Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader E.B. was the first of several readers to mention this article that has some TEOTWAWKI implications: Baghdad kills 58,000 stray dogs in three-month span.    o o o F.J. spotted a useful piece on emergency kits for cars.    o o o B.B. sent this article that shows that the First Amendment and the Second Amendment go hand-in-hand: Federal judge orders Osceola County sheriff to issue gun permit. (And to attend a course on the First Amendment.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader RBS recommended this piece over at the Alpha Rubicon site: Introducing the Prepping & Survival Mindset to Others    o o o Chris F. mentioned that Bardin & Marsee Publishing produces a Waterproof Bible. They are printed on plastic, they are tear resistant and 100% waterproof.    o o o El Jefe Jeff E. sent this: USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street ‘Caught Off Guard’ by Severity.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The editor of the Rural Revolution blog mentioned a company that makes nifty fixtures that turn Mason jars into kerosene lamps. The editor wrote: “Specifically I purchased item # 10BR3273, which is a bulk purchase of ten fixtures. They come with wicks. (Here is a photo.) A package of 10 of them costs $22 plus shipping. I’m also buying glass globes every time I see them at thrift stores. These usually don’t cost more than $2 each. I’m also buying extra wicks.” For stability, the larger the jar, the better. With a two quart jar and a long wick, one …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I got this from an newspaper editor in Alaska: Bear Attack: A Firsthand Account. The editor’s comments: “We had one of our readers submit this article today about a mama grizzly bear and her two cubs. It is a great story about man’s best friend helping as well as the importance of having a deterrent like Bear mace.    o o o KAF flagged this: Louisiana’s New Law Allowing Churchgoers to Pack Heat    o o o There was an excellent 21-page article in the July issue of National Geographic about the current state of the power grids in the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

   o o o Sheryl suggested “an awesome hour long video of life in the Arctic.”    o o o The Thrifty Maven is giving away a free copy of the excellent book “Making the Best of Basics”.    o o o F.J. liked this article on hypothermia: The Truth About Cold Water.

Odds ‘n Sods:

R.J. in Idaho told me that he had an excellent germination rate with his Medicinal Herb Garden Collection from Everlasting Seeds, despite what he termed a “difficult” gardening season with “never-ending” Spring rains. I can’t think of a more important thing to keep on hand (and to practice using) that non-hybrid seeds. Stock up! o o o M.O.B. sent this: Seized Drug Submarine is Huge Leap for Smugglers o o o I heard about a new blog with an emphasis on personal security: Security Whip. Check it out. o o o Jason H. flagged this from Popular Mechanics: Can Your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

David in Israel wrote to say that he liked a podcast on NPR about the Starfish Prime nuclear tests.    o o o R.P.B. mentioned a brief video about the new “Fortified” home building standard.    o o o F.J. suggested this piece over at Lifehacker: Convert a Regular Bicycle into a Cargo Bike for Gas-Free Grocery Hauling

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently received several review copies of EMPact America’s ‘America in the Dark‘ three-disc DVD/CD-ROM Set. This is an awesome documentary. I highly recommend it! Parenthetically, it is apparent that the mass media has largely overlooked the full implications of the EMP threat. It is mostly folks in the blogosphere that are paying substantial attention to it. Stock up! And be sure to protect your redundant electronics by storing them in galvanized trash cans or holiday popcorn tins with tight-fitting lids.    o o o The Rural Revolution blog had a great piece about reusable canning lids.    o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson found this item: Only a Government Bureaucrat…    o o o The folks at ModernSurvivalOnline.com now have more than 7 gigabytes of articles and manuals available for free download. Check it out. (But as usual for such sites, beware of any documents with unresolved copyright issues.)    o o o M.T,. sent this: U.S. is Unprepared for New Generation of Terror Bombs, Experts Say

Odds ‘n Sods:

James C. sent this: Army begins shipping improved 5.56mm cartridge.    o o o Some interesting insights on wilderness living can be gained from this–especially the article’s last few lines: Cambodian ‘jungle woman’ flees back to wild Cambodia’s “jungle woman”, who spent 18 years living in a dense forest, has fled back to the wild after struggling to adapt to society.    o o o Chris M. sent this: Terrafugia Transition ‘flying car’ gets go-ahead from US air authorities. Simply amazing. Like a lot a lot of “dual use” devices, I suspect that it isn’t particularly good at either one, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Neil G. sent a link to the USDA’s June acreage report: “All wheat planted area is estimated at 54.3 million acres, down 8 percent from 2009. This is the lowest United States total since 1971.”    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent us some further evidence that Chinese-made merchandise should be shunned: Dallas store sells U.S. flag with 61 stars    o o o There hasn’t even been a trailer released yet, but the forthcoming remake of Red Dawn looks like it will be quite a film. With a web search, I found an interesting …

Odds ‘n Sods:

K. in Montana mentioned this humorous piece: You might be married to Burt [Gummer] if……    o o o 15 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind. (Our thanks to Ed in Kentucky for the link.)    o o o F.G. sent this: Utah gun permit business booming – in other states    o o o John M. flagged this: FDA issues Draft Guidance to reduce antibiotic use in food-producing animals

Odds ‘n Sods:

Lee C. sent us a link to a BBC radio segment: Parts of residential Detroit have gone feral. Derelict crumbling houses, human gangs, dog gangs…    o o o Reader R.B.S. wrote to mention that Michael Yon has expanded his article series on Gobar Gas. (Home biogas production.)    o o o Now that’s a mess! (A NASA photo taken back on day 67 of the Deepwater Horizon spill.)    o o o Brian B. was the first of several readers to send this: High Court’s Big Ruling For Gun Rights. That was a narrow 5-4 decision. Let’s pray that …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Other Rourke recently posted his interview with Dr. Bruce Clayton. You’ll probably recognize him as the author the book Life After Doomsday.    o o o Yishai suggested this good article: Night Vision Versus Thermal Vision    o o o Floyd B. spotted this: Solar cycle sparks doomsday buzz. Here is a quote: “Fortunately, the methods for predicting space weather have improved over the past decade or two. Satellites such as the Advanced Composition Explorer can spot the signs of a geomagnetic storm up to an hour before it hits our planet, providing valuable lead time for power grid …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent me a link to a collection of photos showing Chinese military’s obsession with parades and ultra-precise formations. It reminded me of a quote from Jean Larteguy (The author of The Centurions and The Praetorians.): “I’d like France to have two armies: one for display, with lovely guns, tanks, little soldiers, fanfares, staffs, distinguished and doddering generals, and dear little regimental officers who would be deeply concerned over their general’s bowel movements or their colonel’s piles: an army that would be shown for a modest fee on every fairground in the country. The …