Odds ‘n Sods:

Kamie sent a link to a great 8 minute long chicken slaughtering and butchering video.    o o o Hooray! The U.S. has done away with the black beret. I always thought it was absurd to give everyone (the entire “Big Army”) an “elite” beret. That struck me as Lake Wobegon grandstanding. (“…and where all the kids are above average.”)    o o o Norm G. spotted this Nanny State news: EPA Bans Many Household Rat and Mouse Poisons. Stock up on d-CON, pronto!    o o o Steven M. forwarded this one: ‘Doomsday Plane’ Would Save President and Joint …

Odds ‘n Sods:

NASA Internal memo: Family/Personal Preparedness Plan    o o o I heard from CPA Mara Helland that now that tax season is over, she now has the bandwidth to accept just a few more clients. I have been very satisfied with her work on my taxes for the past three years, and I highly recommend her. She is based up in Montana, but has clients in many states. I can vouch that she handles long-distance clients wonderfully.    o o o Carolina Readiness Supply is hosting the “Sensible Mountain Preparedness Seminar” on June 18th in Clyde, North Carolina. (Near Asheville …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Washington residents warned of ‘bloodthirsty’ dog pack    o o o Reader K.A.F. mentioned Quizlet, a web site with free downloadable flash cards and a study games. Great for homeschoolers!    o o o These had me laughing…    o o o Courtesy of Kevin S.: Deadly Fungus Strikes Joplin Tornado Survivors, Volunteers    o o o I heard that Camping Survival just received a large new supply of Yoder’s canned meats, including some canned bacon. They also have canned cheese and butter available. Camping Survival is presently offering a 5% off sale on every order, with coupon code “june2011promo“.  …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some Trivia: “The longest recorded unassisted flight by a chicken was 301-1/2 feet.” This leads me to ask: How would one “assist”? Perhaps JATO?    o o o More than a dozen readers have sent me this link: China Wants to Construct a 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South of Boise, Idaho. Although the piece is a bit over-blown, the loss of our sovereignty is nonetheless a scary prospect.    o o o Facebook Knows Your Face: Are Users Too Blasé About New Facial Recognition Feature?    o o o The Radio Free Redoubt podcasts are continuing, on Sundays. The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Weeds increasingly immune to herbicides. (Merci to Pierre M. for the link.)    o o o Kevin S. flagged this: How Healthy is Rabbit Meat?    o o o Alex H. sent: Voice of America operator plans “sunset” for shortwave radio broadcasts    o o o Seed for Security has announced a new bonus gift offer. For a limited time, everyone placing an order over $45 will receive a three page Seed Saving Guide full of practical step-by-step instructions. It has sections with details on gathering seed from Corn, Beans and Peas, Winter Squash, Pumpkins, Spinach, Tomatoes, Dill, Beets, Cabbage, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The EU Preppers Blog (mostly in German) has some interesting coverage of the current e. coli outbreak.    o o o Solar flare threatens to disrupt Earth’s communications and power. (J.B.G. kindly sent the link.)    o o o Peeved patient proud of penny protest. (Thanks to J.J.H. for the link.)    o o o Frequent content contributor Pierre M. flagged an article from Nanny State California: LAPD seeks tighter regulations on toy guns    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large sent this humorous video clip: Most Tactical AR-15… EVER! (The scary thing is that some well-intentioned Mall Ninjas …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here come the CMEs: Sun Unleashes ‘Spectacular’ & Powerful Eruption. Oh, and speaking of CMEs: NASA’s Solar Shield to Protect Power Grids From Sun Storms    o o o F.J. mentioned this over at Instructables: Paracord Strap Wrap. (That is just one example of the dozens of preparedness-oriented how-to project articles you’ll find there.)    o o o California, the state built on gold prospecting, is set to outlaw … gold prospecting. (Thanks to G.P. for the link.)    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Field Gear Editor Pat Cascio wrote to give an update on the OC-1 knife that he designed, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Bill H. sent: 10 states most at risk of disaster. Bill noted: “None of the Redoubt States are included [in the top ten list]. This is another reason why my family and I are making plans to relocate there.”    o o o Lynn G. sent this troubling news headline from England: Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups    o o o As documented in the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, more details have emerged in the ATF’s Gunwalker scandal.    o o o More environmentalist hand-wringing: Could the Net be killing the planet one web …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder: Ready Made Resources is seeking entries for their Preparedness Video Contest. Instructional (nonfiction) videos on any topic related to family preparedness are sought. The prizes are a brand new Rock Rivers Arms (RRA) Elite Comp M4 (AR-15 series compatible ) complete Barreled Upper Receiver and a Trijicon Reflex sight with a combined retail value of more than $1,400. Please keep your privacy in mind when you create your videos. (Don’t mention any surnames or towns). You may post up to three videos to YouTube for consideration in the judging. Videos up to 10 minute long that are your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

We’ve mentioned “seasteading” several times in SurvivalBlog, and my #1 Son attended their first planning conference. Here is the latest news: Patri Friedman makes waves with ‘seasteading’ plan. (Thanks to Georgia Mom for the link.)    o o o I just heard that for just the month of June anyone order more than $150 of any merchandise from Ready Made Resources will receive a free DVD copy of the excellent Urban Danger DVD.    o o o Jeremy Pavleck over at Cool Tools recently recommended Rescue Repair Tape. It is a fusing silicone repair tape that has umpteen uses. It …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric C. sent this: Pickup runs on wood    o o o I just heard that Camping Survival just received a supply of Bridgford shelf-stable sandwiches. These were developed for the U.S. military, with a three year shelf life. Try some!    o o o Several readers sent this: Kevlar Bunker Provides Safe House for Tornado Survivor. JWR Adds: To my mind, there is no proper substitute for reinforced concrete.    o o o J.D.D. sent this article with video: Family Lives in 320-Square-Foot ‘Shotgun Shack’    o o o This guy really cranks them out! Volume Handloading Match Grade …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers in Western Montana, northern Idaho and southern Alberta will find this of interest: There is a Flathead Preparedness Expo scheduled for Saturday, June 18, 2011, in Kalispell, Montana. Guest speakers will include Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Sheriff Richard Mack, and Stewart Rhodes.    o o o A reminder that your original preparedness articles and videos (including all that you send to SurvivalBlog for posting) are eligible for Safecastle’s “Freedom Awards” contest, with $12,000 worth of prizes. SurvivalBlog’s editors are pleased to participate in the judging in this contest.    o o o Apparently this bad guy missed seeing the movie …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I often have consulting clients and SurvivalBlog readers ask me for recommendations on architects and design engineers that specialize in designing retreats. I strongly recommend Andrew L. Skousen. (In case you are wondering, yes, he’s related to Joel Skousen.) Feel free to mention my name when you contact Andrew. BTW, Joel Skousen and Andrew Skousen co-authored the recently-updated 3rd Edition of the book Strategic Relocation–North American Guide to Safe Places. This book is a modern-day classic in the preparedness world. It is chock full of maps and useful data for anyone considering buying a retreat property. I highly recommend it. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pedal powered farms and factories: the forgotten future of the stationary bicycle. (A hat tip to my old friend Charley S. for the link.)    o o o L.V.C. flagged this item: Survivalists Eyed as Key Market for Central Florida Horse Farm    o o o Andrew B. sent a link to an excellent video presentation on using malting to improve the digestibility of starchy grains for nursing babies who have lost their mother, or the malnourished and sick.    o o o Ian in England wrote to mention that in Europe there is currently have an E. Coli outbreak …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.G. mentioned this news article about institutionalized school test cheating from New York City: Teachers hostage to ‘success’    o o o Several readers sent this bit of Nanny State news: Albemarle Road church fined $100 per branch for excessive tree pruning    o o o Married Couples Are No Longer a Majority, Census Finds. (SurvivalBlog’s G.G. sent the link.)    o o o J.D.D. flagged this bit of news: Five People Arrested in D.C. for Dancing At U.S. Monument