SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Reader B.G. in Oregon sent us a news item: Washington Woman’s Home Mobbed by 100 Raccoons.

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A video review of interest to Van Lifers, as well as off-grid preppers: Starlink Mini In-Depth Setup and ReviewJWR’s Comment: He mentioned that a shorter 12 VDC power cable will soon be available for the Starlink Mini. That more efficient DC-to-DC cable arrangement should be perfect for using Starlink at a remote cabin, with just a few PV panels.

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Woman Living Off-Grid on a Remote Island – 2 Years in a Small Cabin.

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I recently watched the 2023 film The Sound of Freedom.  It was loosely based on a true story.  Please pray for the liberation of trafficked children, all around the world. It is the worst form of slavery, and must be stopped. And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. – JWR

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SurvivalBlog reader “Sis” had these comments:

“Concerning pressure canners: Not all pressure canners have a rocking pressure limiter. Some, of the all American canners have a pressure gauge that determines the pressure by you watching it until it achieves the proper pressure and then you adjust your heat source to keep the pressure steady. It has a sort of flip valve on top that will pop up to release the pressure if it gets too high. Then a lot of steam and possibly liquid will spout up into the air 😁. It will make a mess on your ceiling and possibly surrounding area but the canner itself won’t blow apart. In over 44 years of pressure canning, I only had this happen once, when I was still a novice and didn’t check the escape vent on the top. I currently changed my canner over to the jiggle weight because I don’t have to have the pressure gage checked and I can go about my work and just listen to the jiggling to know it’s staying at the correct pressure..if you purchase an all American canner that requires a pressure gage you can order a replacement part that changes it to a jiggle weight. It doesn’t cost a lot. I personally believe that having a jiggle weight is more desirable, especially if the [power and gas utility] services we currently have would be disrupted.”

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Toyota’s portable hydrogen cartridges look like giant AA batteries – and could spell the end of lengthy EV charging.

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Reader K.T. wrote:

“I saw you had Tom Horn’s trial date noted recently.  Here is a remastered version of the Tom Horn movie trailer with music that gives it a very different edge.  It reminds me of TTabs videos of his ultralite flights set to his music selections.  It’s worth watching to the end: Tribute of Steve McQueen as Tom Horn.

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An important piece of the puzzle: UK NHS Study: At least one of the Covid “vaccines” only provided protection from Covid infection for 14 weeks, and it increased the incidence of myocarditis, in children.

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A liberal/statist Vanity Fair editor tries to understand Steve Bannon and his War Room team, and he almost grasps the tenets of conservative libertarian populism: Steve Bannon Has Called His “Army” to Do Battle—No Matter Who Wins in NovemberJWR’s Comments: Any rational journalist would recognize Steve Bannon as a political prisoner. But a Vanity Fair editor?  Not so much. Bannon’s current Federal incarceration for contempt of congress — a law with only rare prosecutions — was hardly mentioned in the article.

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Reader C.B. recommended this: Detailed after-action report from North Carolina.

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San Francisco Bay Area Reinstates Mask Mandates as Flu Season Approaches.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.