Guest Article: Jailbreak Your IRA Before It Becomes MyRA, by William Lehr

I am not suggesting the IRA LLC is the bulletproof solution to government confiscation of retirement accounts. However, the LLC investment company does offer another layer of protection. If the government requires a percentage of accounts be invested in treasuries, for example, they may very well come after self-directed IRAs and require them to sell real estate, metals, or any other asset to fulfill the new bond investment obligation. If they come after these specific self-directed IRA LLCs, the individual has the choice to comply or to not comply. Non-compliance certainly has its ramifications, and I am not endorsing it, …

Economics And Investing:

E.B. – Looks like the fed leadership is introducing the idea of inflation as a “solution”. I don’t think this is a mistake nor a spur of the moment idea. This was probably a planned comment. Fed may need to let inflation run hot to meet goals: Evans Items from The Economatrix: Yellen Repeats Fed Likely To Keep Trimming Asset Purchases Viedeo: RED ALERT VIDEO! RUN, DON’T WALK FROM THE U.S. STOCK MARKET. By Gregory Mannarino Is This Time Bomb Going To Implode The Economy? The Coming Global Monetary Reset

Economics and Investing:

Bye Bye Bitcoin, Hello Hard Assets Household debt first increase in 4 years largely driven by massive increases in student debt. Items from The Economatrix: Applications For US Jobless Benefits Rise To 348K The Affordable Care Act’s Multiple Taxes Confidence Improves as Americans Grow More Upbeat About Economy The Coming Silver Storm: The Public Is Not Prepared

Letter: Where’s My Silver

Hello HJL, Just thought I’d let you know I’m a little less than satisfied with Northwest Territorial Mint. I chose them to buy silver from because I knew I could trust a company that your site promotes. While I still trust NTM I feel I should say, however, they should tighten up a little bit. I’ve made four orders so far and received one. I’m quite pleased with that order, but at the same time the turn-around is very long. It took over a month to receive, and yesterday I received an email saying my 2nd order will be delayed …

Economics and Investing:

Rome days away from bankruptcy – CDV Items from The Economatrix: Video: Dr. Jim Willie: Out Of Control Chaos Coming With Shortages Of Gold, Silver, Food, Gasoline Personal Income Faces First Year-Over-Year Drop Since Recession Ended: As Incomes Collapse, Spending Via Consumer Credit Begins To Increase. Spotlight On Economy: Durable Goods Not So Durable? Fed’s Rosengren Sees Significant Job Market Slack

Economics and Investing:

Market Continues To Purchase “All” Allocated Silver Eagles From U.S. Mint. The market is currently buying 70 Silver Eagles to every Gold Eagle. – Steve Items from The Economatrix: Richard Russell – World To Witness A Terrifying Hyperinflation China Starts To Make A Power Move Against The U.S. Dollar JPM To Lay Off 17,000 Mortgage Bankers In 2013 And 2014, Because The “Housing Recovery”

Econ 101 for Open Eyes, by Little Fish

It has been interesting following the various offerings on this blog having to do with economics, physical possession of precious metals (PMs), IRAs, and such. I believe I have some things to add to the conversation that I have not seen mentioned before and that may be of interest to “preppers”. By way of introduction I consider myself a “survivalist.” I have a degree in Business Economics from a major university. Furthermore, I have been working in the world of banking/finance for the past 30 years. What I am about to offer does not constitute investment or tax advice, rather …

Economics and Investing:

Personal income faces first year-over-year drop since recession ended: As incomes collapse, spending via consumer credit begins to increase. – GLC o o o Bitcoin has taken a blow recently as Mt. Gox, once the worlds biggest bitcoin exchange has stopped trading. Items from The Economatrix: Jim Willie: We Are Well Past the 11th Hour, The Global Currency Reset Looms! This Will Stun The World & Bring Chaos To Global Markets Gov Report: Up To ONE MILLION Jobs Will Be Lost Due to Minimum Wage Hike Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th “Warmest” January On Record

Economics and Investing:

Polar Vortex hits California housing market: California home sales fall over 10 percent on an annual basis. 2014 off to a drought in real estate. o o o Comparing the inflated cost of living today from 1950 to 2014:How declining purchasing power has hurt the middle class since 1950. Items from The Economatrix: Return of Goldilocks Economy Means A Weaker USD, But Beware The 3 Bears U.S. Economy Weather Impact Narrative Getting Confusing

Economics and Investing:

I have subscribed to John Mauldin’s newsletter for quite some time now and while I don’t agree with everything he says, I usually enjoy his writings. I’m looking forward to his series on “income inequality”. Take a look at his latest: The Worst Ten-Letter Word. Warning: An email subscription is required to see the full article. o o o Stoic Cyprus back from the dead after banking collapse – Telegraph – JBG Items from The Economatrix: Fed Minutes Point To Continued Paring Of Stimulus U.S. Home Sales Plunged 5.1 Percent In January Is Food Inflation Coming Back? Return of Goldilocks …

Economics and Investing:

This was sent in by B.B.– Myths and Lessons of the Argentine Currency It’s a very straight forward piece that helps us to understand exactly what is going on in the Argentine economy. Items from The Economatrix: Why Gold Might Drop Another 50% Jobless Claims Drop; Consumer Prices Stay Tame January Inflation Subdued Despite Biggest Jump In Electricity Prices In Four Years “Polar Vortex” Shock And Awe: The Utility Bill Arrives (And Why It Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better)

Economics and Investing:

The Five Greatest Gold Robberies – D.B. Shocker: China Dumps $50 Billion in US Treasury Paper, Leaving Europe to Pick Up Slack – B.B. Items from The Economatrix: Ugly Scenario Epiphany & Forecast Formula Does The Trail Of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere? Celente – It’s Raining Bankers To Protect The US Dominance Weak Home-Construction Data Darken Economic Outlook

Economics and Investing:

D.B. sent in this article about exposing the Depression the U.S. is in, rather than “recovery”. o o o My Budget 360 has an interesting article on how the stock market is a sham for the average person. Items from The Economatrix: Economy Takes $50 Billion Winter Weather Hit Gold To Scale New Heights On Strong Technical Picture Extending Unemployment Killing Economy

Economics and Investing:

We are now training our children to depend on the Government for Savings as well. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is trying to introduce legislation that will create universal savings accounts for children and provide the first $500 for it. Items from The Economatrix: U.S. Currency Weak And About To Crash–Karen Hudes We’re Going To Be Hit With A Tsunami Of Inflation-Peter Schiff US Stock Market-To-GDP Ratio Favored By Warren Buffett Points To Imminent 50% Crash Home Builder Confidence Plunges In February