Round 52 Non-Fiction Writing Contest Winners Announced!

We have completed Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest! First Prize goes to T.Y. for “Low Moisture Aged Cheese – Hard food for Hard Times”, which was posted on Wednesday, April 2, 2014. He will receive the following prizes: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried …

Common Sense For Food Assurance, by J.M.

Over the years of taking the journey to being a better prepper, through self taught observations/experiences with myself and with others, have effected and guided me to realize that common sense had better be a big factor in all areas of prepper skills but, in particular, the areas of foods preparations (what to obtain) and food storage (both for the long- and short-term storage, how much, and the quantity needed versus available space to store). Using that guideline/method, it can be applied to all areas of planning and execution for surviving major, life-altering experiences. However, this article is geared to …

Letter Re: Seven Secrets of Medical Prepping

Dear Hugh, I have appreciated Dr. Koelker’s fine contributions to this blog for some time. One thing I would like to add to the doctor’s list of items that were formerly prescription but are now OTC that are “must have’s” to stock up on is Meclizine. If I am not mistake I learned about that drug from one of Dr. Koelker’s Survival Blog offerings. Meclizineis sold as a motion sickness aid for travel. In our area it is available at most pharmacies. A trick I learned is that while they frequently sell store brand “blister pack’s” on their shelves, they …

Economics and Investing:

Why the biggest US banks are even bigger and riskier than you think. – G.G. o o o U.S. Hyperinflation Warning, Part I o o o Items from The Econocobas: Video: James Rickards ‘Inflation is Coming as it is The Only Way The U.S. Can Pay It’s Debt’ Deflation ‘Greatest Hoax’ as Prices Keep Rising Video: James Rickards ‘Catastrophic Outcomes May Come Faster Than Expected’ U.S. Treasury Bonds – The Belgian Connection Peter Schiff Talks to Ron Paul About The Fed’s “Quid Pro Quo” in Belgium

Odds ‘n Sods:

A great warning of what we’re going to face as true biblical believers as we near the return of our Lord Jesus Christ– the Son of God from Nazareth.The Coming Persecution o o o We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night. – P.M. o o o Woman shoots at would-be home intruders. The intruders claimed to be with the East point Police Department. – T.P. o o o Summertime Blues: Teen Unemployment in Major U.S. Cities Tops 50 Percent . – G.G. o o o Ex-banker falls 1000ft off …

Notes for Monday – June 02, 2014

We are introducing our new economics editor “Econocobas” today. Thank you Economatrix for your long years of service to the blog. We wish you well in your endeavors. o o o It looks like the announcement for the winners of round 52 of the Non-Fiction Writing Contest will need to be put off one more day. I hope to have the complete list ready for tomorrows blog.

Guest Article: May In Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran

Welcome to SurvivalBlog’s Precious Metals Month in Review, where we take a look at “the month that was” in precious metals. Each month, we take an in-depth look at the “what” and “why” behind the price movements of gold and silver. Precious Metals Market Drivers in May 2014 After trading in a tight range for more than two months on either side of $1,300 an ounce, gold broke down through key technical levels on the 27th. Reports of a single sale of $450 million in gold pushed prices down $13.00 an ounce through technical support, and triggered sell stops, which …

Scot’s Product Review: Officer Survival Initiative First Aid Materials

Officer Survival Initiative (OSI) says they are “a bunch of current and reformed medics, law enforcement, military, and general trigger puller types who want to help you come home at the end of the day.” That’s a great goal and one they are clearly advancing to. They have put a lot of energy into the law enforcement field, as the name implies, but they also make first aid stuff for outdoors folks and the prepping market. They were kind enough to let me look at some of their kits and modules. The Advantage II Personal Vehicle Aid Kit The first …

Recipe of the Week: Wild Turkey Pho

I am a 5th generation Oklahoman. My wife is ethnically Vietnamese. Our children are happy little mongrels with Eurasian eyes and Oklahoma accents. We often produce fusion recipes consisting of local ingredients and traditional Vietnamese ideas. Wild turkey spring season is almost upon us, and I would like to share one of our fusion recipes with the blog. Pho (pronounced fuh-uh with two syllables NOT foe with a long O and one syllable) is a simple soup dish with numerous health benefits. In its simplest form it is broth made from bones and simple herbs. The bones provide minerals and …

Letter Re: Grain Mills

Hugh, We searched for the perfect grain mill for years. We wanted one that did not depend on electricity, because none of us can be guaranteed that we will always have electricity. If you have one that is totally electric then if the grid goes down you have a good door stop. We wanted one that could be used by hand crank, but if we wanted we could attach it to an electric motor and one that would not heat up the grain. We opted for the Grain Maker, which is made in Stevensville Montana. It is very heavy duty, …

Economics and Investing:

Nonworking America: Those not in the labor force up by 12,000,000 since recession ended, a growth rate of 15 percent while the overall population is up 4 percent. o o o Three Red Flags in GDP Report. – G.P. o o o Items from The Econocobas: Video: Interview with John Williams of Shadowstats ‘Fed Will Prop Up System Until it Falls Apart’ Boom: Q1 GDP Revised Downward to -1.0% Headlines Contradict the Reality of April Home Sales World Bank Sounds Alarm on Rising Global Food Prices

Odds ‘n Sods:

Constitution is Just a Scrap of Paper. – J.W. o o o The SurvivalBlog reader, GG in the South, who wrote in about the recent spectacular claim that United States automobile gas consumption has declined by 75%, suggestive of a collapsing economy, is mistaken. The original author was confused by labeling on a government graph, which reported retail sales by United States refiners, rather than total sales. It turns out that much of refiner’s output is wholesale. The United States total automobile gas consumption is some four times what was listed on the spectacular graph purporting to show an economic …