Hugh’s Quote of the Day:
“Government never furthered any enterprise but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Government never furthered any enterprise but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Treaties among property owners or groups of owners are fully acceptable so long as their standing isn’t imposed on others who have not consented.” – David J. Theroux
“Although we may not know it, we have, in our day, witnessed the birth of the Therapeutic State. This is perhaps the major implication of psychiatry as an institution of social control.” – Thomas Szasz
“If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized.” – Lysander Spooner
“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” – Acts 10:34-35 (KJV)
“And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.” – Leviticus 10:1-2 (KJV)
“Survivalists are not the people living in bunkers that the media makes them out to be. Above all their primary goals revolve around self sufficiency.” – Jack Spirko
“No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: “But what would you replace it with?” When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?” – Thomas Sowell
“The most fundamental purpose of government is defense, not empire.” – Joseph Sobran
“Stick to your guns if you believe in something no matter what; ‘cause it’s better to be hated for who you are than loved for someone you’re not.” – Van Zant
“City governments ought to be abolished, if only as a public health measure.” – L. Neil Smith
“Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual meat; and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 (KJV)
“And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the Lord. And in the fifteenth day of this month is the feast: seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten. 18 In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work therein” – Numbers 28:16-18 (KJV)
“There is no art which government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.” – Adam Smith
“We want to be open-minded enough to accept radical new ideas when they occasionally come along, but we don’t want to be so open-minded that our brains fall out.” – Michael Shermer