Letter Re: Offshore G.O.O.D.–Do You Have Your Papers?

We all know that many Jews saw the handwriting on the wall in a pre-WWII Germany, but failed to leave, or could they not leave? There was obviously a window of opportunity for most to leave but why did so many miss it? Some were not wealthy, but were able to escape. Some had the money, so why could they not leave? If one only has a few moments in which to leave a foreign country, is the house in order? My sister dwelled on this problem and then looked at her own family. She was the only one with …

Letter Re: Highly Productive Home Gardens

Jim, Take a look at the YouTube videos on the Dervaes family. These folks are a bit granola crunching and leftist/idealistic for me, but there is a great deal to be learned from their efforts. 6,000 pounds of produce from 5,000 square feet of yard is pretty impressive. Admittedly, they have a 365-day growing season and no deer to worry about, but we are adapting the strategies for our own situation. I do agree with them that producing your own food is a profoundly subversive act. If the link does not work work just go to YouTube and then search …

Letter Re: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Reinforcing Your Retreat for Long Term Survival on the Cheap

Jim Concerning the article by Q.T. about fence building. A good book on the subject is, “Fences, Gates, and Bridges, and How to Make Them” by George Martin. It includes a longer and more complete explanation, and pictures, of the plash method of fence building. …And a caution! Be careful what plants you choose for building your fences. It can have unintended consequences. Fifty years ago, the local County Agriculture Agents recommended to all the farmers around here, that we plant multiflora rose bushes. The agents said the roses were cheap, would grow fast and they would form an impenetrable …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent a link to a piece in The Financial Times about the threat of mass inflation: Germany warns on ‘crisis after crisis’ “‘I am concerned that the countermeasures we are seeing around the world, financed by enormous amounts of debts, could be paving the road to the next crisis,’ Mr Steinbrück told Bild, a tabloid daily.” G.G. also forwarded a link to a Barron’s article: The Lessons of the Savings-and-Loan Crisis: “The current bank scandal dwarfs the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis — and could destroy the Obama presidency.The scale of fraud is immense.” “This whole bank scandal makes Teapot Dome …

Odds ‘n Sods:

M.P. suggested a web site that describes an innovative self-watering and water efficient tomato growing system. “It is estimated that this system uses 75% less water than in-ground planting, a potentially huge benefit when the power goes out for good. Plans for building the device are given in both PDF and video format.”    o o o Signs of the times: Reader Andy H. sent us this excerpt from the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Bulletin: SOLD OUT – 415-CN. As a result over 9,000 orders already in [the] Estore and the many hundreds of other orders (received through the mail …

Note from JWR:

I was pleased to see that Amazon.com has dropped their price to just $8.97 on my novel “Patriots: A Novel Survival in the Coming Collapse” . This must be one of those “economies of scale” benefits, derived from the huge re-order that they placed following the “Book Bomb” day last Wednesday. (Amazon sold more than 2,000 copies of “Patriots” in just one day!) Ulysses Press has ordered another 10,000 copy press run, to keep up with demand. Many thanks for your tremendous support of that event! — The high bid in the SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction is now at $1,310. This …

Letter Re: Viability of Central America Retreat Locales?

Hi Mr. Rawles, I thank you sincerely for all of the great information that you have made available to us all, for all your years of experience and knowledge. I have what I hope will be an interesting question for you. I am young, 25, and currently work for an NGO in Nicaragua and previously did the Peace Corps work here as well. I have been pondering over how reasonable Nicaragua would/could be as a retreat location, for numerous reasons, such as, in any given area: Rich topsoil and annual rains Extremely low population density (lowest in Central America) Low …

Letter Re: Backpackers of the Apocalypse: Selecting and Ultra-Lighting Your Bug-Out Bag

Hello Mr. Rawles, I would like to comment on the recommendations for Bug Out Bags: Do not include an axe. It is a crude cutting device prone to making copious whacking noise while in use. Bugging out must be accomplished almost silently… But do carry an Ontario 18″ Machete . It cuts branches up to 1.5 inches thick in a single cut when sharp. My Ontario Machete is now more than 30 years old. It has been thoroughly used during military operations and during a tour of duty in Africa with the Peace Corps. Get a good flexible sheath with …

Three Letters Re: Why Survivalists Should Buy Local Organic Food

Mr. Rawles, Yesterday, you posted Chad L.’s submission concerning buying “organic” and/or locally produced food. In it, Chad made a few statements that are simply wrong. This is an example: “…factory farming requires the use of fertilizer made from oil, largely derived from the Middle East. ” This is a wholly ignorant statement, ignorant because if the author had bothered to check, he would have found that the USA produces nearly all of it’s nitrogen fertilizer from natural gas. Even if we did use oil as the source for ammonium nitrate, OPEC only accounts for about half of the oil …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Chester sent us the link to his “must watch” video Real Gunfighter Lance Thomas on Justice Files. The lessons to be learned: If you live in a bad neighborhood, then relocate, as soon as possible. But regardless, get the best self defense tools and training that you can afford.    o o o Bill Six spotted this: ‘Open season’ declared on Mason Co. criminals    o o o F.R. forwarded a link to a masterful piece of gray propaganda: Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment. Its liberal bias is subtle but is a …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Those, who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people." – Aristotle 384–322 BC

Notes from JWR:

Have a joyous Easter. Our Savior is risen! — The high bid in the SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction is now at $1,260. This auction ends on April 15th. It is for a large mixed lot, which includes:: 1.) A Warrior Aid and Litter Kit, donated by Ready Made Resources. This is an advanced medic kit package that includes a Talon II 90C folding handle collapsible litter, which normally retails for $560, just by itself. This truly a “full up” tactical trauma kit! This sophisticated medic kit normally retails for $1,500. 2.) A “be ready to barter” box of 26 full-capacity firearms …

Why Survivalists Should Buy Local Organic Food, by Chad L.

I know the name of the woman who raises the chickens that lay the eggs that I eat. Do you? I know about her daughter’s college plans and her vacations and how she got into the business of raising chickens. This might not seem so important from a survivalist perspective, but I think it is and I’ll explain why in the following paragraphs. Now think about where you get your eggs. Chances are they come from a big chain grocery store. That means they are raised in a huge factory farm, staffed by underpaid workers of questionable legality, and overwhelmingly …