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    1. Forgiveness (exchanging life and righteousness for sin and death) does not require forgetting. God forgives our sins if we confess, but if we forsake Christ and return to our sins, all those past sins come home to roost. Ezekiel 18:21-24.

      When our time on earth is ended, and the final judgment is determined, then all the sins of the saved will be permanently forgotten. Isa. 65:17.

      If our brother has repented, we need not spend a lot of time mulling over past offenses. Yet, we will have no need to create vulnerabilities that will invite our brother to relapse.

      We can pardon and love those who have hurt us, and still learn from history.

      We can have a forgiving attitude, even to those who are currently non-repentant and actively hostile, as Christ did to those who were driving spikes through His hands and feet. However, for them to receive that forgiveness, they must repent. Otherwise, our forgiveness only benefits us.

      We are not required to make ourselves needlessly vulnerable to an active threat, in order to forgive. We can still work to stop the threat, without taking God’s prerogative of vengeance.

      In any case, we must forgive.

  1. Understood.

    What we hear much less often from pastor are our expectations of those who have harmed others. I refer to the “three R’s” Remorse, Repent, and Repair the damage.

  2. Bless you for sharing this quote. I read it a couple of years ago, and then (of course) lost any and all references to it. Like Iceman said above, one of the better quotes here, or anywhere.

  3. Another reason its hard to forgive is when one is trying to forgive someone who continues to repeat bad behavior and you cant separate yourself from them Such as a bad neighbor. Were trying to move. Frustrating

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