Guest Article: Prepping, by J.B.

“We interrupt this program with a Special News Bulletin…” As a child of the 1980’s, it was so clear to all of us that one day we would be sitting at home, watching MTV, and talking with our friends on our cordless phones, when the high pitch emergency alert sound would pierce the air waves and hypnotically draw our attention to the television. It would finally happen; the Soviet Union would launch an unprovoked attack upon the United States, and we all have minutes to live before our world would be changed forever. That day never happened. With the collapse …

Scot’s Product Review: JM Custom Kydex

I have probably mentioned more than once how much I like leather holsters. I know I have mentioned how much I sweat in the summer in my hot, muggy climate. All that sweat does bad things to leather holsters, and then it soaks through and does bad things to pistols. I finally decided it was time to reconsider my prejudices against synthetics for something immune to sweat to use during the summer. These days, that pretty much means Kydex. My preferred carry, by the way, is a strong side, inside the waistband (IWB) holster, and I usually carry a 1911 …

Recipe of the Week: Fish Pie, by C.S.

Here is a recipe that my family enjoys. It uses several items from my long-term food storage. We are in Alaska, so some of our food storage may seem strange to you. When I first moved here from the mid-west, I thought the idea of canning salmon was the oddest thing. Now every year we can many pounds of fish, which make tasty meals through the winter. We also have a root cellar that helps us keep produce from the garden fresh through our long winters. Serves 6 “Really it did” Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Butter or fat 2 Tbsp Flour …

Letter: Justifying Preparation

I am relatively new to prepping, and while I understand that some level of preparedness is prudent (i.e. three day’s worth of food and water on hand, hand tools, more than a 1/2 tank of fuel in vehicles), I sometimes wonder about the “bigger” preps. I read SurvivalBlog fairly regularly (3-4 times per week) and the links to current events and trends seem to point to an inevitable breakdown of the economy, banking system, and society as a whole. However, when I talk to other people that are a number of years my senior, they point out that there have …

Economics and Investing:

10 everyday things getting slammed by inflation – G.G. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Rising Debt Payments Pressure Argentina to Solve Crisis Why Silver’s Outperforming Gold and Isn’t Done Yet Japan Prices Rise Most Since ’82 on Tax, Utility Fees: Economy Why Government Pension Funds Became Addicted to Risk

Odds ‘n Sods:

Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: “This Won’t End Pretty” – C.J. o o o MRAP seen as protection by some, extreme measure by others. – G.P. o o o Legislature Repeals Durham’s Jim Crow-Era Gun Registration Law. – G.G. While the requirement for registration has now been repealed, the fight now moves to the existing records. It is unclear as to whether the records will be destroyed or not. o o o Fears government agencies can listen in to private mobile phone calls at the ‘flick of a switch’ after Vodafone reveals authorities use secret wires across …

Notes for Sunday – June 29, 2014

Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

Making a Bow– An Effective Expedient Weapon, by E.M.

The Story Imagine yourself in a bug out situation. You have had to abandon your vehicle because a bridge is out, and you can’t go back because your vehicle is hopelessly blocked in by others. You leave your vehicle, taking your vest, your rifle, and your BOB. You head across country toward your retreat, which is about 100 miles away, where you plan to meet your family and friends. You think it will take maybe a week or so to get there. You have three or four days of food and 120 rounds for the rifle. You follow the river …

Letter: Confiscation of Stored Foods

There is quite a bit of “buzz” going on that the DHS will come in and take stored foods. What might you know about this and what are the odds? I know, with this admin anything goes, but I think it is certainly worth addressing. – P.W. Hugh Replies: That is the whole point of OPSEC, but practically speaking, the DHS isn’t who you will have to worry about, unless you are a grocery store or warehouse. Anything smaller than that isn’t worth dealing with when you factor in the manpower and risks to personnel. The danger for individuals comes …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Confronting Cops After They Shoot His Dog. – RBS An undefensible action on the part of the police. A dog, that is properly contained, is shot and killed because the officer trespassed on the property in the course of an action unrelated to the property or dog owner. o o o Barney Fife Meets Delta Force. – B.B. We’ve posted on this particular action before, but I found the title of this piece and the corresponding reporting to be an accurate description of the problem. o o o Recruits’ Ineligibility Tests the Military – T.P. More Than Two-Thirds of American …