Signs of the Times: What are the SHTF Tipping Points?, by CentOre

One of the most crucial decisions a ‘prepper’ will ever have to make is deciding when to stop preparing, and instead, begin surviving.  This is especially difficult when the life one has still contains the last dregs of normality.  It is difficult to make the decision to G.O.O.D. or Bugout in the absence of actual chaos in one’s normal life.  One reason many preppers move to rural areas and isolated retreats is to exchange space and time for having to make the decision to act, or not act, within a very short time frame.  This essay is about whether the …

Letter Re: Insurance Companies Encourage Immunization Paternalism

<p>JWR:<br>   As a practicing physician, I would like to alert your readers to a new policy which we are beginning to see from our insurance companies.&nbsp; As these companies become increasingly paternalistic, it is important to keep abreast of just what they are requiring, especially since most of these policies are invisible from the subscribers’ viewpoint.&nbsp; What we are seeing specifically is a policy under which we (the physicians) are penalized if parents opt out of vaccines, check-ups or follow-up visits.&nbsp; </p> <p>The key here is that if you opt to follow a vaccine or check-up schedule that differs …

Letter Re: England’s New Leisure Class

Sir, Please see this article published by the BBC here in the UK: Family life on benefits.   In this article Raymond (not his real name) makes a number of statements that clearly define why the benefits system here in the UK is flawed. I’ll include my comments:   “Raymond, a former educational software writer, has been jobless since 2001…. The market for my skills dried up 10 years ago – there’s a total lack of work in my area of expertise.” So why has someone with apparent I.T. skills not retrained to something he can do to earn an …

Letter Re: Cash Transaction Limits in Belgium

Hi, Recently on the news here in Belgium they said there’s soon going to be a law effective that limits cash payments to 5,000 euro maximum, and in 2014 this limit would be decreased to only 3,000 euro. Officially it’s to limit ‘black money’. Haven’t heard much other things about it (no questions, protests, ..) so it’s interesting to follow up if that’s only our government being creative (which I doubt) or that other European countries will also apply a similar law, maybe as a way to be able to devaluate the euro currency in a few years. – A. …

Letter Re: 2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey

James: I got one of the USDA’s surveys, too, and had an interesting discussion with whoever responded to their “contact us” email address. I noted that my paper form claimed very clearly that response was required by law, but the web site version of the survey said it was voluntary. So I asked which was true, and was told that Public Law 105-113 “authorizes the [USDA] to conduct an agricultural census every five years,” and explained the form was to help them save time in some further census process. The response said nothing about whether my response was required or …

Letter Re: 2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey

Mr. Rawles: Have you all heard about this?  Yesterday I received a 2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey [from the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service] in the mail.  They ask 25 nosey questions about how many of each animal we have on our farm i.e. cows, chickens, beehives, turkeys, sheep, goats, horses etc., how much we spend in our “operation” every year, and how much we plan to make this year.  They also ask if we have internet access, how many “operators” are involved in the decision making of our “operation” how many acres we have, how many are pasture land …

Letter Re: Clarification on Stockpiling Nickels?

Dear Editor: I have a question about the saving of [U.S. five cent piece] nickels, is it for the value of the metal in nickels or [is it for] the value when the government changes the metal composition? I have read on some sites that it is for the metal meltdown in case of government collapse. If it is for that, then all coins after 1965 have the same metal content. Why keep one coin in particular? If it is for the value after the metal change by the government, will it not take a decade or two to bring …

Rolling Back Civilian Disarmament Laws in America

Firearms freedom is on the march across America. In recent years, there have been many legislative successes for American gun owners, and I’m pleased to report that some of the best have been in the American Redoubt states. Onerous gun laws that had placed too much arbitrary discretion hands of a few political appointees have been rolled back. Meanwhile, “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” laws have been enacted, and strong assertions of State Sovereignty have been enacted. This animated graphic from the Wiki world, showing the advance of non-discretionary (“Shall issue”) CCW permits, is guaranteed to make Chuck Schumer …

Mike Williamson on the Flash Mob Trend

SurvivalBlog readers should take the time to read through a fairly lengthy piece about flash mobs that was recently published in Wired magazine. I note several threats, including: Random “bombings” of activity. Organized criminal events. Organized social events that get out of hand. Police over-reaction. Civil rights over-reaction. It would be a good idea for all teenagers to be aware that even a legitimate, law-abiding gathering can be turned into a riot by a few troublemakers and a measured police response. If the crowd looks too large, or questionable, then leave early. If you have to ask if it’s safe …

The Gray Market Role of Defunct Coinage in a Cashless Society

I’ve received several e-mails and letters from SurvivalBlog readers, asking me if and when I believe that a “cashless society” is coming. My response is: Yes, I do believe that it is coming, but I can’t say when. There are some that have argued that a currency collapse will be used as the pretense to implement a multi-continental or even global digital currency. Most likely it would be in the form of a debit card, similar to what has been popularized in Germany with EuroCheck (EC) Cards. I mentioned these cards in my most recent book, “Survivors: A Novel of …

Letter Re: An Exception to the Upcoming U.S. Light Bulb Ban

Dear Mr. Rawles:  In reference to D.B.C. in Minnesota’s letter regarding rough service lamps and their availability.  I recently read PUBLIC LAW 110–140—DEC. 19, 2007 which impacts incandescent light bulbs has language which directs the “Secretary” to track the sales of “exempted” bulbs and if their sales grow above historical sales/growth levels, then energy conservation standards will be imposed for exempted lamps, including rough service. Here is a partial excerpt from the bill:  ‘‘(D) ROUGH SERVICE LAMPS.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Effective beginning with the first year that the reported annual sales rate for rough service lamps demonstrates actual unit sales of rough service lamps that achieve …

Letter Re: An Exception to the Upcoming U.S. Light Bulb Ban

Jim: You recently posted a link to an article titled: “Time to Stock up on Light Bulbs”. I appreciate very much the helpful instruction I receive on SurvivalBlog. You put a lot of effort into credible and accurate information. It is with that in mind that I share the following with you. I have been selling light bulbs into the Commercial / Industrial market for 17 years. While it is true “most” 100 watt A19 incandescents are outlawed as of January 1st 2012, NOT ALL are. One quick search under “EISA 2007” category “lighting” will yield the real story. The …

Letter Re: Lessons From Latvian Bank Runs

James, I recently read an article at Zero Hedge about a bank run in Latvia.  The run was apparently brought on by accusations of embezzlement, document forgery, accounting fraud, and abuse of authority by two shareholders.  (Honestly, this is not about the US Congress emptying the Social Security Trust Fund, or Congressional insider trading)  The information on the bank’s web site refers specifically to Jon Corzine and MF Global!  “Kinda like Jon Corzine, if not by the actual authorities, then by everybody else. And just like in the US where the lack of confidence in the system following the MF filing, so …

Letter Re: Barnhardt Capital Management Has “Gone Galt” – MF Global Claims It’s First Major Victim

James: We need more business leaders like Ann Barnhardt! As reported over at Zero Hedge, Ann Barnhardt, President of Barnhardt Capital Management (a cattle and grain hedge brokerage) writes an excellent letter to her clients explaining why she is shutting down her business and exiting the markets altogether. She cites the recent bankruptcy of MF Global as the last straw, and predicts the imminent downfall of brokerage firms and commodities dealers in the derivatives market. This was mentioned on Rush Limbaugh’s show as her “Going Galt” speech, in reference to Ayn Rand’s character John Galt in Atlas Shrugged. See: “BCM …

Letter Re: The Occupy Protests as an Illustration of Refugee Camp Living

JWR,   I found this article interesting: Protesters Coming Down With the “Zuccotti Lung”. Park conditions put demonstrators at risk for variety of sicknesses, officials say. The weather and conditions at the “Occupy” protests are likely a microcosm of a post-Crunch refugee camp, along with the attendant diseases and problems associated with lots of people living close together in raw weather.   I think this should give pause to those who believe they can simply pack up and head out into the local woodlot and survive a Crunch-type event. You may leave home healthy, but inevitable contact with other folks will …