Someone should grab this. This is one of the best untouched M96’s I’ve seen, and it is an antique. The extensive and good quality photos do a fantastic job. With factory loads in this long barrel, you’ll have near equivalent 6.5 Creedmore velocities, and an accurate rifle. 1.5 MOA is normal with some factory ammunition using iron sights. This rifle set the performance standard that the 6.5CM is based upon. The 1970’s loaded military [match grade] ball was the M94 Prickskytte with the 142 grain cupronickel bullet at abut 2,600 fps. PMC 140 grain FMJ tends to be hot and accurate. The accuracy load for these rifles is 46.5 grains of RL22 with a 140 grain bullet that will exceed most 6.5 CM loads with a muzzle velocity of 2,750 fps. Use Sierra Gamekings for best accuracy and an all around hunting load, or Matchkings. A 140 grain AMX is less expensive, and is good for deer further than I can shoot. Don’t even think about putting a scope on this. The short M94 carbines are sweet and fast handling, but if you are looking for a long range rifle, that long barrel, extra sight radius, and better sights, put it in the long range game, and that is where I would want to be with a bolt action.
So, I’m certain there’s no way to talk Lily out of getting a new Mac laptop… she already has bought the software, is accustomed to the interface, etc. Might I suggest, as time and finances permit, a good backup laptop? I have a 2003 Panasonic Toughbook CF-52 that has never failed. I run Linux Mint on it, and although a bit slower (but only a bit) than the new Mac Laptops, it still works perfectly. I also have a newer refurbished Toughbook CF-52 that I bought for $600 that I am typing this note on, and the reason I bought the newer one is for video editing (processor on the 2003 wasn’t quite enough).
Our entire family has Toughbooks, running Linux Mint, which all have never failed once. I submit that there is very likely nearly nothing that can be done on a Mac that cannot be done on a Linux computer, and virtually all the software is free and open source. Security is also a major concern for us, and I think any prepper would appreciate the advanced security afforded by the Linux machine.
An additional thought… when installing Linux Mint (or Ubuntu, or whatever flavor of Linux you like) you can encrypt the hard drive during installation, making it impossible, with a sufficient password (12 characters or more), for anyone to take the machine and access the data. This is different than the login password, which anyone can bypass. The NSA will not be accessing an encrypted hard drive without the password/passphrase.
Here’s a link to where we have bought a couple of our toughbooks… allow for multiple configurations depending on needs. I suggest buying your own SSD rather than having them install one… Crucial SSD’s are good, but would probably recommend the Samsung simply because they’re constructed a bit better… toughruggedlaptops dot com – check out the CF-52 with the larger screen, carry handle, and magnesium-alloy case.
“An additional thought… when installing Linux Mint (or Ubuntu, or whatever flavor of Linux you like) you can encrypt the hard drive during installation, making it impossible, with a sufficient password (12 characters or more), for anyone to take the machine and access the data.”
I like and use Linux Mint myself, but disk encryption is not an exclusive feature.
Both macOS and Windows 10 Professional have built-in disk encryption, known respectively as FileVault and Bitlocker.
Firearms Verification
National Firearms Act Definitions
Antique Firearm
26 U.S.C. § 5845(G)
For the purposes of the National Firearms Act, the term “Antique Firearms” means any firearm not intended or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year 1898) and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
This is the part that confuses me. As I read it, if I can buy centerfire ammunition off the shelf for this rifle then all current firearm laws apply. What am I missing?
You were looking in the wrong place. That is the definition of “antique” ONLY for NFA guns (machineguns, silencers, and sawed-offs.) The definition for non-NFA guns is included in my Pre-1899 FAQ. In that definition, there is NO distinction for what a pre-1899 is chambered in. And, in fact I have a letter from the ATF that conforms that re-barreling, restoring, re-chambering to a different cartridge, et cetera DOES NOT affect their Federally exempt status.
Ok, thanks. I didn’t really think that you guys could be wrong about the whole thing, just got confused a bit.
If you are going macbook again I suggest getting this older one.
MacBook Pro 13-inch (mid-2012) model MD101LL/A
This one is user upgradeable/serviceable.
A man who sells guns for his woman, is a great man indeed!
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Swedish Model 1896 6.5×55 Rifle. Made in 1898!×55-rifle-made-in-1989/
Someone should grab this. This is one of the best untouched M96’s I’ve seen, and it is an antique. The extensive and good quality photos do a fantastic job. With factory loads in this long barrel, you’ll have near equivalent 6.5 Creedmore velocities, and an accurate rifle. 1.5 MOA is normal with some factory ammunition using iron sights. This rifle set the performance standard that the 6.5CM is based upon. The 1970’s loaded military [match grade] ball was the M94 Prickskytte with the 142 grain cupronickel bullet at abut 2,600 fps. PMC 140 grain FMJ tends to be hot and accurate. The accuracy load for these rifles is 46.5 grains of RL22 with a 140 grain bullet that will exceed most 6.5 CM loads with a muzzle velocity of 2,750 fps. Use Sierra Gamekings for best accuracy and an all around hunting load, or Matchkings. A 140 grain AMX is less expensive, and is good for deer further than I can shoot. Don’t even think about putting a scope on this. The short M94 carbines are sweet and fast handling, but if you are looking for a long range rifle, that long barrel, extra sight radius, and better sights, put it in the long range game, and that is where I would want to be with a bolt action.
So, I’m certain there’s no way to talk Lily out of getting a new Mac laptop… she already has bought the software, is accustomed to the interface, etc. Might I suggest, as time and finances permit, a good backup laptop? I have a 2003 Panasonic Toughbook CF-52 that has never failed. I run Linux Mint on it, and although a bit slower (but only a bit) than the new Mac Laptops, it still works perfectly. I also have a newer refurbished Toughbook CF-52 that I bought for $600 that I am typing this note on, and the reason I bought the newer one is for video editing (processor on the 2003 wasn’t quite enough).
Our entire family has Toughbooks, running Linux Mint, which all have never failed once. I submit that there is very likely nearly nothing that can be done on a Mac that cannot be done on a Linux computer, and virtually all the software is free and open source. Security is also a major concern for us, and I think any prepper would appreciate the advanced security afforded by the Linux machine.
An additional thought… when installing Linux Mint (or Ubuntu, or whatever flavor of Linux you like) you can encrypt the hard drive during installation, making it impossible, with a sufficient password (12 characters or more), for anyone to take the machine and access the data. This is different than the login password, which anyone can bypass. The NSA will not be accessing an encrypted hard drive without the password/passphrase.
Here’s a link to where we have bought a couple of our toughbooks… allow for multiple configurations depending on needs. I suggest buying your own SSD rather than having them install one… Crucial SSD’s are good, but would probably recommend the Samsung simply because they’re constructed a bit better… toughruggedlaptops dot com – check out the CF-52 with the larger screen, carry handle, and magnesium-alloy case.
“An additional thought… when installing Linux Mint (or Ubuntu, or whatever flavor of Linux you like) you can encrypt the hard drive during installation, making it impossible, with a sufficient password (12 characters or more), for anyone to take the machine and access the data.”
I like and use Linux Mint myself, but disk encryption is not an exclusive feature.
Both macOS and Windows 10 Professional have built-in disk encryption, known respectively as FileVault and Bitlocker.
Firearms Verification
National Firearms Act Definitions
Antique Firearm
26 U.S.C. § 5845(G)
For the purposes of the National Firearms Act, the term “Antique Firearms” means any firearm not intended or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year 1898) and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
This is the part that confuses me. As I read it, if I can buy centerfire ammunition off the shelf for this rifle then all current firearm laws apply. What am I missing?
You were looking in the wrong place. That is the definition of “antique” ONLY for NFA guns (machineguns, silencers, and sawed-offs.) The definition for non-NFA guns is included in my Pre-1899 FAQ. In that definition, there is NO distinction for what a pre-1899 is chambered in. And, in fact I have a letter from the ATF that conforms that re-barreling, restoring, re-chambering to a different cartridge, et cetera DOES NOT affect their Federally exempt status.
Ok, thanks. I didn’t really think that you guys could be wrong about the whole thing, just got confused a bit.
If you are going macbook again I suggest getting this older one.
MacBook Pro 13-inch (mid-2012) model MD101LL/A
This one is user upgradeable/serviceable.
A man who sells guns for his woman, is a great man indeed!