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I used to travel a lot during my career, mostly USA but also to foreign countries. Prior to 9/11, traveling was pretty easy, but after that it was hellish. The transition from taking everything you need with you to not being allowed to carry anything was awful. I learned to travel in boots, jeans and layers of clothing, count the seat rows to the closest exit on airplanes, carry maps, compass and flashlight with me, and to use very long metal hair pins to secure my hair in a twist. There were always little things in the carry on to handle different situations. After picking up the rental car, the first stop was always a W-M to get a cheap multi-tool, pepper spray and and a few other items, depending on how long the trip away from home would be. For longer than a 2-day stay, I’d FedX a box of items to the place I would be staying. Just being in a new city, new country will put your head on swivel and increase your attention, but as they author says, at home, the normalcy bias can kick in.
Animal House – I was in the same position for many years – tons of travel, and I still travel once in a while (despite current conditions). I had another article published on SurvivalBlog a while back on a survival-focused travel kit that you may be interested in –
Thanks for the insights. J.M.
Since the time of Google, Fakebook, and Marxist Zuckerberg… we live in the age of A.I. warfare.
Next… drones with portable, targettable weaponry.
Thats how they bungled the 2020 US elections.
After 44 years of law enforcement and many different events, i can say you are spot on. I am also a Vietnam veteran, although i was not in direct combat. I believe that as law officers and veterans we become complacent. I had two friends who volunteered to do 3 tours in Nam. They loved it or the adrenaline rush, or a combination of everything. I worked narcotics for 13 years and probably ran between 200 – 400 search warrants/raids. I loved the rush and excitement of the unknown. It became a weekly event for a few years. I never doubted the danger, but i had the scenario perfected. This is where you are correct, know the 5 w`s. Who, what, where, when and why. Then add all other intelligence, ie, weapons, type of drugs sold and usage amount, etc. But the most important intell was the lay out of the property/house to be searched. Often this took many hours of surveillance. Know the bad guys friends, habits, what his daily activity encompasses. So, you are correct, know everything you can about your surroundings. I have seen stress cause an officer to eject a round out of his shotgun, never firing it. I have seen accidental discharges also caused by stress. I loved your closing paragraph about the surprise factor. True, true, true.
A favorite satire writer of mine says, “Panic Early and Panic Often”.
I agree. I panic when the scenario rolls thru my head, weeks and months before a scheduled event, or when becoming aware of possible threat. This stimulates my planning for preparedness.
Just this week, 12 miles away, a guy followed first one lady into her house, then another.
The first lady has a husband who drove out the intruder by having his hand gun pointing at the guy.
The second lady was 80YO, got pursued into her bathroom where the intruder kicked in the door and stabbed her. The responding officer found her with no pulse, in a pool of blood Ten minutes later she coughed and they got life support for her.
The perp did get arrested later, and gets arraigned this week. My SIL had pursued the guy and apprehended him 2 years ago. The perp did 14 mos incarceration back then and was released recently, so this attack was another step up in violence.
Yes, the perp is a meth head. There are many, many more among us. Plan for your own active defense. They are present. Rehearse your defense physically.
God Bless
Couple of other useful/fun ways to train your panic reflex are martial arts and paintball.
BWL – good ideas – thanks!
More stories, scenarios and good ideas here: Deep Survival
Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why : True Stories of Miraculous Endurance and Sudden Death
Carry on
Thank you for the article! A lot going on today so people have probably had little time to check the blog!
Today, tuned into the March for Trump livestreams. Listened to the President’s speech while scrubbing kitchen counters and cleaning out the pantry. Watched on some independent livestreams the breach of the Capitol building while the political elites scrambled to their tunnels and bunkers. Read the President’s tweets about him being disappointed in Pence and also encouraging MAGA to go home peacefully after all the drama.
Today’s insanity has got a lot of people thinking/wondering if we’ve truly lost the Republic. A lot of people say, “look, it’s over, move on”, but tens of millions of people are saying today, “Let’s party like it’s 1776”. This causes me to think longer and harder than I’ve already done about my new potential location and surviving disasters, alone. A family member questioned my sanity recently… “but it’s so far out… aren’t you afraid?” Nope. Security alarms, German Shepherds, weapons, can see someone coming a mile away, etc. The only thing I fear is me – the “fight or flight” or worse, “freeze”, as described in the article. I do practice the scenario: in bed at night, hear a sound, grab the 9mm, slowly check the house, practice my aim using the red dot… sigh. Other than a break-in, there’s serious earthquakes in that part of Idaho and those don’t scare me so much. My all time worst fear is Communism taking over this country (more than it already has).
One word on training panic reflexes: Women who have gone through natural childbirth training are well versed in “breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth slowly”. Birthing a baby is incredibly difficult.
Pence is playing a role in this great theatrics. He is Trump’s Fall guy on purpose. Trump is playing you. Listen to Biden’s speech also. He is playing the good guy and “keeping” Democracy while Trump wants us Christians to break the rule of Law by over turning Congress. Christians/Republicans/conservatives are looking really bad right now. Though, I think Antifa and paid shills were the ones that broke through the barriers at the Capitol. We are being played and divided. Stand back from it. We must war on our knees. We lost this republic a hundred years ago. We’ve just been free ranging slaves.. Try not paying your taxes and see what happens. Now we’re not going to be. The Mask mandate and Lockdowns are proving that. Trump is setting up his followers for Christian Persecution on purpose. WATCH!
I love you to death Lily. I respectfully disagree that Trump is playing us. I agree that we are all being played and divided, but moreso by the Communist party, the Globalists, and Satan. I do believe we should war on our knees, but I also believe that there may come a time when we war with our 2nd Amendment. I agree that the IRS and most federal agencies have entirely too much power. I agree the mask mandates and the lockdowns are unConstitutional. I agree that we’ve already lost the Republic, and way before Trump ever took office, it’s just clearer now. And we need to decide what we’re going to do about it. Just my opinion.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Please listen to Biden’s speech today and also Mitch McConnell. Compare the three.
Hey Lily, I love you to death too but I have to agree with SaraSue. Republicans lost the battle decades ago in part because they believe that nonsense that God wants them to be Good Doobies and not go against the rule of law. Thanks goodness the Founding Fathers didn’t believe that!! Too bad the Jews didn’t do that in Germany!!
The Founding Fathers were NOT patriots. They were British Citizens fighting against their own government, British government. That’s called insurrection. The root of the word patriot is “father” meaning they are loyal to the fatherland. England was their fatherland, American wouldn’t exist yet for decades after their insurrection. They couldn’t be patriots until 1792 when the war was over and they were declared the winners with the right to set up their own government. Now they had a new homeland which they could be patriotic about.
The Stamp Act was in 1765 and how did the Insurrectionists react? They set up an armed rebellion, taking up arms against their own country, Britain. They tarred and feathered the tax collectors, which often resulted in death. And today Americans are whining about what happened yesterday???
The American Revolution was TREASON, pure and simple.
Also, there were four times in MY LIFETIME when insurrectionist went inside the Capitol and committed illegal acts:
1. On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican nationalists shot 30 rounds from semi-automatic pistols from the Ladies’ Gallery, a balcony for visitors, of the House of Representatives chamber in the Capitol. The shooters wounded five representatives, but all of them recovered.
2. On March 1, 1971, the radical left domestic terror group the Weather Underground exploded a bomb on the ground floor of the U.S. Capitol.
3. On November 7, 1983 the leftist terrorist group Armed Resistance Unit took responsibility for detonating a bomb in the lobby outside the office of Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd.
4. On July 24, 1998, Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. burst into the Capitol and opened fire, killing two Capitol Police officers.
SO why the heck are all these ^$#@! Republicans whining about these “terrible acts” committed by a handful of people yesterday? All they did was break a few windows and enter the Capitol. They didn’t kill anyone, or light any fires, or set off any bombs like the Founding Fathers did.
Republicans lost the battle LONG ago and the reaction of Republicans yesterday shows exactly why. Republicans and Conservatives are a bunch of do-nothing pantywaists who think they are too good to do what needs to be done and using God as their excuse. The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at the goodie two-shoe Americans who refuse to do what needs to be done, the very things THEY themselves did.
Americans need to wake up and smell the bacon, but it’s way, way, way too late for that.
Well, it’s a done deal. the demos have taken both houses. So everyone grab your rear end with both hands and hang on, it’s going to be a bitch of a ride
SB more important now than ever. Thank you JWR, Avalanche Lily, and all contributing writers and commenters. The USA is in trouble, no matter what happens 50% of the country will be angry and offended, hardly a “united states of america”. In my 69 years, never been this discouraged. But, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you for my faith, and thank you that no matter what happens here, my eternal future is without doubt. Amen.
You can get used to (habituate to) stress. This is why training is important. A really good example of this was back in Vietnam, an anthropologist went on search and destroy missions with Army guys in helicopters. On the ride to the destination, he asked the new guys who had just arrived in country, to pee in a bottle to check their stress hormones. Their cortisol and adrenaline levels were off the charts-as you might imagine. However a few weeks later, going out on missions, their stress hormones were as normal as could be -like taking a drive down to the grocery store. For me, I try to make everything a training exercise.
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I used to travel a lot during my career, mostly USA but also to foreign countries. Prior to 9/11, traveling was pretty easy, but after that it was hellish. The transition from taking everything you need with you to not being allowed to carry anything was awful. I learned to travel in boots, jeans and layers of clothing, count the seat rows to the closest exit on airplanes, carry maps, compass and flashlight with me, and to use very long metal hair pins to secure my hair in a twist. There were always little things in the carry on to handle different situations. After picking up the rental car, the first stop was always a W-M to get a cheap multi-tool, pepper spray and and a few other items, depending on how long the trip away from home would be. For longer than a 2-day stay, I’d FedX a box of items to the place I would be staying. Just being in a new city, new country will put your head on swivel and increase your attention, but as they author says, at home, the normalcy bias can kick in.
Animal House – I was in the same position for many years – tons of travel, and I still travel once in a while (despite current conditions). I had another article published on SurvivalBlog a while back on a survival-focused travel kit that you may be interested in –
Thanks for the insights. J.M.
Since the time of Google, Fakebook, and Marxist Zuckerberg… we live in the age of A.I. warfare.
Next… drones with portable, targettable weaponry.
Thats how they bungled the 2020 US elections.
After 44 years of law enforcement and many different events, i can say you are spot on. I am also a Vietnam veteran, although i was not in direct combat. I believe that as law officers and veterans we become complacent. I had two friends who volunteered to do 3 tours in Nam. They loved it or the adrenaline rush, or a combination of everything. I worked narcotics for 13 years and probably ran between 200 – 400 search warrants/raids. I loved the rush and excitement of the unknown. It became a weekly event for a few years. I never doubted the danger, but i had the scenario perfected. This is where you are correct, know the 5 w`s. Who, what, where, when and why. Then add all other intelligence, ie, weapons, type of drugs sold and usage amount, etc. But the most important intell was the lay out of the property/house to be searched. Often this took many hours of surveillance. Know the bad guys friends, habits, what his daily activity encompasses. So, you are correct, know everything you can about your surroundings. I have seen stress cause an officer to eject a round out of his shotgun, never firing it. I have seen accidental discharges also caused by stress. I loved your closing paragraph about the surprise factor. True, true, true.
A favorite satire writer of mine says, “Panic Early and Panic Often”.
I agree. I panic when the scenario rolls thru my head, weeks and months before a scheduled event, or when becoming aware of possible threat. This stimulates my planning for preparedness.
Just this week, 12 miles away, a guy followed first one lady into her house, then another.
The first lady has a husband who drove out the intruder by having his hand gun pointing at the guy.
The second lady was 80YO, got pursued into her bathroom where the intruder kicked in the door and stabbed her. The responding officer found her with no pulse, in a pool of blood Ten minutes later she coughed and they got life support for her.
The perp did get arrested later, and gets arraigned this week. My SIL had pursued the guy and apprehended him 2 years ago. The perp did 14 mos incarceration back then and was released recently, so this attack was another step up in violence.
Yes, the perp is a meth head. There are many, many more among us. Plan for your own active defense. They are present. Rehearse your defense physically.
God Bless
Couple of other useful/fun ways to train your panic reflex are martial arts and paintball.
BWL – good ideas – thanks!
More stories, scenarios and good ideas here: Deep Survival
Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why : True Stories of Miraculous Endurance and Sudden Death
Carry on
Thank you for the article! A lot going on today so people have probably had little time to check the blog!
Today, tuned into the March for Trump livestreams. Listened to the President’s speech while scrubbing kitchen counters and cleaning out the pantry. Watched on some independent livestreams the breach of the Capitol building while the political elites scrambled to their tunnels and bunkers. Read the President’s tweets about him being disappointed in Pence and also encouraging MAGA to go home peacefully after all the drama.
Today’s insanity has got a lot of people thinking/wondering if we’ve truly lost the Republic. A lot of people say, “look, it’s over, move on”, but tens of millions of people are saying today, “Let’s party like it’s 1776”. This causes me to think longer and harder than I’ve already done about my new potential location and surviving disasters, alone. A family member questioned my sanity recently… “but it’s so far out… aren’t you afraid?” Nope. Security alarms, German Shepherds, weapons, can see someone coming a mile away, etc. The only thing I fear is me – the “fight or flight” or worse, “freeze”, as described in the article. I do practice the scenario: in bed at night, hear a sound, grab the 9mm, slowly check the house, practice my aim using the red dot… sigh. Other than a break-in, there’s serious earthquakes in that part of Idaho and those don’t scare me so much. My all time worst fear is Communism taking over this country (more than it already has).
One word on training panic reflexes: Women who have gone through natural childbirth training are well versed in “breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth slowly”. Birthing a baby is incredibly difficult.
Pence is playing a role in this great theatrics. He is Trump’s Fall guy on purpose. Trump is playing you. Listen to Biden’s speech also. He is playing the good guy and “keeping” Democracy while Trump wants us Christians to break the rule of Law by over turning Congress. Christians/Republicans/conservatives are looking really bad right now. Though, I think Antifa and paid shills were the ones that broke through the barriers at the Capitol. We are being played and divided. Stand back from it. We must war on our knees. We lost this republic a hundred years ago. We’ve just been free ranging slaves.. Try not paying your taxes and see what happens. Now we’re not going to be. The Mask mandate and Lockdowns are proving that. Trump is setting up his followers for Christian Persecution on purpose. WATCH!
I love you to death Lily. I respectfully disagree that Trump is playing us. I agree that we are all being played and divided, but moreso by the Communist party, the Globalists, and Satan. I do believe we should war on our knees, but I also believe that there may come a time when we war with our 2nd Amendment. I agree that the IRS and most federal agencies have entirely too much power. I agree the mask mandates and the lockdowns are unConstitutional. I agree that we’ve already lost the Republic, and way before Trump ever took office, it’s just clearer now. And we need to decide what we’re going to do about it. Just my opinion.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Please listen to Biden’s speech today and also Mitch McConnell. Compare the three.
Hey Lily, I love you to death too but I have to agree with SaraSue. Republicans lost the battle decades ago in part because they believe that nonsense that God wants them to be Good Doobies and not go against the rule of law. Thanks goodness the Founding Fathers didn’t believe that!! Too bad the Jews didn’t do that in Germany!!
The Founding Fathers were NOT patriots. They were British Citizens fighting against their own government, British government. That’s called insurrection. The root of the word patriot is “father” meaning they are loyal to the fatherland. England was their fatherland, American wouldn’t exist yet for decades after their insurrection. They couldn’t be patriots until 1792 when the war was over and they were declared the winners with the right to set up their own government. Now they had a new homeland which they could be patriotic about.
The Stamp Act was in 1765 and how did the Insurrectionists react? They set up an armed rebellion, taking up arms against their own country, Britain. They tarred and feathered the tax collectors, which often resulted in death. And today Americans are whining about what happened yesterday???
The American Revolution was TREASON, pure and simple.
Also, there were four times in MY LIFETIME when insurrectionist went inside the Capitol and committed illegal acts:
1. On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican nationalists shot 30 rounds from semi-automatic pistols from the Ladies’ Gallery, a balcony for visitors, of the House of Representatives chamber in the Capitol. The shooters wounded five representatives, but all of them recovered.
2. On March 1, 1971, the radical left domestic terror group the Weather Underground exploded a bomb on the ground floor of the U.S. Capitol.
3. On November 7, 1983 the leftist terrorist group Armed Resistance Unit took responsibility for detonating a bomb in the lobby outside the office of Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd.
4. On July 24, 1998, Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. burst into the Capitol and opened fire, killing two Capitol Police officers.
SO why the heck are all these ^$#@! Republicans whining about these “terrible acts” committed by a handful of people yesterday? All they did was break a few windows and enter the Capitol. They didn’t kill anyone, or light any fires, or set off any bombs like the Founding Fathers did.
Republicans lost the battle LONG ago and the reaction of Republicans yesterday shows exactly why. Republicans and Conservatives are a bunch of do-nothing pantywaists who think they are too good to do what needs to be done and using God as their excuse. The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at the goodie two-shoe Americans who refuse to do what needs to be done, the very things THEY themselves did.
Americans need to wake up and smell the bacon, but it’s way, way, way too late for that.
Well, it’s a done deal. the demos have taken both houses. So everyone grab your rear end with both hands and hang on, it’s going to be a bitch of a ride
SB more important now than ever. Thank you JWR, Avalanche Lily, and all contributing writers and commenters. The USA is in trouble, no matter what happens 50% of the country will be angry and offended, hardly a “united states of america”. In my 69 years, never been this discouraged. But, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you for my faith, and thank you that no matter what happens here, my eternal future is without doubt. Amen.
You can get used to (habituate to) stress. This is why training is important. A really good example of this was back in Vietnam, an anthropologist went on search and destroy missions with Army guys in helicopters. On the ride to the destination, he asked the new guys who had just arrived in country, to pee in a bottle to check their stress hormones. Their cortisol and adrenaline levels were off the charts-as you might imagine. However a few weeks later, going out on missions, their stress hormones were as normal as could be -like taking a drive down to the grocery store. For me, I try to make everything a training exercise.
Today’s comment not posted.
Semper Fi