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The man who should have been president. My only fear with a Ron (or Rand) Paul presidency, the government of the US will murder the man, either man.
ummm he does have a lot of good points but when it comes to defending america or its interest abroad hes kinda pansy…just sayin’
Then you are not paying attention to these men. They both believe in actually defending America. That would be defense not offence. They both believe in defending American interests, not the interests of the MICC (the military, industrial, congressional, complex) or the interests of the Israeli government of the interests of the Saudi Kingdom, or the interests of the scumbag politicians in both the Republican or Democrat parties. You are paying attention to the propaganda against these men, not these men.
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The man who should have been president. My only fear with a Ron (or Rand) Paul presidency, the government of the US will murder the man, either man.
ummm he does have a lot of good points but when it comes to defending america or its interest abroad hes kinda pansy…just sayin’
Then you are not paying attention to these men. They both believe in actually defending America. That would be defense not offence. They both believe in defending American interests, not the interests of the MICC (the military, industrial, congressional, complex) or the interests of the Israeli government of the interests of the Saudi Kingdom, or the interests of the scumbag politicians in both the Republican or Democrat parties. You are paying attention to the propaganda against these men, not these men.