Economics and Investing:

A global crisis of young adult unemployment: 12 countries in Europe have an unemployment rate of 20 percent or higher for adults ages 25 and younger. o o o Items from The Economatrix: Who Gets Your Digital Fortune When You Die? 50 Best Employers For Boomer Workers George Soros Tells America To Take Their Money Out of the Banks Before It Is too Late James Rickards-Financial Collapse And Massive Shortages In Gold Coming

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Retail Death Rattle Grows Louder. – H.L. o o o Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on. – H.L. This is a list that I am very interested to see. o o o “Nobody Needs.” The Media Attempts To Grant “Absolute Moral Authority” To The Gun Control Movement. – B.B. o o o Now, the police don’t even need a predator drone to kill an American. The police are authorized to shoot until the alleged perpetrator is dead, even if the danger is over. What is even more disturbing is the lack of a …

Notes for Tuesday – May 27, 2014:

After faithfully serving SurvivalBlog for almost seven years, Cheryl N. (aka The Economatrix) will be capping her editorial pen, so that she can concentrate on writing her doctoral thesis. We thank her for volunteer service to the blog. She has undoubtedly helped wake up many thousands of people to the economic realities (and perils) of the present day. For that, we cannot thank her enough! With Cheryl’s upcoming departure, we are now actively seeking a replacement. This is a volunteer position. You would only be in it for the glory–plus a few free books and a nice birthday present each …

A Simpleton’s Guide To Preps: The Best And The Overrated, by B.H.

The Best: Become a faithful, obedient Christian. Why? Because we’re thinking long-term. Prepping doesn’t exempt death; it just postpones it (maybe). If you believe in prepping for the few decades you have on this earth, doesn’t it make sense to prep for the eternity that follows? Develop a long-term attitude in all your preparations. Why? At various gun-shows and events I attend, I occasionally see a small patch for sale that reads, “Embrace the Suck.” How true this could be. Simply giving-up during bad times will most likely kill more folks than anything, including smoking unfiltered cigarettes or running with …

Letter Re: Generators And Their Proper Implementation During TEOTWAWKI/Disasters

HJL, I’ve passed this along many times to JWR when the subject of generators and transfer switches come up. It is a more versatile solution than a transfer switch. It is a product named Generlink. It installs at your pole and allows you to choose which circuits to power via your breaker box, instead of having to wire specific circuits with a transfer switch and is a less expensive solution than a transfer switch. Generlink has been approved by my electric co-op and many others. Check it out at, I have no financial interest in it. Regards, Keith o …

News From The American Redoubt:

WWII-era plane crash site rediscovered at INL. – RBS Interesting to note that JWR’s new book, also named Liberators is being released on October 15th. This book’s title is a shared homage, in honor of: The veterans of the U.S. Army 14th Armored Division  (“The Liberators”) Those who designed and built the Consolidated B-24 and PB4Y-1 “Liberator” heavy bombers, The aircrewmen who flew B-24 Liberator bombers in WWII. George Hyde, the German-born designer of the American FP-45 Liberator pistol made during WWII, And Cody Wilson, the inventor of the 21st Century  “Liberator” 3D-printed pistol. Amazon is already taking pre-orders for …

Economics and Investing:

“It’s total moral surrender”: Matt Taibbi unloads on Wall Street, inequality and our broken justice system – RBS o o o Items from The Economatrix: Catastrophic Outcomes May Come Faster Than Expected – James Rickards The Size Of The Derivatives Bubble Hanging Over The Global Economy Hits A Record High A Global Crisis Of Young Adult Unemployment: 12 Countries In Europe Have An Unemployment Rate Of 20 Percent Or Higher For Adults Ages 25 And Younger. As Goes Walmart, So Goes America: “Major Holes Are Starting to Form In Its Business”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Six Ways to Separate Lies From Statistics – JBG o o o Justice to count feds’ guns. It will be interesting to compare the resulting numbers with those of 10 years ago. I suspect we are in for an eye-opener. o o o Government Agency Scraps Employee Ratings To Avoid ‘Discrimination’. Because your rating system just can’t be accurate if it rates minorities below the average. Some ideas are just worthy of a face-palm. – Mike Williamson, Survivalblog Editor At Large. o o o Why War Is Inevitable — Paul Craig Roberts. – B.B. o o o And here another …

Notes for Monday – May 26, 2014:

May 26th is the birthday of Randall Hank Williams (Hank Williams, Jr.). He was born in 1949. When not touring, he lives somewhere in Montana, so he qualifies as a Redoubter. He reportedly has a large gun collection, which is heavy on Sharps rifles and rifles that have factory letters showing that they were originally shipped to Montana. His song A Country Boy Can Survive is of course practically a survivalist anthem. His father was just 29 when he died, and despite a couple of close calls, Hank Jr. is now 64, so he may yet live to a ripe …

Guest Article: Kleptocracy and Capital Controls, by William Lehr

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that the psychopathic, controlling oligarchs will go to in order to strengthen their grip on humanity.  Control and power are the weapons of these few.  While weapons, they will also serve as their demise.  You see, we are not boiling frogs, despite all the fluoride and GMOs we are force fed.  We, the rational minded, can see through the scam.  We are waking up and growing tired of being pushed into the corner.  Awareness of the controlling power mechanism is what is driving us for a better tomorrow. When we first wrote …

Scot’s Product Review: Grain Mills

Some call bread the staff of life. To make it you need flour, and that usually comes from wheat. Wheat is nutritious and can be turned into many tasty foods. Some argue that wheat made the original Old Testament cities in the Mideast possible, since it could be transported and stored so easily. Storage is of special import to a prepper, and many of us keep wheat as a key item in our long-term preparations. The part that we use is called the wheat berry. That’s the kernel. Most of the time, it is milled into flour. Keeping the kernels …

Recipe of the Week: Beef Strogannoff

How to Make that Meat Go Further People can be very picky eaters, but down the road that may not always be an available luxury. People will also start in a litany of “I don’t eat mustard, or onions, or garlic, or mushrooms, or whatever.” (This is not to be confused with a legitimate food allergy!) Remember, a recipe is a combination of pleasing ingredients that impart delightful flavors and textures. Think about liquid vanilla extract. It smells out-of-this-world, but it tastes like nothing you would want you eat. Sugar must be added to make it edible. The following recipe …

Letter Re: The Little Things, by Claymor

Hello Hugh, In the recent post entitled “The Little Things“, writer Claymor mentions the importance of water and of providing for a means of treating non-potable water. I certainly agree with this, however he goes on to assert “If you’re lucky you’ll die from dehydration before giardia takes claim.” This may not be the case. Every reputable survival school in the country teaches the same thing– if faced with the choice between drinking questionable water and suffering the effects of serious dehydration, you should (almost) always err on the side of drinking the water. The reasons for this are several: …