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Wikipedia has a short article about the blowing of the Shofar. ~> “Maimonides wrote that even though the blowing of the shofar is a Biblical statute, it is also a symbolic “wake-up call”, stirring Jews to mend their ways and repent: “Sleepers, wake up from your slumber! Examine your ways and repent and remember your Creator.”
Christian Pastors will often explain the Christian roots in Jewish Holy Days. … Wycliff(dot)org has an article “7 FEASTS THAT POINT TO CHRIST”, which briefly explains Jewish Holy Days with a Christian understanding.
St. Augustine famously said, the “New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.”
… … Jesus Christ was born as a Jew with a Jewish mother. The first disciples of Jesus Christ are Jews. … From the New Testament in the Good Book. =
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
The Shofar horn is a clarion call to the entire world: “Sleepers, wake up from your slumber! Examine your ways and repent and remember your Creator.”
Happy Paratus SB community!
If anyone is interested, I have stumbled upon a movie and has a few subtle nods toward preparedness that I wasn’t expecting. While we don’t hardly turn the television on at all in our house, we heard about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and decided to watch it (my wife and I) for nostalgia’s sake. It turned out to be a pretty well-done little movie. It is clean, funny, and family friendly. There aren’t the typical perverse topics glorified by the majority of what comes out of hollywood these days. The setting for most of the movie is in the upper midwest. There are references to EMPs. Sonic the Hedgehog technically has a “bug out bag” of sorts. Evil is evil, good is good, federal government is viewed with a bit of cautious skepticism. If you pay close attention, there are many subtle, but truthful things spoken. As I said, it is unexpected from a major film production, but it is refreshing and one of the only worthwhile things I have seen recently on screen.
-Jim Lee-
Thanks for the recomendation!
If you want a very good explanation of Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashanah copy and paste the link below (I don’t think it is linked). Nehemiah Gordon is a Hebrew scholar and he has worked as a translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls and a researcher deciphering ancient Hebrew manuscripts.
“Mygenericstore” is a well-established pharmacy service that deals primarily with generic medicines produced by quality-assured manufacturers from developing countries.
Wikipedia has a short article about the blowing of the Shofar. ~> “Maimonides wrote that even though the blowing of the shofar is a Biblical statute, it is also a symbolic “wake-up call”, stirring Jews to mend their ways and repent: “Sleepers, wake up from your slumber! Examine your ways and repent and remember your Creator.”
Christian Pastors will often explain the Christian roots in Jewish Holy Days. … Wycliff(dot)org has an article “7 FEASTS THAT POINT TO CHRIST”, which briefly explains Jewish Holy Days with a Christian understanding.
St. Augustine famously said, the “New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.”
… … Jesus Christ was born as a Jew with a Jewish mother. The first disciples of Jesus Christ are Jews. … From the New Testament in the Good Book. =
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
The Shofar horn is a clarion call to the entire world: “Sleepers, wake up from your slumber! Examine your ways and repent and remember your Creator.”
Happy Paratus SB community!
If anyone is interested, I have stumbled upon a movie and has a few subtle nods toward preparedness that I wasn’t expecting. While we don’t hardly turn the television on at all in our house, we heard about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and decided to watch it (my wife and I) for nostalgia’s sake. It turned out to be a pretty well-done little movie. It is clean, funny, and family friendly. There aren’t the typical perverse topics glorified by the majority of what comes out of hollywood these days. The setting for most of the movie is in the upper midwest. There are references to EMPs. Sonic the Hedgehog technically has a “bug out bag” of sorts. Evil is evil, good is good, federal government is viewed with a bit of cautious skepticism. If you pay close attention, there are many subtle, but truthful things spoken. As I said, it is unexpected from a major film production, but it is refreshing and one of the only worthwhile things I have seen recently on screen.
-Jim Lee-
Thanks for the recomendation!
If you want a very good explanation of Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashanah copy and paste the link below (I don’t think it is linked). Nehemiah Gordon is a Hebrew scholar and he has worked as a translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls and a researcher deciphering ancient Hebrew manuscripts.
TOBY (Torah Obedient Believer in Yeshua)
Shana tova umetukah (a good sweet New Year) to all who celebrate Rosh Hashonah.
Re: End of 110 days of rioting in Portland