The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, news of another huge data hack.

3 Billion Hit in Huge Data Breach on Dark Web

Reader C.B. sent us this disturbing news: 3 billion hit in catastrophic data breach exposing full names, addresses and SSNs on dark web. The article opens:

“A new class action lawsuit has been filed against Jerico Pictures Inc., also known as National Public Data, alleging a massive data breach that exposed the personal details of nearly 3 billion people.

The complaint, submitted to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, details an incident on April 8, where a hacker group called USDoD allegedly released a database labeled “National Public Data” on a dark web forum. The group claimed this database contained sensitive information from 2.9 billion individuals and attempted to sell it for $3.5 million.”

Appeals Court: Physicians Have Freedom of Speech

Reader D.S.V. sent this: Appeals Court Rules Physicians Can Assert Their First Amendment Rights.

UK Police Threaten US Citizens Over Online Posts

UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’. JWR’s Comments:  I have a news flash for Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley: Any vestige of pretended jurisdiction over Americans by the Crown and its officers ended on October 19, 1781, when General Cornwallis surrendered. So, go Foxtrot Oscar.

A UK Land Grab

Reader H.L. sent us this, from Breitbart: Land Grab: Leftist UK Govt Hopes to Take Private Land Without Paying Full Market Price. A quote:

“Property owners who don’t want to be turfed off their land by the government face being effectively punished by a compulsory purchase order (eminent domain) paying less than the open market rate for massive development projects wanted by the state to house the soaring, immigration-fuelled population.

Britain’s new Labour government is set to give local council the power to buy ‘Green Belt’ land, 65 per cent of which is farms, at a special new below-theoretical market price if the owner refuses to sell up. The change in rules comes as the state moves to rapidly embark on housebuilding to deal with the mass migration-driven population explosion, which has resulted in a supply crunch and vastly inflated home prices.”

EU Backtracks Censorship of Musk-Trump Interview

Reader C.B. spotted this updated news: EU Backtracks Censorship Demands of Musk-Trump Interview Amid Election Interference Accusations.

Singularity of Asymmetric Warfare Innovations

Reader Mark S. suggested this, over at Small Wars JournalSomething Wicked This Way Comes: The Future Singularity of Asymmetric Warfare Innovations. An excerpt:

“While human combatant utilized and controlled infantry weapons still form the baseline of the conduct of warfare, the following innovations will become increasingly impactful. Reminiscent of the gradual force structure shift between the proportion of medieval ‘pike’ to modern ‘shot’ in Early Modern armies, eventually advanced technology replaces the legacy artifacts that had been the mainstay of warfare.”

Vermont to Force Vaccinate School Kids

Vermont to Force Vaccinate Kids Without Parents’ Consent.

700+ Rural Hospitals at Risk of Closing

And lastly, another article recommended by H.L.: More than 700 rural hospitals at risk of closing: report.  Here is a pericope:

Rural hospitals’ financial struggles are a long-term problem in the U.S. healthcare system. Over the past decade, more than 100 rural hospitals have closed, and dozens more have converted to rural emergency hospitals — cutting inpatient services to stay afloat with the help of federal grants, according to the report.

Some facilities have eliminated other services. Another analysis published by CHQPR last year found fewer than half of rural hospitals in the U.S. still offer labor and delivery care.”

You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!