Notes from HJL:

Today we present another entry for Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift certificate …

Tornado Survival and Recovery, by J.M.

You’d think an old lady would learn. Going through old papers and files the other day in my attempt to clear out clutter and be organized, I came across the file containing receipts and all sorts of paperwork that reflected our experience with the May 3rd, 1999 tornado that went through southwest Oklahoma City and Moore, Oklahoma. I shook my head thinking, “What did I learn from this?” Allow me to provide some detail of that experience. First of all, I was home alone with four dogs….big dogs. These were dogs that didn’t get along well with each other. Two …

Letter Re: A Primer on Handgun Holsters

Hugh, Although B.D. doesn’t like Thunderwear, from my personal experience, it is a must have for those of us that live in warm climates where clothing can be a big issue. When you’re wearing a bathing suit and tee-shirt (like many of us do here in Florida), it is a super way to carry a weapon concealed. Otherwise, the weight of a typical carry weapon will have your trunks around your ankles, and there are typically no belts with a pair of swim trunks. Thunderwear is great for the tropics. – S.V. HJL Replies: I would be interested in hearing …

Letter Re: Preparing Now For Good Sanitation After The SHTF

HJL, The author should include a bidet bottle in his/her supplies, as well as all preppers. In fact I recommend getting one and start using it right away. I believe you will find, as I have, that once you start using a bidet, you will wonder how you ever did without. It will save great amounts of toilet paper, as now you will only use a few sheets to pat yourself dry. There are places to buy one, but you can also easily make one out of a 1-liter water/soda bottle. Once you get the hang of it, it will …

Economics and Investing:

Meltdown America: A Warning From Survivors o o o The USA: Worst Government That Money Can Buy o o o Items from The Economatrix: Richard Russell – Silver & The Nastiest Stock Market In History What In The World Is Happening To The Nasdaq? Job Openings Highest In More Than Six Years For Long-Time Unemployed, Full-Time Work Is Elusive

Odds ‘n Sods:

Not sure I’d call these MREs, but they are good ideas for field rations. Homemade MREs. – Mike Williamson (SurvivalBlog Editor At Large) o o o This is an older video but one worth reviewing: Chinese Crossing Mexican Border Into USA . – RBS o o o Make a 55-Gallon Compost Tumbler Fast, Cheap and Easy. – F.J. o o o Not many of us are actually affected by poison Ivy, but when you need it, you really need it: How to Treat Poison Ivy Naturally. – R.J. o o o Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater …

Notes from HJL:

There is a developing story that has not been reported by the mainstream media yet, and its effects are far reaching. In 1992, federal agents squared off against Randy Weaver and his family/friends in an incident known as “Ruby Ridge”. While the merits of Mr. Weaver’s case can be and has been argued, the bottom line is the Federal Government used inappropriate, overwhelming force and tactics in dealing with the situation. (We might also mention that there was no real disciplinarian action taken against those who were guilty of taking innocent American lives either.) We now have, what appears to …

Introduction to Prudent Food & Health: by KM in Ohio

Disclaimer: I am not a “medical professional”, and this article is not to be considered “medical advice.” “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Isaiah 40:29 Healthy Living is Hard Work! We, Americans, have been increasingly dependent on other people for our welfare, food, and lifestyles for a couple of generations. A company far away provides electricity to illuminate and heat our homes, pump our wells, or run the security system. City dwellers get their essential of life– water– from a city-owned pump facility. Most of us get the majority of …

Letter Re: North Carolina Drivers Charged by the Mile

Hugh I found the following that describes traveling versus driving. Mr. Rawles has an excellent chapter in “Patriots” that also addresses the same. This article is bit more in depth. I have trouble believing sovereign citizens would allow a government to tax them for public roads paid for with tax payer money. – BT in TX Hugh Replies: I used to have trouble believing that also, but then I watched sovereign citizens allow themselves to be treated as criminals– front doors kicked in, hands placed on heads or handcuffed, and kicked out of their homes without search warrants. The citizenry …

Odds ‘n Sods:

7th Grader Suspended and Given Psychological Evaluation for Twirling a Pencil . – D.V. o o o Under attack: Depth of federal arms race should surprise, shock citizenry – B.B. o o o Victory for Gun-Rights Proponents as Open-Carry Bill — Possible Nationwide Model — Approved by State’s Lawmakers – H.L. o o o Tucson Cop Who Randomly Slammed Woman To The Ground Not So Tough After Receiving Threats – L.C. o o o Holder: We Want to Explore Gun Tracking Bracelets – JBG

Notes from HJL:

Today we present another entry for Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift certificate …

A Primer On Handgun Holsters, by B.D.

INTRODUCTION So, you’re standing in front of the handgun holster display at your local gun shop and trying to decide which holster to purchase for adding to your survival gear. The sheer volume of manufacturers, styles, and materials can be overwhelming. Even the specialized terminology can make your head spin. In an attempt to help reduce some of the pain and confusion, I’m sharing my personal experiences and some basic information I’ve picked up along the way that may be worth your consideration before making your next handgun holster purchase. While this information is by no means exhaustive, I hope …