Letter Re: Digital Currency

Dear Readers, This Digital Currency Nanny State issue has already affected me twice in the last several years. As a business owner in my state, I’m required to pay sales tax and quarterly business taxes via the state website. A few years ago I mistakenly clicked “savings” account instead of “checking” on their site while trying to pay the amount due. Later we received a threatening letter stating they would “seize” assets, property, or funds to get the amount they said we owed. A couple of days later the funds were seized from our account, with a penalty. I didn’t …

News From The American Redoubt:

I just heard about a company in Hayden, Idaho that makes great concealment holsters at affordable prices: Alien Gear. Made in Idaho! o o o If you want the pinnacle of long range accuracy in a bolt action rifle that weighs less that 12 pounds, then check out Montana Rifle Company’s MMR. Their small factory is located in Kalispell, Montana. o o o Radio Free Redoubt’s John Jacob Schmidt Smashes Liberal Columnist Maligning American Redoubt (Scroll forward in the audio stream to the 38:10 mark.) o o o Idaho: ‘Constitutional carry’ bill to be introduced o o o Okanogan County …

Economics and Investing:

Feds unlikely to hike interest rates in the months ahead – P.S. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Greek Tragedy: Pension Pandemonium Sparks Bank Crash, Stocks At 26 Year Lows – The first line sums it up. And you thought Greece was “fixed”, but now problems are manifesting themselves globally. Greek Stock Market Falls Sharply on Banking Sector Meltdown – More evidence Three Reasons To Be Worried About The Economy – Zero Hedge Items from Professor Preponomics: US News JP Morgan Strategist: Central Banks Tried to Control the World…and Failed Miserably (Business Insider) Excerpt: “In Kelly’s ideal world, the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mandatory Mental Illness Screening and the Drive to Confiscate Firearms – D.S. o o o Some good commentary over at Commander Zero’s Notes from The Bunker blog: Article – U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists o o o SurvivalBlog reader A.L. sent in the link to this excellent article on the Knights Code of Honor. We need more men who will hold to just such a code. Old Fashioned Knights in the Modern World o o o Reader T.A. sent in this link to Just Plain Living on 10 reasons to simplify your life. If you feel …

JWR’s Quote of the Day:

“Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law,’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.” – Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1819)

Notes for Monday – February 08, 2016

On February 8th, 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated. For 100 years, the BSA stood as a strong bulwark of conservative, libertarian, moral values. They successfully united boys from diverse backgrounds, different religions, and different ethnicities– uniting them based upon the principles required for a boy to become an upstanding man. The BSA was attacked from all sides for their righteous stance and even persevered and won their case (Boy Scouts v. Dale, 2000) in the Supreme Court. Sadly, they have in recent years caved from within. Their desire to fill the executive board with amoral, powerful industry …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Update on .300 Whisper Ammo, by Pat Cascio

I did two articles on Ruger firearms. One was on their Mini-14 in .300 Blackout, and the other was on the new Ruger SR-556 Take Down rifle that comes in .223/5/56. In the latter, you can swap out the barrel and convert it to fire .300 Blackout/.300 Whisper ammo, which is a neat idea. I didn’t shoot any heavy, sub-sonic .300 Whisper ammo that Black Hills Ammunition produces, because this ammo is meant for use in guns with a suppressor on them. This isn’t the first time that Jeff Hoffman, at Black Hills Ammunition, asked me to do some testing …

Recipe of the Week: Quick Chile, by Sawyer

Ingredients: 1/2 lb ground chuck 1/2 green bell pepper, diced 1 large yellow onion, diced 2 green onion stems, chopped 1 (4 oz) can of mushroom stems and pieces, drained 1 (15.5 oz) can of (Spartan) chile beans 1 (15 oz) can of (Meijer Naturals) tomato sauce 1 (14.5 oz) can of (Spartan) petite diced tomatoes Chopped jalapenos, chili powders, and salt and pepper, to taste (optional) Directions: Saute diced onions, drained mushrooms, green pepper, and ground chuck in coconut oil. In a crock pot on low to medium heat, add canned beans, tomatoes, and tomato sauce. Drain grease off …

Letter Re: Bug Out Boats

Hugh, I want to address the specifics of Catamarans and their abilities. My experience exceeds most others. I grew up on powerboats, both large and small. Eventually, when it was my own money, I graduated to sail. I have owned and cruised on plastic classics, steel hull, and ferro-cement monohulls, as well as plywood/e-glass catamarans. The sailing rigs on those boats were simple modern sloop, ketch, cutter, wingsail, and lug (junk) schooner. Cockpit designs ranged from open, pilot house, center cockpit, and flush open. As a marine technician service manager, I have worked on more types of cruising boats, charter …

Economics and Investing:

22 Signs That The Global Economic Turmoil We Have Seen So Far In 2016 Is Just The Beginning – Sent in by B.B. o o o Four of the Largest Wall Street Banks Hit 12-Month Lows Last Week – D.S. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Grantham: The Stock Market Sell-Off Makes Me Nervous, But I Fear the Big Crash is Coming (Business Insider) Excerpt: “I still believe that, with the help of the Fed and its allies, the U.S. market will rally once again to become a fully-fledged bubble before it breaks.” The Opaque Process of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While we are on the subject of the “lists”, here is a how-to to guarantee you are on one of the lists. Placing Yourself On A Government “Red List” – Oregon Court Documents Prove Social Media Content Used To Self-Incriminate. Sent in by RBS. o o o It’s back. The Knockout Game continues in New Jersey. Make sure you are staying alert. – T.P. o o o So what happens when parents make a mistake and don’t file the paperwork and the school district doesn’t send the required paperwork? U.S. homeschoolers face criminal charges for missing paperwork. Sent in by …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you …

Notes for Sunday – February 07, 2016

On this day in London, Benjamin Franklin published An Imaginary Speech in defense of American courage. The speech was intended to counter an unnamed officer’s comments to Parliament that the British need not fear the colonial rebels, because “Americans are unequal to the People of this Country [Britain] in Devotion to Women, and in courage and worse than all, they are religious.” Franklin’s response included his usual wit and acuity. o o o We just noticed that one of our advertisers, Camping Survival, also has another web site http://www.hvactool.com where they sell tools to help you work on your own …

Letter Re: Making a “Last Run” When the SHTF – How Do They “Ring Up” Your Purchase?

Hugh, Thank you GMJ for your great article. Having some cash at home is a great idea for when the ATM and credit/debit card readers no longer work with no power. When you make that last run to the grocery store, bring your greenbacks with you. Be prepared if their power is out. You’ve made your organized path through the store and your cart is full. You pull up to the non-functioning conveyor belt to unload your purchase to scan. Because there’s no power it means no barcode price scanner and no credit/debit. The clerk is practically paralyzed, because they …

Economics and Investing:

A SurvivalBlog reader sends this snapshot of a message on the January 2016 statements from Chase bank. o o o Walmart Sues Puerto Rico Over 91.5% Tax Rate Applicable Only To Walmart – PLC o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News CBO Warns: “Trajectory’s All Wrong” on the National Debt (Washington Examiner) Excerpt: “Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned Congress on Thursday that the national debt is on an unsustainable course, and that improved economic growth alone isn’t enough to dodge a debt crisis.” Total US Debt Breaks $19T Mark: Total Debt Rises by $8.4T in Last …