Economics and Investing:

G.G. recommended this over at Alphaville: In fiat money we do not trust. “Monetise. Monetise. Monetise. Inflation. Inflation. Inflation.” Chad S. sent this: Millions of jobs that were cut won’t likely return. Darin W. was the first of several readers to send this link: Another Gold Dispensing ATM G.G. sent this: US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England Also from G.G.: Roubini: “The US Economy is Unsustainable” From The Wall Street Journal, Four more banks closed on Friday, now 72 for the year. And in case you missed the news last Friday: Bank closures cost $7.3 BILLION …

Economics and Investing:

The latest Friday Follies–Four More US Banks Bite the Dust: Midwest Bank & Trust Company, Elmwood Park, Illinois; Southwest Community Bank, Springfield, Missouri; New Liberty Bank, Plymouth, Michigan; Satilla Community Bank, St. Marys, Georgia. Banks seized a record 92,000 homes last month. (Thank to Brian B. for the link.) Axel Merk explains what is behind the gold and global credit market shakeup: Europe’s Bazooka Clive Maund has some interesting observations on the gold and silver markets. Reader “T556” liked this commentary by Dave DeGraw: High Frequency Financial Terrorism, Wall Street Bankster’s Maintain Death Grip on United States Items from The …

Economics and Investing:

Jonathan C. sent us this: Don’t Tell Zimbabwe: Argentina Belongs to 25% Inflation Club. G.G. recommended this: Central banks are losing credibility. Also from G.G.: Report: 11.2 Million U.S. Properties with Negative Equity in First Quarter. World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes Items from The Economatrix: US Plans Law to Prevent Banks from Betting Against Clients SEC Eyes “Circuit Breakers” to Stop Repeat of Dow Plunge The Big Short: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street Trade Deficit Increases to $40.4 Billion in March Was The Euro Saved By a Call From Barack Obama?  

Economics and Investing:

Several readers sent this news item to file under “I told you so”: Gold hits all-time high as investors seek haven Arnaud de Borchgrave: Stock Market Time Bomb? Reader Rich in Montana notes that recently “two minutes of honesty slipped out”, on the David Letterman Show: Hmmmm…. A Crack In The Dam? Bill Downey sent me his essay “Brother Can You Spare a Trillion?” Since SurvivalBlog is intentionally light on graphics (in deference to our readers that use mobile devices), I’m pointing you to the essay (with charts) which is already posted at the excellent Zero Hedge blog. The charts …

Saving in the Hard Times, for the Harder Times, by Mrs. C.J. in San Diego

I am by no means a financial expert and have lived most of my life from paycheck to paycheck, so the first thing I thought of when I read “Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse”was “Wow, those guys must have been rich to buy all that stuff!” I was very overwhelmed and felt somewhat hopeless that I could ever have enough money to buy the things we needed to make it through TEOTWAWKI, especially now that the economy is worsening, and people have less and less money. So I set out to figure out what I would …

Economics and Investing:

Les K. sent this: Federal Reserve opens credit line to Europe Breakfast with the FT: Nouriel Roubini. (Thanks to Mike O. for the link.) Kevin S. forwarded this: U.S. Debt Shock May Hit in 2018, Maybe as Soon as 2013: Moody’s. Fed Restarts Currency Swaps as EU Debt Crisis Flares. Read between the lines! Cui bono? Stocks Mostly Hold Gains After European Bailout SEC: Regulators Yet to Determine Cause of Plunge Items from The Economatrix: US Gold Coin Sales Surge as Investors Flee Risk Who’s on the Hook for the IMF’s Greek Bailout? Fears Intensify About Greek Crisis’ Impact on …

Economics and Investing:

Why does this not give me a warm, fuzzy feeling? The Fed now owns Red Roof Inns. (Thanks to SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson for spotting that article.) Food stamp tally nears 40 million, sets record. (Thanks to Brian B. for the link.) G.G. sent this: America has good reason to worry about Greece. Also from G.G.: EU close to €500 billion boost for rescue plan Reader Ralph N. ran across an article in The Wall Street Journal that confirms the warning that I made three years ago: Will Nickel-Free Nickels Make a Dime’s Worth of Difference? Plan …

Economics and Investing:

EMB mentioned: The Crisco Alternative    o o o Mark P. spotted this: Farmers Cope with Roundup-Resistant Weeds    o o o Tina W. alerted me to this article: Rodents pose new health threat in Zimbabwe’s towns. If our economy ever collapses, rats will be with us, in large numbers!    o o o The America I left – reactions of a retiring expat. (A hat tip to Brian B. for the link.)

Economics and Investing:

Morris S. suggested: Six investing rules for a worst-case scenario Mark Frey Calls It: Europe Enters Full Scale Financial Panic David Rosenberg: Euro Breakdown Could Drive Gold to $3,000. Rosenberg’s target for the Dow: 4,800. (A hat tip to Flavio, for the linkio.) |Courtesy of SurvivalBlog’s Poet Laureate, George Gordon (“G.G.”): U.S. Debt Shock May Hit In 2018, Maybe as Soon as 2013: Moody’s Also from G.G.: We Are Out of Money; American governance won’t begin to inch forward until the political class faces basic facts. Items from The Economatrix: UK Budget Deficit to Surpass Greece Productivity Growth Ebbs, Hiring …

A Tale of Two Currencies, by Penrod Schofield

Will day to day economic transactions in America in the years ahead continue pretty much as they have for the last century or so, or will they change? In other words, what will ground-level finances look like in five or ten years—or possibly three or five years? To answer that question, at least to the extent that I’m able (I’m not a professional economist), I reviewed my own experience, and studied up a bit on history. The answer I came up with isn’t outlandish or apocalyptic, but it’s still not a pretty picture. First, a bit about me: I’m in …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. suggested: The Subprime Rhyme with U.S. Debt Debacle, by Michael Pento Also from G.G.: Greek debt crisis offers preview of what awaits U.S. RBS suggested this article: Drowning in home debt Reader V.A.F. sent this: Freddie Mac Posts First Quarter Loss of $6.7 Billion, Asks Treasury for $10.6 Billion (Our tax dollars, funding our NINJA neighbors’ McMansion fanatsies.) Items from The Economatrix: Britain Must Cut Deficit Fast, Europe Warns America at the Crossroads and the War on Gold S&P to Gold Ratio: On Verge of 1.00 Breakdown Auto Industry on Road to Recovery But Pace Slows Federal Government Outpaces …

Letter Re: A British Ex-Pat’s View of the Ongoing Greek Tragedy

Hello again, James; Greece is in the news rather a lot at the moment and none of said news appears very good. Debt, sinecure occupations, corruption (the infamous ‘fakiraki‘, or little brown envelope), bail-outs, strikes, riots, deaths. A downward spiral, if you believe all you read. However, 99% of the news footage is from Athens and life away from the Capitol carries on pretty much as always. Here in the islands, the main pre-occupations are repairing the winter damage to the infrastructure and preparing for the hoped for influx of tourists. Whilst the age-old occupations of farming and fishing continue, …

Economics and Investing:

GG sent this: Inflation Worries Permeate U.S. Also from G.G.: Nouriel Roubini: US faces inflation or default Valerie F. sent us a link to a great Fox News interview with Ron Paul about the Greece-soon-to-be-USA problems. Chad S. sent this: Trader’s typo may have triggered record Dow plunge The latest Friday Follies: Bank closures in Minnesota and Florida. Items from The Economatrix: Moody’s Warning Portugal of Possible Debt Downgrade Angela Merkel: EU Future At Stake in Greece Crisis Chinese Markets Slide as Jitters Take Hold Hundreds Seek to Fill Positions After Illegals Fired UK Mortgage Lending Dives 83% Three Die …

Economics and Investing:

Stocks were down yesterday, but precious metals were up. Its a good thing that you are a SurvivalBlog reader, and wisely got out of stocks and into silver and gold, long ago. G.G. sent this: Long-term unemployment soaring Also from G.G.: John Williams: A Hyper-Inflationary Great Depression Is Coming In a recent issue of his excellent (and free) Outside The Box e-newsletter, John Mauldin had these comments: “It now looks like almost 30% of the Greek financing will come from the IMF, rather than just a small portion. And since 40% of the IMF is funded by US taxpayers, and …

Economics and Investing:

CMBS Delinquencies Hit Fresh Record, Now at $51 Billion, 268% Increase. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) Also from G.G.: Still No Credit Where It’s Due (Commercial and industrial loans have contracted 19% in the past 12 months. Consumer credit is down 6% in the year to February, when it stood at the same level as June 2007.) RBS sent us this: Idle rail cars generate cash for Boise Also from RBS comes this article in Der Spiegel: The Mother of All Bubbles Could Push Euro Zone into Bankruptcy. Thanks to Steve S. for forwarding this: China May ‘Crash’ in …