Odds ‘n Sods:

As we listen to the mainstream media’s portrayal of the Feds actions, we hear how the BLM was threatened by an unruly mob, taking aim with sniper rifles and obviously out of control. Of course, there are always two sides to every coin. Reader H.L. sent in this thought-provoking article on the issue. From Showdown to Show Trial: The Bunkerville Crackdown is Just Beginning o o o Circulating virulently on social media: Gen. Boykin: First Transgender Man Enters My Daughter’s Bathroom Won’t Have to Worry About Surgery o o o An excellent 20 minute video (or a pictorial essay, your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I’m pretty sure that no one seriously doubts that we are living in the “End Times” about now, but SurvivalBlog reader MtH sent in this article on Fox News: Beheadings, imprisonment made 2015 worst year for Christian persecution, report finds o o o Reader D.S. sent in this short article suggesting why our modern churches are struggling so much: Churches Under a Curse. o o o A SurvivalBlog reader sent in the information for the Honey Badger Wheel. It’s an interesting concept on packing heavy loads (kind of like a stripped down wheelbarrow but easier to use on rough terrain …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Apparently there are still a few judges in this country who have heard of the Constitution. Reader K in Tenn sent in this article: No, Turning On Your Phone Is Not Consenting To Being Tracked By Police o o o Reader M.P. sent in this article from Wired which writes about a December 2015 cyber attack on the Ukrainian power grid that brought down power for nearly a quarter of a million. o o o Britain and Europe at risk of ‘enormous and spectacular’ attacks by Isil. Sent in by A.D. o o o Superesse Straps, a small veteran owned …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.F. was the first of many readers to mention this essay by Bill Buppert: The Evil That Men Do: Willful Submission To Illegitimate Authority o o o Several readers suggested linking to this article: Probable cause: Pursuing drugs and guns on scant evidence, D.C. police sometimes raid wrong homes — terrifying the innocent o o o Pat Cascio flagged this bit of BHO Hive Mind insanity mentioned in The Army Times: BCT banishes combat patches, badges to boost morale. o o o JWR spotted a useful video from Wranglerstar: Bucking & Splitting The Big Wood. Note his economy of motion. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader MtH highly recommended a free 58-minute documentary film produced by JPFO on the history of gun control and genocide in the 20th Century: Innocents Betrayed. (Don’t miss the bonus interviews, following the credits.) o o o The oft-stated goal is to slow the inflow of illegal immigrants into Europe. But, now this?  Migrants in Greece to be handed cash in envelopes to ‘maintain their dignity’ under £550million EU disaster fund. o o o GunsAmerica, one of the two largest Internet gun classifieds web site in the U.S. (the other is of course GunBroker.com), recently introduced a new program to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Virginia Governor Signs Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill, Concealed Carriers Rejoice o o o Commander Zero, the Editor of the Notes From The Bunker blog, mentioned this fascinating little collection of photos, with brief descriptions: In Heinlein’s Bomb Shelter. o o o Finally, some progress on Servergate: Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server.  I hope that a jury puts Hitlery in prison, where she belongs.  o o o Golly! I just saw that $32 will now buy you a tiny 128 GB memory stick that is USB 3.0 compatible. That is some serious Secret Agent …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The new face of the patriot movement is a Kansas-raised teenager. (Thanks to loyal content contributor RBS for the link.) o o o J.B.G. was the first of several blog readers to send this: Hard to find bread in shortage-stricken Venezuela  (JWR’s Comment: Why must the inevitable folly of socialist centrally-planned economies be repeated over and over?) o o o Tam, over at the always entertaining and informative View From The Porch blog mentioned the clever new “Get Off Me” Tool #4 from FLC Knives. It provides a covert method of carrying a small penetrating weapon that is probably not …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Mark McC. mentioned upcoming film that was directed by Mike Norris (the son of Chuck Norris), that imagines America under martial law after a self-inflicted EMP strike destroys our electrical grid: Amerigeddon. o o o And speaking of movies, here is a review of a very dark, heavy, and brooding post-Peak Oil collapse British film released in February 2016, set in Ireland: The Survivalist.  (JWR’s Comment: Without even seeing it, I’d say: “Skip it.”  I’m only mentioning this review in the blog because the film’s title might attract American viewers. This is a warning, not a recommendation.) o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Pierre M. suggested this: Fighting infections with viruses, as antibiotics fail o o o T.Z. sent us this troubling tech tip from geekdom:  How to Hack WiFi Password from Smart Doorbells .  T.Z.’s comment: Never, never, never, ever use anything wireless for security.  I wonder how many more such hacks will come out in the next few days and weeks. o o o Justice Clarence Thomas Asks Questions in Court, 1st Time in 10 Years

Odds ‘n Sods:

Gadgets track wildlife, and enlighten humans o o o A recent headline: At least 1,818 Clinton emails contain classified material.  And of those, 50 were classified Secret or Top Secret (TS), and within the TS category 22 of the e-mails were “copy and paste” sections from Sensitive Compatmented Information (SCI) codeword material from Special Access Programs (SAPs)! As a former Special Security Officer (SSO) who was in charge of SCI document storage and SAP compartment program briefings and de-briefings, I am stunned to see that Hitlery Clinton still has not yet been charged. If she were one of my ASA …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some important reading: The Hidden Persuaders – How The Internet Flips Election & Alters Our Thoughts. This article helps explain why bloggers in general and Matt Drudge in particular are so despised by the mainstream media.  Because Matt and his small staff have thousands of independent thinkers all over the world tipping them to news stories, they are outside of the control of the Google Thought Police Machine. Likewise, the column items that you recommend to us at SurvivalBlog–often from small town newspapers and from “boots on the ground” bloggers–have the same value in creating refreshingly independent journalism. – JWR …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I saw this documentary film recommended over at the WRSA web site: Cartel Land. This film underscores the peril of living within 50 miles of the Mexican border, or along any of the major highways within perhaps 100 miles of the border.  It also illustrates how helpless the largely unarmed campesinos are, in Mexico. (In essence, there are only two types of citizens in any nation: Armed citizens, and unarmed victims of their environment.) – JWR o o o Reader Peter S. sent us this:  Apple plans to make devices even more secure o o o ‘Cecil Effect’ dangerous for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Peter in Switzerland mentioned that the latest updated model of the previously-mentioned County Comm GP-5 SSB multi-band handheld scanner is now available. o o o Reader D.S.V. sent this: Colorado Bill Would Require Reporting Of Non-Vaccinated Children o o o B.B. suggested this article at Threat Post: Judge Confirms DoD Funded Research to Decloak Tor Users o o o Uncertainties, still, for asteroid 2013 TX68. (Thanks to Andre for the link.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

No introduction needed. The title says it all: A Warning To The Feds On Incremental Prosecutions Of The Liberty Movement – Sent in by RBS. o o o Federal Court Rules You Can Be Arrested Simply For Filming The Police – H.K. JWR’s Comment: This court ruling is yet another reason why all SurvivalBlog readers should get a free set of press credentials from our CFAPA.org spin-off web site. o o o Interesting Russian link with Caching Tubes from WWII Still Intact. Sent in by L.I. Editors note: Google translated link o o o Where there is a will, there …