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  1. According to the label on the beer bottles in my refrigerator, Mr. Adams is best described as “Brewer” and “Patriot”.

    For an action-movie version of Sam Adams, I recommend the History Channel’s Sons of Liberty mini-series (2015). It definitely takes a lot of, uh, liberties with actual events. Which makes it more “historical fiction”. But its production value, performances, and story make it enjoyable to watch.

    trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbhaUmAlMg4

    DVD: https://www.historystore.com/collections/dvds/products/sons-of-liberty-dvd

    DVD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SVLWWP6/

    streaming: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S2CJS4W/

    streaming: https://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/sons-of-liberty/id948956346

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Adams! Sorry for how our country has turned out. Some of us are trying to fix, however. I keep telling myself, “I can tell you the truth, but I can’t make you believe it.” In other words, I can only do what I can do. Not to “steal your thunder” on your special day Mr. Adams, but I also have to ask the SB Family a question too. Hope that is okay.

    SB Family: I have been looking for work in the Redoubt area of Idaho and Montana – mostly Western Montana. The Rockies and I’m a country person – what can I say! My question is about Butte, Montana – is it safe? There is a job there that is of some interest and I was thinking of checking it out, but I also have been doing a little research and the area doesn’t look good in the safety respect. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Butte is beautiful. Don’t know what you mean by “safe”. The only “problem” that I am aware of is an influx of outsiders who have brought their political beliefs with them which does affect who gets elected. It needs more conservatives to counter that trend.

      1. Thanks Oneguy. Should have been clearer. It seems that the crime rate is not all that good. Higher than the national average across several categories. Of course, I probably would only work there and not actually live there in town. Oh and counter that trend? Yep I can do that!

        1. Bear in mind that crime rates are often reported per capita. So if the population is lower, like it is in most of the Redoubt, individual events can have a greater impact. For a better analysis, I’d recommend looking at several sources reporting statistics over several years. That will paint a better overall picture, as well as provide an indication of specific trends.

          1. You also do well to seek a more detailed crime map. I know in my community, the crime is mostly in a few “hot areas” that the cops work to keep a lid on to prevent spreading.

            Stay away from those areas, as I do, and you are safe.

            Research, also, time of day that the crimes are reported. Then, same as above.

            Carry on

          2. No, ThoDan, but 1 of a 100 is very different than 1 of 1000. And it is that difference to which I was referring. Once a Marine made a very valid point as well, in that criminal activity is often concentrated in specific areas, which can skew the overall crime rate of a given area.

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