Preparedness Notes for Tuesday — June 4, 2024

Today is the 20th anniversary of the Granby, Colorado armored bulldozer incident on June 4, 2004, where Marvin Heemeyer knocked down several buildings in town. A documentary titled Tread details what happened that day, and the events leading to the rampage. Though often called the “Killdozer” incident, the only one who died that day was Marvin Heemeyer, from a self-inflicted gunshot, after his heavily-modified Komatsu bulldozer became immobilized. Today is the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in 1989. On June 4th, in 1944 United States Navy Task Group 22.3 captured U-505, a German submarine and with it an intact …

Deciphering The Liberal Dog Whistles – Part 1, by G.R.

I started writing this two months ago, but every time I thought it was finished some new egregious event would occur that forced me to add or modify the following statements. So, I am shutting off any new additions, knowing there are more to appear. Anyway, there are several words or phrases that liberals bandy about and when we hear them, we should be very wary of. I will list a few of them here and explain what they really mean and how we SurvivalBlog readers can counteract them. ‘Ultra MAGA’ The liberals despise the phrase Make America Great Again, …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies located in the American Redoubt region that are of interest to preppers and survivalists. Today, we focus on an unintended consequence of Montana’s real estate boom. (See the Montana section.) Region-Wide Montana Versus Idaho Cost of Living in 2024. o  o  o A video essay: 13th Oregon County Approves ‘Greater Idaho’ Movement – Secession Gains Momentum. o  o  o Confidence …