Odds ‘n Sods:

I just heard about Alpha Innovations, a great source for very sturdy, reasonably priced, American-made Yawaras, Koppo Sticks, Kubatons,”Letter Openers”, and other other high density injection-molded goodies. Their “Stylus Kubaton” variant is ideal for anyone that carries a touchscreen PDA or an iPhone. (Consult your local laws before ordering!) OBTW, they also make some amazing custom products and sell training DVDs.

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Vietnam Veteran Keeps Vow, Eats 40-Year-Old (C-ration) Pound Cake. BTW, The Memsahib and I ate the last of my old C-Rations around 1987.Those had been packed in the late 1970s, and they seemed quite old (but still palatable) at the time, but I couldn’t imagine eating those another 22 years later!

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Jeff in Ohio mentioned a new ham radio net on Thursday nights at 9 pm Eastern time on the 20 meter band, at around 14.320 MHz. Jeff notes: “The net is sponsored by the American Preppers Network. This may be a good way for some people to find like minded individuals in their local area. The only downside is that upon giving your call sign anyone listening can look up your location on QRZ.com unless your retreat is not co-located with your mailing address.”

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Craig W. mentioned a thread about “Discreet” hockey bags for carrying carbines.