Odds ‘n Sods:

Al Qaeda Cell Had Plans to Gas New York Subways    o o o Rourke recommended this informative site on home ethanol production: http://www.homedistiller.org/ If you spend a lot of time researching there, or end up building a still based on their plans, be sure to send them a contribution.    o o o Does anyone make a “Red Gun” or “Blue Gun” Model 1911 non-firing training pistol with a magazine well and a functional magazine catch? (I’m in need of one here at the ranch, so we can teach our kids presentation drills as well as tactical and emergency …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The U.S. The government is asking for public comments on the USDA‘s NAIS animal identification/tracking scheme. Please give them a piece of your mind. (For some background on the NAIS plan, see The Memsahib’s article.)    o o o A Category 5 Hurricane Landfall in Miami Could Cost Insurers Up To $130 Billion    o o o There is currently an interesting thread of conversation about wind generators over at The Claire Files.    o o o North Korea is about to test an ICBM capable of reaching the US    o o o To compete with the Canadian Maple …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Japanese canned bread: Bread that comes in a can and stays fresh for up to three years    o o o SurvivalBlog reader C.K. recommended the book Marion And His Men or The Swamp Fox Of Carolina. It is the true story of Francis Marion, an American Revolutionary War hero. Marion was the basis for Mel Gibson’s role as “Benjamin Martin” in the movie The Patriot    o o o The folks at The Daily Reckoning (one of my daily “must reads”) quoted a very telling letter from one of their readers about the U.S. housing bubble: “When you mentioned …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Kentucky farmers and ranchers voice their distrust of NAIS.    o o o The 2006 Kansas wheat harvest is down 23% from last year. Stock up, now. Buy f rom your favorite storage food vendor before prices increase. We recommend Ready Made Resources (one of our first and most loyal advertisers) and Nitro-Pak (one of our affiliate advertisers)    o o o From a recent Reuters wire service story on the bankruptcy rate in the U.S.: “More than $300 billion in ARMs [Adjustable Rate Mortgages] are subject to interest rate resets this year and that figure is expected to reach …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The U.S. is “Not Ready” for the Threatened Venezuelan Oil Embargo    o o o The NRA‘s Institute for Legislative Action reports that the ponderously-tiitled “U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects,” will begin Monday, June 26. See the Stop the UN Gun Ban web site for details. Call and e-mail your congresscritters and remind them that their oath to defend the Constitution includes the Second Amendment. The US needs to opt out of this hoplophobic …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wow! Because of a temporarily stronger dollar, someone in New York just kicked the slats out from under the spot price of silver, pushing it down more than 10% in one day, to under $9.90 per ounce. Meanwhile, gold tumbled more than $35 per ounce. As I’ve stated before, it is best to buy on these dips. This correction is a great buying opportunity before the metals bull resumes his charge. This is essentially a second chance for everyone that felt that they had “missed the boat.” Just don’t hesitate, because I suspect that this is the deepest dip we …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A report from Boston, Massachusetts about another futile gun buy-up program (I refuse to call them “buy-backs” since the government agencies and/or liberal do-gooders never owned these civilian guns.) Does anyone honestly believe that criminals are turning in their guns under these programs? This is just more liberal feel-good politics. How nauseating.    o o o Bubblewatch: 10 Cities Where House Prices Will Deflate. Also, don’t miss John Rubino’s commentary on the expected ugly denouement of the U.S. bubble.(As quoted at Financialsense.com.)    o o o Doc at www.bigsecrets.cc spotted an article about some of the current desperate measures to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Al Jazeera (not well known for unbiased reporting) comments on Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and Syria–all making distinct moves away from the U.S. Dollar.    o o o Michael Z. Williamson pointed us to a Box 0′ Truth evaluation .223 and .308 versus body armor. As I often say, a handgun is just a portable tool to buy time to get you back to your rifle.    o o o Back to the Bunker: The Washington Post reports on FEMA’s Continuity of Government (COG) plans.     

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dr. Geri Guidetti of The Ark Institute recommended reading these transcriptions of interviews with subject matter experts on Asian Avian Flu. The interviews were part of a program that was aired in Canada last year. Geri also recommended this recent article from The Guardian newspaper in England on the origins of the viruses. It points finger of blame at intensive agriculture.    o o o Allstate is dropping most of its earthquake insurance policies, throughout the U.S., as a part of a larger move to reduce exposure to catastrophic losses.    o o o Fred the Valmet-meister sent me a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fred the Valmet-meister says: “The skip is in!” on the 6 Meter Band. (Even all the way across the Atlantic.)    o o o Some commentary from Recombinomics on H5N1 mutations and human-to-human transmission    o o o SurvivalBlog reader A.K. recommended this article about the U.S. 1989 invasion of Panama. A.K. commented: “I’m not sure if I agree with her ultimate conclusion, but her account definitely offers something educational. Especially the way the neighborhoods banded together, the run on the groceries, and the lack of preparedness.”

Odds ‘n Sods:

The folks at Box o’ Truth do some tests with shotguns, with very favorable results.    o o o UN convention could mean restrictions on home schooling in the U.S.    o o o When doing a search in The Wikipedia, I stumbled across this great piece that I remembered from my army training: The Standing Orders of Rogers Rangers, along with the more complete (and more historically correct) Plan of Discipline. Some things haven’t changed since the 1700s!

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader Tom. H. recommended a thought-provoking letter that was recently posted at The High Road. It refers to an earlier essay: On Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Wolves, by Dave Grossman    o o o   The Nanny-State do-gooders at the Washington Post assert that private firearms training is “under regulated”, implying that it is some sort of threat.    o o o NY Times: Human Flu Transfers May Exceed Reports   o o o SurvivalBlog reader G.G. recommended a web site with some free text files on survival topics, including several from Kurt Saxon.  

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hitlery Clinton speaks out on Ethanol: Good message, but a dubious messenger.    o o o The UN wants your guns    o o o In an interview with Der Spiegel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust, the future of the state of Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran’s nuclear dispute with the West. It is scary to see someone this wacky running a national government!    o o o SurvivalBlog reader Jim K. mentioned this interesting piece on substitutes food in the South during the Civil War

Odds ‘n Sods:

The high bid in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction (for a fully stocked M-17 Advanced Medical Bag/Rucksack) is already up to $180. Special thanks to the folks at Ready Made Resources, who donated the kit. Please submit your bids via e-mail.    o o o I heard from SurvivalBlog reader T.C. that he was disappointed by the “beater” Turkish contract Model 1893 Mauser rifle that he recently purchased from Sportsman’s Guide for $299. (He saw it advertised in a shooting magazine with nationwide circulation.) He reported that the rifle he received had less than 10% bluing remaining, a very dark “sewer …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The next U.S. hurricane season: The government says “you’re on your own.”    o o o Thousands quarantined in Bucharest to stop spread of Asian Avian Flu.    o o o SurvivalBlog reader J.C.S. alerted us to an auction for 20 factory refurbished Motorola Talkabout T7200 NiMH GMRS 2-Way Radios on eBay for $69 USD each.    o o o The P-10 self-contained fallout shelter that I mentioned previously is still available on eBay. It appears that somebody with some foresight is going to get an $80,000 shelter for around $27,500.