Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader R.C. writes in with regards to JWR’s comment on purchasing PVC pipe and caps for burying caches on SurvivalBlog. Sportsman’s Guide has some used U.S. Military Surpolus M14A2 cylinders for sale. o o o SurvivalBlog reader G.G. sent in this article on How to Survive Falling Through the Ice from The New York Times. o o o State Supreme Court Rules That Cops Do Not Need Warrants To Enter Homes And Forcibly Seize Evidence – D.S. JWR’s Comment: <Sarcasm On>Oh, well, now that we’ve been told that the polizei were just being friendly “Community Caretakers” when they kicked …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Don’t miss this over at our friend Enola Gay’s always informative Paratus Familia blog: Product Review – Gun Skins. I particularly like the Molon Labe green camouflage. – JWR o o o Spring could bring a fresh surge of refugees. But Europe isn’t ready for them. JWR’s Comment: My intel sources tell me that the social media buzz in the Middle East about European Invasion Part Deux has been building for many months. Emboldened by their success in 2015, I expect the spring and summer of 2016 to be a veritable deluge of uncouth humanity. o o o A sweet …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader D.B. sent in this link to an article on the vehicle mounted anti-ambush shotgun arrays used in Rhodesia. Having problems being ambushed? o o o In the relentless march to bring SkyNet into reality: Darpa robot ship. Question is, how long before they decide to arm one? – DMS o o o Reader B.B. sent in the link to a nice video on antique hand cranked sewing machines. This link has a nice instructional video as well as an article. o o o 70 percent of Americans are being treated for a depression they DON’T HAVE, says award-winning …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone looking for a large, defensible property on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee should take look at this new listing on our SurvivalRealty spin-off site: Copeland Mountain. This 540 acre tract with numerous springs would be ideal to subdivide for a large group retreat community. The $1.75 million price tag might seem spendy, but if it were broken into 10 subdivided parcels of around 54 acres apiece, that works out to $175,000 per parcel. – JWR o o o Submitted by SurvivalBlog reader T.A.: 2 people walking across Golden Gate Bridge hit by blow darts The blowgun, while being a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Columbus Gyro Restaurant Rampage “Random Attack”: A Somali man named Mohammed comes into a restaurant called “Nazareth” and asks about the religion and national origin of the owner. He is told that the owner is a Christian Arab emigre from Israel. So Mohammed comes back a half hour later with a machete and a murderous rage. These two lines in the CBS news article come as no surprise: “It remained unclear what sparked the attacks. ‘Right now there’s nothing that leads us to believe that this is anything but a random attack’ “ No motive? Random? A real puzzler. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Discover, Arrest NYC Pistol License Holder Who Stockpiled ‘45,000 Rounds of Ammunition’ – Submitted by G.P. JWR’s Comment: This breathless account made me laugh. The journalist sounded truly horrified at the size of his “arsenal.” Out here in The American Redoubt, that gent would be considered just a typical local with a small gun collection. And some of us might feel pity for him only owning three AR-10 magazines, and hand him a few spare PMAGs, so that he’d have a respectable six or seven available. And anyone who thinks that 45,000 rounds of ammunition is a lot, then …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hooray! We’ve surpassed 80 million unique visits! Thanks for your loyal readership of SurvivalBlog. Please continue to spread the word via our Link to Us page, and we are now listed on Top Prepper Sites. Make sure you cast a vote there so that others will know where to get the most reliable and practical information. We appreciate your support! o o o From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large: It is very important, if one must use Facebook or other social media, that one NOT put personal information such as phone number, address, or birthday on …

Odds ‘n Sods:

FBI surrounds last occupiers at Malheur Wildlife Refuge – RBS o o o SurvivalBlog reader JFJ sent in this article for deposit into your own SHTF reservoir of knowledge: Finding a winch anchor where there is none. o o o 3-in-1 ‘wearable shelter’ for Syrian refugees – While “invented” with the Syrian refugees in mind, this garment shows some promise as an item in a BOB. – G.P. o o o Patriots may be faced with being placed on a red, blue, or white list, but if you are a Muslim terrorist you can rest easy. Obama DHS scrubs records …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Rebellion in California Excerpt: “The dissidents from the northern counties who want to secede from the Golden State are “a bunch of Bible-thumpin’, gun-totin’, wild-eyed pistol-wavers.” And that’s how one of their supporters describes them. Welcome to the…” o o o Federal appeals court rules ‘assault rifles’ protected under 2nd Amendment JWR’s Comments: The court’s “in common use” argument is laughably specious. Submachine guns, short barreled rifles (SBRs), short-barreled shotguns (SBSes), sound suppressors, and even belt-fed machine guns would be “in common use” today if it were not for Congress enacting the unconstitutional National Firearms Act of 1934, which imposed …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mandatory Mental Illness Screening and the Drive to Confiscate Firearms – D.S. o o o Some good commentary over at Commander Zero’s Notes from The Bunker blog: Article – U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists o o o SurvivalBlog reader A.L. sent in the link to this excellent article on the Knights Code of Honor. We need more men who will hold to just such a code. Old Fashioned Knights in the Modern World o o o Reader T.A. sent in this link to Just Plain Living on 10 reasons to simplify your life. If you feel …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While we are on the subject of the “lists”, here is a how-to to guarantee you are on one of the lists. Placing Yourself On A Government “Red List” – Oregon Court Documents Prove Social Media Content Used To Self-Incriminate. Sent in by RBS. o o o It’s back. The Knockout Game continues in New Jersey. Make sure you are staying alert. – T.P. o o o So what happens when parents make a mistake and don’t file the paperwork and the school district doesn’t send the required paperwork? U.S. homeschoolers face criminal charges for missing paperwork. Sent in by …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For thousands of years, populations have dealt with governments that did not represent their interests. How do they do it? Separation In Place – A.L. o o o If You Did Vote, Don’t Complain o o o SurvivalBlog reader J.C. sent in this article for 19 Off-Grid Survival Uses For A Plain Old Tarp o o o After two decades of testing and experimentation, the author has published his plans for a Solar Food Dehydrator that is cost effective and efficient. Sent in by T.Z. o o o Wondering how you are going to use an oven when you don’t …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mitch Beaudoin from the Burntroot Broadcasting podcast in Canada recently posted his interview (Part 1 and Part 2) with James Wesley, Rawles. This is an excellent interview for those who are just now getting in to the survival/prepper frame of mind as it covers the basics and some history. o o o I just noticed that we are rapidly approaching the milestone of 80 million unique visits. Thanks for making SurvivalBlog such a great success. Even after 10 years, there are still some folks who are still unaware of the blog’s existence. So a link in your blog, web page, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Victoria Sharp’s Testimony on the Highway 395 Shoot-In (Video) (Scroll forward to 35:45) o o o Stewart Rhodes interviews Oath Keeper SWAT Officer About the LaVoy Finicum Shooting – This is an interesting read on the FBI released video from the perspective of an active SWAT. While I disagree with his assessment of the FBI itself (They don’t call the HRT the ‘Hurt Team’ for nothing), his take on the events surrounding the takedown of the vehicles, the roadblock, and the subsequent shooting of Finicum as well as the arrest of the others is well presented and eye opening. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How do you tell a satellite from a nuclear device? Expert: North Korea prepping EMP attack on U.S. – W.C. o o o Another example of why gun control is already irrelevant… Home-made 3D printed 9mm gun – P.S. o o o “They Rape, Kill, Destroy”: Montanans Stage “Security Rally” To “Head Off” Refugee “Invasion” o o o If you need a reason to help you understand why the cities are not an ideal place to be in the coming crash, look no further: THE MAP: ‘Sanctuary Cities’ cross the 300 mark with Dallas, Philly – Submitted by B.B. o …