Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent us this gem from Zero Hedge: The Problem Explained In 110 Words o o o R.V. spotted this: US Banks Build Defenses Against Downturn. R.V.’s comment: In spite of the title, the article is actually about how banks have taken down loan loss reserves to bolster profit, not about how they have increased the reserves. If I reduce the loan loss reserve, I have to back out the previously recognized expense, which has the effect of increasing profit. So if I increase my loan loss reserve, it is an expense, which would lower profit and reduce assets (loans …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From October 16th to 19th only, Oathkeeper–the latest book from Prepper Press–will be available free of charge, in Kindle e-book format. o o o What’s the Goal of DOJ’s Strong Cities Network? o o o Reader RBS suggested this: Controversies – Closing of Rural Hospitals across U.S. Upends Communities o o o Video: Unarmed black woman beaten and tackled by Florida cops for filming arrest of her husband. When will the police learn that photographing a public event is not a crime? For any readers who do not yet have press credentials, I strongly reommmend that you print out a …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny.” – Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

Notes for Thursday – October 15, 2015

October 15th, 1990 is the day South Africa’s Separate Amenities Act, which had barred blacks from public facilities for decades, was scrapped. o o o Having spent the last 18 days camping, it’s good to be back! The homecoming is somewhat bittersweet though. Eight of those days were spent celebrating The Feast of Tabernacles with others in a wonderful time of joyful worship, and it’s hard to leave such fantastic fellowship! Now the process of unpacking and cleaning begins. This trip also happens to be great practice for a G.O.O.D. situation. Just like every year, there were some lessons learned …

Letter Re: A Budget Disaster Response Kit

Hugh, I have a couple of comments on the Budget Disaster Response Kit article by R.S. I found the article useful and thought provoking. For those that don’t have access to a metal lathe to shorten the barrel, I have used a standard tubing cutter, such as you would use to cut conduit or copper pipe, with great results. First, make sure that the cutter will cut square to the tube, I have had a couple that tended to walk down the barrel, cutting a spiral. Second, cover the area with a few layers of masking tape to protect the …

Letter: Who Runs the Political Process?

Good Morning Hugh, The world is filled with interesting news today. It’s interesting because even The New York Times– one of the mouthpieces of the establishment– is pointing out the fallacy of our “democracy”, by the fact that almost half the presidential campaign money comes from only 158 families. Here is a quote from the article: “The pluralist stance of American politics contends that true power in the United States has been constitutionally vested in “the people” through mechanisms like the electoral process, freedom of speech, and the ability to establish political parties. The traditional view is that these aspects …

Economics and Investing:

Tesla Model X Buyers Get $35,000 Tax Break o o o The Fed Just “Discovered” Another $2.7 Trillion In Debt: “Quietly Boosted Total Credit” o o o Items from The Economics Team: Fed Quietly Raises Debt to 350% of GDP (Zero Hedge) China is Becoming a Big Red Flag for U.S. Stocks (Market Watch) The Greek Crisis (

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent this: Matt Drudge: Copyright Laws Could Outlaw Linking to Websites (Infowars) o o o And here is a related headline: The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared o o o Camping Survival just announced that they have added a used knife section to their online store. Check it out.

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“All taxation is the funding of government programs by force with threat of being taken to jail or even a summary execution – i.e. the eventual midnight SWAT raid which will surely come if anyone does not pay those taxes and refuses court orders, et cetera. So here is the rub for the Liberal Mind: You want to fund your ‘compassion’ with my tax dollars, and if I don’t agree, then you want to send men with guns to my house to either take me away, or kill me (and possibly my wife and children and certainly our dog), right …

Notes for Tuesday – September 22, 2015

September 22nd in the birthday of the late Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Reid-Daly, who founded and commanded the Rhodesian Selous Scouts. He was born in 1928, and he died August 9, 2010. His history of the Selous Scouts, titled Pamwe Chete, is fascinating to read, but it is a very hard-to-find book. I should also mention that September 22nd, 1290 is the birthday of one of my favorite fictional characters, Bilbo Baggins (in Shire reckoning). o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: …

Letter Re: Helping the Maxners

Hugh, It is never possible to insure or prepare for every event. You can only do what you are able and what is prudent. The one thing which should be different about the Redoubt vs. other “preppers” goes back to DeToqueville when our country was young. But the scene is now changed, and gradually the two ranks mingle; the divisions which once severed mankind are lowered, property is divided, power is held in common, the light of intelligence spreads, and the capacities of all classes are equally cultivated; the State becomes democratic, and the empire of democracy is slowly and …

News From The American Redoubt:

Bozeman, Montana: Transient with sword accused of attempting robbery o o o Blackfeet Tribe decides to banish drug dealers o o o ‘Regulatory War’ Fought Over a Wyoming Family’s Pond Didn’t know rocks and sand were pollutants… – MtH o o o Parents Protest Medical Kidnappings in Michigan – D.S. o o o The western states emergency/disaster services, both government and volunteer organizations, are planning for a massive disaster training exercise in June of 2016 (named Cascadia Rising). It is an earthquake/tsunami scenario based exercise that I’ll be talking about more in the near future. Many state-level ARES groups are …

Economics and Investing:

25 Myths Broke People Believe. – T.A. o o o The Petrostate Hex – how fluctuating oil prices affect currency valuations – T.A. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Going Back To What Works: Gold Is Money Again – Was aware of what Utah did in 2011 but didn’t know this. Interesting.. Traders Now See Fed First Hiking Rates in 2016 – How many times can these lemmings be fooled? The Fed is not hiking rates unless it did so in a minor way and for a short period of time. It is too dangerous to their credibility to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Frank and Fern: A Collage of Comments o o o Muslim riots in Sydney, Australia – RBS o o o ISIS Using Churches as Torture Chambers, Forcing Christians to Convert or Be Killed – D.S. o o o Half in U.S. Continue to Say Gov’t Is an Immediate Threat – G.G. o o o Muslims of America terrorist training compounds – B.B.