Odds ‘n Sods:

Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader Misreads His Plate – H.L. o o o Everything at your hospital can be hacked – easily – D.S. o o o Experts Warn More European Muslim Youth Are Radicalizing. – So violent, so bloodthirsty, is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a Syria-based jihadist group, that even al-Qaida will have nothing to do with them. – H.L. o o o Pentagon to destroy $1 billion worth of ammo. This makes sense because…?. – K.B. Oh, what a thought… Selling it as surplus …

Reading the New Blog Format for iPads/iPods

For those who have eyes like mine, the font on an iPad/iPod is difficult to read, but there is an answer. Since everyone’s eyes are different, it doesn’t make sense to regulate that aspect of the blog from the server side. Rather, each iPad/iPod needs to adjust specifically for its user. To that end, these instructions should alleviate the issue. If you are using a Windows or an Android tablet/phone, there should be similar methods available to you as well. For those who want the advertisements to show on the smaller screen identical to the desktop, you pretty much have …

Notes from HJL:

April 28th is the birthday of Aimo Johannes Lahti (born in 1896.) This clever Finn designed (or co-designed) an amazing array of weapons including the L-35 Lahti pistol, Suomi M-31 SMG, the Lahti-Saloranta M/26 LMG, the the famous Lahti L-39 20mm anti-tank rifle, and even the 20 ItK 40(a 20 mm dual anti-aircraft cannon).

Guest Article: Ideas Concerning A Post-Collapse World, by M.S.

In thinking about the results of a total collapse of financial institutions in the United States, some conclusions can be drawn to identify events that would unfold immediately following the collapse. Following these conclusions, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to theorize how the subsequent future of society would look once order is restored. The collapse will obviously be violent and downright depressing. The cities will see conflagrations, mass killings, and famine, similar to what is seen in urban warfare. Because of the violence and difficulties living in the cities, there will likely be a migration of survivors into the rural …

Pat’s Product Review: Ruger’s SR-762 Rifle, by Pat Cascio

Hands down, I received more requests from SurvivalBlog readers for a review of the Ruger SR-762 rifle than any other firearm, ever. Over my many years of writing about firearms, I’ve received quite a few requests from readers to test new firearms, and I try to accommodate those requests if possible. However, I honestly didn’t want to review the Ruger SR-762 for one major reason– I’ve already reviewed the Ruger SR-556 and SR-556E rifles, and this was nothing more than a “big brother” to those two rifles. It’s chambered in .308 Winchester/7.62NATO, and they are NOT the same caliber. However, …

Recipe of the Week: Chicken & White Bean Soup

Ingredients: 1 quart chicken broth 1/2 cup rice 2-3 tablespoons dehydrated onions 1 15.5-oz. can white beans 1 13-oz. can chicken 3/4 cup dehydrated spinach Directions: Cook first three ingredients, until the rice is done. Add the next three ingredients (including liquid in cans) and cook about 10 more minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Notes: We grow Malabar spinach, dehydrate it, and store in quart jars in the pantry. We also make homemade chicken broth, reduce it, and freeze in ice cube trays, then just use about 5-6 cubes with water. Homemade broth tastes better than store canned, and …

Letter Re: American vs. Canadian Currency

JWR, With hyper inflation about to hit us soon, do you think I would be better off having my dollars changed into Canadian currency or have minted silver dollars? Thank you for all that you do for us. – G.T. JWR Responds: There is nothing magical about Canadian paper (or Tyvek) currency versus U.S. paper currency. Both are inevitably doomed to mass inflation, because neither are both convertible to precious metals on demand. I presently recommend acquiring pre-1965 U.S. silver quarters, rather than U.S. silver dollars. Quarters minted in or before 1964 have 90% silver content, while U.S. silver dollars …

Economics and Investing:

Another one bites the dust – Allendale County Bank fails – G.G. o o o Ration Cards, Block Long Food Lines as Inflation Rate in Venezuela Hits 60% – G.P. o o o Items from The Economatrix: Durable-Goods Orders Climb 2.6% In March Schadenfreude: Economists “Stunned” By Housing Fade Banker Death ‘Epidemic’ Spreads To China 5 Ways Banks May Be Robbing You

Odds ‘n Sods:

Marital Value in the Free Market o o o Did you notice the communications blackout in parts of the world? Sun Unleashes Major Solar Flare (Video). – L.M. o o o It’s not particularly efficient when you consider all the energy used to produce the ice to run it, but it’s easy and I can think of several times a small personal cooler would have been nice: Chill Out This Summer with a Homemade Air Conditioner. – R.M. o o o Report: Putin Ceases ‘High-Level’ Contact with Obama Administration. – G.P. Hugh Adds: A few things strike me as odd …

Notes from HJL:

The format is basically complete on the blog, as of today. We still have a small bit of cleanup to perform regarding fonts and such, as well as a few articles that did not import very well. I’ll be taking care of those little niggly details over the coming weeks. For those who are on mobile devices though, you should be aware that the site performs differently than it did before. Rather than showing the whole page that you have to zoom and scroll around on, this format is termed “responsive”. Depending on the size of your display screen, the …

Preparedness For Teenagers, by A.H. – Part 2

The next part of my personal development of a preparedness-based lifestyle started with acquiring goods. Whether you are living with your parents, in a dormitory, or on your own, you have the ability to stock up on preparedness essentials. The main areas I have found easiest to begin with include information, food, water, and medical/sanitation supplies. Some areas that followed include tools, heat/light sources, communication, and firearms. Remember: Don’t get overwhelmed; it can take awhile to acquire various goods, but they will provide comfort and help you survive in the future, no matter what stage you are in. Something is …

Letter Re: Alternate Lighting

Hugh, I’d like to tell you about a product I recently bought at Costco the other day. I have no stake in the company. It’s from Sunforce; it’s a 80 LED solar motion light. It has 900 lumens output from 80 white LEDs. It has a separate solar panel that’s connected by a 15 foot cord to a battery pack in the light fixture. It has a motion detector and a three position switch: on, off, auto. I charged the batteries for three days, per the instructions for the initial charge. I put the switch in “on” position, and it …

Economics and Investing:

Fruit of the Loom to close Jamestown plant, lay off all 600 workers. They are still going to be making t-shirts and underwear. They will just be made in Honduras from now on. – J.W. o o o Why would the world’s largest nation want this “ancient relic”? China Takes Steps To Further Conceal Gold Holdings . – J.W. o o o Items from The Economatrix: The Comprehensive Guide On Why You Will Never Retire Living The Way You Do: Examining The Typical $50,000 Household Budget And Why Most Americans Have Nothing To Very Little Saved For Retirement. Housing Won’t …