Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Bill H. sent: 10 states most at risk of disaster. Bill noted: “None of the Redoubt States are included [in the top ten list]. This is another reason why my family and I are making plans to relocate there.”

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Lynn G. sent this troubling news headline from England: Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups

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As documented in the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, more details have emerged in the ATF’s Gunwalker scandal.

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More environmentalist hand-wringing: Could the Net be killing the planet one web search at a time? This must be some kind of joke. Common sense dictates that staying at home reduces one’s carbon footprint, whereas going out a doing things like driving your car to a restaurant or to a ball game you are then perceived as a overusing carbon. (Whenever some one slaughters trees, unearths coal, slays cattle, and pumps more of a black gooey substance out the ground,or indirectly causes anyone to do so. The shame, the guilt, the horror! ) Oh, and parenthetically, if they want to hug trees, they should do so only in their own back yards, or virtually hug a California Redwood tree, via the Internet. Traveling by car to a park burns fossil fuels.