An army of Federal inspectors, spies and detectives will descend upon the state… Who of us who have had knowledge of the doings of the Federal officials in the Internal …