Odds ‘n Sods:

A warning on genetic testing. While it may be illegal to offer health insurance based on genetic testing, the rules don’t apply to life insurance. Think twice about submitting to such intrusive measures. – H.L. o o o I got hacked mid-air while writing an Apple-FBI story. The reader should understand that the author got hacked because he ignored basic OPSEC protocols while accessing the Internet over public WiFi. But the story serves as a reminder that OPSEC should be observed at all times. – P.M. o o o Israel gas reserves triple than originally thought. Israel is looking for …

Notes for Wednesday – February 24, 2016

Today, we present another entry for Round 63 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in a wheeled O.D. green EMP-shielded Pelican hard case (a $1,700 value), A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate that is good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. …

Letter: Safety of Military Surplus DU Round Containers

Hello, I’ve recently bought a M833 artillery round storage/transport tube at a Canadian store known for buying US DOD surplus. I had just opened the tube and dumped out the pressboard packing tube when it struck me that this tube may have contained a DU projectile. A clothing removal, thorough hand washing, and quick web search later proved that the M833 is in fact a DU round. Aside from M833 and M900 tubes I’m guessing that 20mm transport containers would be available on the surplus market and may have held DU rounds. Do you or others you may know have …

Economics and Investing:

Student debt apocalypse: Median wages up 1.6% over last 25 years while median student debt is up 163.8%. o o o Bracken: Burning Down the House in 2016. Commentary: This article from Western Rifle Shooters Association has a lot of economic content and is well-written and hard-hitting. Warning: Some of the comments posted after the article contain racial references I found somewhat offensive, unnecessary and inappropriate. Sites that include open commentary are vulnerable to this. With this in mind, the article itself was a worthwhile read. – Submitted by K.F. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News The …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

SurvivalBlog reader D.S. stated that 85% of the movies his family watches are Christian based. Ragamuffin was great, but pre-screen for your children. He also recommended No Greater Love as another good family movie. o o o Reader K.W. notified us that The Heavy Water War is now available on Netflix. It is the story behind Hitler’s plan of Germany developing the atomic bomb during WWII and the heavy water sabotages in Rjukan, Norway. Presented from four angles: the German side, the allied, the saboteurs, and the company side. It is mixed with English and subtitled Norwegian/German. The series does …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader JBG sent in this article showing that the German Govt Has New Trojan Horse Malware To Spy On Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Cameraphones o o o Former CIA Director Warns of Nuclear-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Excerpt: “You can have a relatively long period of time where not just the Russians and the Chinese but the Iranians and the North Koreans are capable of launching a missile. Let’s say they launch it to the south instead of north so nothing picks it up, no radars, no nothing, and it comes around the South Pole, goes into …

Notes for Tuesday – February 23, 2016

On February 23, 1840, former President John Quincy Adams began to argue the Amistad case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. A practicing lawyer, member of the House of Representatives, and son of America’s second president who was an avowed abolitionist. Though John Quincy Adams downplayed his abolitionist stance, he also viewed the practice as contrary to the nation’s core principles of freedom and equality. In the arguments, Adams attacked Van Buren’s abuse of executive power. In a dramatic moment, Adams faced the judges, pointed to a copy of the Declaration of Independence hanging on the courtroom wall, and …

Letter Re: How to Prepare a Refugee Bug Out Bag

Hi Hugh, I just want to quickly reply to the post after having first-hand experience in Europe witnessing the refugee flow. Backpacks and roller bags are what many had for a bag. This was, I believe, owing to the fact that boat, bus, and train travel was extensively used by the Middle East refugees. They planned their travel. They also were overwhelmingly young men, capable of hauling more weight on average. I would have guessed by the very modern attire everyone wore, that their bags contained clothing and toiletries. They were well groomed and clean looking refugees! Charles T suggests …

News From The American Redoubt:

Video: The Oregon state sheriff association press release and Kris Ann Hall’s response to it. It’s pretty obvious that the police are (or at least think they are) federal. – J.A. o o o Eastern Washington ought to secede sooner rather than later. Those that couldn’t foresee this result from the lunatic “gender neutral” laws are ignorant progressives. – T.Z. o o o There are still some slots available for the North Idaho Boomershoot. (April 22-24.) This is a Rite of Spring, Idaho style. You gotta love an event where you legally shoot at explosives. OBTW, bonus points (and a …

Economics and Investing:

It Has Begun! Excerpt: “The process of discovering true value has begun, as indicated by the decline in the S&P, decline in the Shanghai Index, rise in gold stocks, rise in gold, and rise in silver. Expect it to continue.” o o o We normally stay away from “zombies”, but this one is too good to pass up: No Way Out – B.B. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News US Consumers Can’t Save the World Economy (Business Insider) Excerpt: “Consumption-led growth will help the U.S. economy expand by 2–2.5% again this year,” wrote Quinlan. “That’s good but …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Rand Paul Lost; Why Freedom Is Faltering o o o The Enemy is Here – and our leaders are doing nothing. – SurvivalBlog reader K.F. sent in the link to the counter-jihad site. There are some excellent articles here dispelling the myth that moderate Islam is harmless. o o o Reader B.B. sent in the link to Bearing Arms’ article profiling Polycase’s Ruger ARX ammo which is a polymer/copper composite. It’s a 10-minute video with some standard FBI tests comparing it to proven performers (Speer Gold Dot and Federal HST). If you are looking for a …