Economics and Investing:

R.D.H. sent this: Gold Rises to Record on Demand for Haven From European Crisis. Reader David S. suggested this piece by mainstream economic journalist Scott Burns that was surprisingly frank about the possibility of an economic collapse: The Future… as a Large, Sullen Stranger G.G. liked this commentary by Robert Barone: Forget PIIGS, US Debt is Out of Control Brian B. sent this item by our friend Bill Bonner: US government is killing its own economy J.D.D. highlighted this: Long-Term Unemployed Now 46 Percent of Unemployed, Highest Percentage on Record Items from The Economatrix: Increasingly Hawkish Fed Ponder Raising Rates …

Economics and Investing:

Several readers sent this: U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP: Chart of Day Brett G. sent us this: Experts: Europe to Push US Back Into Recession Mac F. liked this essay by Monty Pelerin: Worse than a Depression Complexity and Collapse: Empires on the Edge of Chaos by Niall Ferguson. (A hat tip to Thomas P. for the link.) Laura Bassett reports: Disturbing Job Ads: ‘The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered’ (A hat tip to Simon J. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Central Bank Gold Holdings Expand at Fastest Pace Since 1964. (Why do central bankers …

Economics and Investing:

Frequent content contributor R.B.S. sent us this: How a Bursting Housing Bubble in China Could Slam the U.S. Also from R.B.S.: China Freaks Out The World By Announcing Restrictions On Export Of Metals Crucial For National Defense Chad sent us this: Hungary warning heightens sovereign-debt fear; Default concern rises as new government says predecessor lied about finances G.G. suggested this interview: Jim Rogers on Currencies and Inflation Items from The Economatrix: Gold’s Record-Breaking May Madness The Central Banker’s Dilemma No. European Nations Preparing to Slaughter the PIIGS Student Loans: Another Debt Crisis Brewing Four-Day School Week Due to Budget Cuts …

Economics and Investing:

Joseph C. sent a link to this: Why U.S. debt matters to you Trent H. flagged this: For Some Homeowners in Foreclosure, a Rent-Free Approach. Trent’s comment: “This attitude is astonishing and disappointing. The attitude that ‘the banks are crooks’, and thus its okay to behave similarly is frightening.” From Brian B.: Federal debt tops $13 trillion mark. (And that doesn’t include the massive future obligations like government pensions) Why a ‘new euro’ could be the saviour of the European dream. (Thanks to L.R. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: First-Time Jobless Claims Drop for Second Week Retailers’ Reports …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog reader H. in Quebec asked me to summarize my view of the current economic situation, and asked what is coming next. In essence, the recession will likely turn into depression that may last for decades. What is ahead? This is what I wrote in early 2008: “The current financial instability is just the beginning. Before this is over, the debt crisis will start an avalanche that will bankrupt countless individual investors, institutional stockholders, hedge funds, stock trading companies, municipalities, banks, S&Ls, and insurance companies. Since the magic money tap will be turned off, both residential and commercial real estate …

Economics and Investing:

U.S. Inflation to Approach Zimbabwe Level, Faber Says. (Thanks to Brian B. for the link.) Reader Matt in in Tennessee notes that the animated national unemployment map (mentioned before in my blog) has recently been updated to include data from March, 2010. Matt’s comment: “The map grows darker and darker…like a cloud that hints of an impending storm.” Joe K. mentioned that someone is auctioning one million copper pennies on eBay. That’s 7,000 pounds of copper! G.G. sent us this: U.S. Mint’s May gold coin sales reach most since 1999 Courtesy of reader Becky P.: Greece Urged to Give Up …

Economics and Investing:

Michael H. suggested this article: Is Europe heading for a meltdown? Mervyn King, the Bank of England Governor, summed it up best: “Dealing with a banking crisis was difficult enough,” he said the other week, “but at least there were public-sector balance sheets on to which the problems could be moved. Once you move into sovereign debt, there is no answer; there’s no backstop.” Roubini: World at Risk of Double Dip Recession for Years. (A hat tip to Brett G. for the link). Brett’s comment on article: “Wouldn’t that be called a Depression’?” Thanks to Brian B. for sending this: …

Economics and Investing:

Reader H.H. recommended a speech by economist Marc Faber, titled Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, where he talks about what will be the next entity like AIG to fall. At minute 54, he says to buy a house in the middle of nowhere” to avoid the various forms of social unrest he believes is coming. He also recommends, of course, that you buy physical gold as a hedge against inflation. It sounds like he’s now in accord with economist and investing guru Barton Biggs, who has also recommended buying retreat property: “Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of …

Economics and Investing:

El Jefe Jeff E. spotted this: Bankruptcy talk spreads among California muni officials Reader A.P. liked this article over at Fox Business: Is the World Broke? Entitlements, Spending May Spell Doom Reader J.H. sent a link to a piece by Jim Jubak: Euro crisis is tip of the iceberg; What we see is scary enough, but the hidden part is something virtually every nation will have to navigate around during the next couple of decades Items from The Economatrix: Gulf Oil Spill Impact Will Be Long-Term New, Giant Sea Plume Seen in Gulf Storms Could Cross Massive Gulf Oil Spill

Letter Re: Ammunition and Magazines for Barter

James Wesley: The idea of using ammo as currency has been ridiculed by many. “It’ll never happen.” they say. “It would take an economic catastrophe for ammo to be used as money.” Not so. Today some friends of my wife came over (we were moving) and asked what we had for sale. One gentleman jokingly asked if I had any ammo (.22, .223 and .308) or magazines (Ruger 10/.22 or SKS) for sale. I looked at my wife and she nodded. Okay, she knows them well enough to feel comfortable with the exchange. I don’t need to sell any of …

Economics and Investing:

The following recently ran in The Daily Bell, published in Appenzell, Switzerland: Euro Crisis to Set One World Currency? (OBTW, subscriptions and RSS feeds to The Daily Bell are free. I read it often, and recommend it.) Reader “Two Dogs” sent this interesting analysis: ObamaCare’s Economic Dominoes David R. sent us an op-ed by David Einhorn: Easy Money, Hard Truths. Here is a key quote: “According to the Bank for International Settlements, the United States’ structural deficit — the amount of our deficit adjusted for the economic cycle — has increased from 3.1 percent of gross domestic product in 2007 …

Economics and Investing:

Brian B. mentioned this commentary by Robert Prechter: Gold Correction Factors, Hidden Dollar Swap Hammer. Signs of the times: Wait grows longer for Rhode Island tax refunds My old friend Fred The Valmetmeister wrote: “It looks like some of us will be paying a lot more tax next year – [in all] more than 50 percent [income tax]. The 35 percent [Federal income tax] rate goes back to 39.6 percent next year, plus state income tax (6.9 percent in my state) plus 3.8 percent to cover the new health care that just passed. I find it amazing that dividends will …

Economics and Investing:

Craig S. spotted this bit of chartistry: Dollar Primed for Collapse by End June. Yes, the US Dollar is presently artificially strong. But we are looking at a study of relative weaknesses. All the major fiat currencies are in a race to the bottom. Don’t make the foolish mistake of swapping from one un-back currency into another. Instead, swap into tangibles! Brian B. and Jon M. were the first of several readers who sent this: US money supply plunges at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus. The money multiplier effect works in reverse, as credit collapses. But at some …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog’s Poet Laureate George Gordon (“G.G”) flagged this article by veteran prepper/economist Howard J. Ruff: Gold and Silver Insurance Also from G.G.: Italy Banning Cash Transactions Over €5,000 As Latest European Austerity Package Revealed One more from G.G.: Number of the Week: 75% Chance of Greek Default Moody’s Reiterates U.S. Spending Risks Credit Rating Jim D. suggested this article by Mish Shedlock that illustrates the incredible depth of California’s budget crisis: California to borrow next 20 years worth of bottle returns. Items from The Economatrix: Falling Home Prices Stir Fears of New Bottom Consumer Confidence Up Again Factory Orders And …

Letter Re: Automated Budgeting Tools for Preppers

Hi James, One of the pages on my web site has to do with budgets. It’s a short page, and takes into consideration that there are four basic pay periods for individuals not working under contract (IRS Form 1099 workers). On it, I’ve included four spreadsheet files that are Excel compatible. These are blanks, with calculations that carry over from month to month, and are not too involved. I wanted them to be useful for people that have basic computer skills, but feel uncomfortable with traditional budget software packages. I also included a link to OpenOffice, which is an open …