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  1. Is the state government being influenced by the liberal mindset of the people from California moving to Idaho and bring their liberal agenda with them? This is happening here in NC from the liberal’s from NY, NJ, MA, FL and other Democratic liberal states moving in and changing the state from conservative to liberal and it is definitely showing in new liberal laws our governor is wanting and implementing.

    1. Well, I found something of interest to you when walking through my nieces college campus of UNLV. They have signs up telling Liberal students that they need to get out to the midwest states [fly over country which includes the Redoubt] so they can secure the electoral college vote. There’s actually a Bill in congress right now to remove the electoral college.

      That got me thinking. Everything and I mean everything the LEFT in Congress pass laws for is to secure more votes for them in the future [illegal allien open boards, women/black/gay victimhood, gun control, abolishing homeschool [to get your children’s mind into the indoctrination mill], and the list goes on and on.

      The republicans at least pass laws fairly for all Americans. Tax Bill by Trump gives us all a break in taxes no matter if your gender, skin color, orientation, et al.

      Get these people out of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Run the out physically these LEFTwingers being taught to come out here.

  2. Question is, do you want a hog farm moving in adjacent to and upwind of your subdivision? There are some very good reasons for zoning restrictions, including building codes to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.

    1. Jima, we here in the redoubt cannot disagree with you more. We truly value our sovereignty and the hands off approach to life we all have. We have done absolutely fine thus far without any of the above mentioned controls in place. If your neighbor does do you wrong then that is what the court system is for end of story. If you do not want neighbors then do whatever it takes to buy the property next to you. There are no good building codes and or zoning restrictions if someone does not like that, then do not move here and or live here. We will fight this with all the vigor and support we can muster. Here are 2 very sympathetic to this fight Idaho County area senators contact info. Contact them and let them know many stand with them in this fight for our rights.
      psgiddings@googlemail.com 208) 570-8616
      ccrabtree@senate.idaho.gov 208) 983-8188

    2. I continue to tell my town board members if i dont like the color of your house i can always look the other way. More laws dont fix common sense.

  3. We moved from Clackamas County Oregon 6 years ago. We specifically moved to Idaho County because of the lack of zoning laws and the conservative nature of the people that already live there. Property rights are Paramount here. Idaho county is the largest county by square miles and perhaps one of the most rural. It is also one of the most poor Countys if not the poorest. Does that bother any Idaho County resident, not that I have seen. This very question came up recently, and the Idaho County voters Affirmed the position held by the County Commissioners. We live 12 miles out of town, between a Wheatfields and Alfalfa field that the same family has has farmed for years. When I apologize to him for my disorganized looking property he responded: “I’ll bet you paid cash for everything you do. It takes a few years to build a homestead. It’s Your Land, you can do what you want with it. Just like it’s my land, and I can do what I want.” He is a great neighbor, and I’ve tried to be as well. But if he wanted to put a hog farm in, that’s his business. I would either live with it, or move. If my property values went down, so be it. That’s the price of freedom! I love Idaho County, and can’t think of living anywhere else. I read recently in the newspaper that a representative to the State House, Priscilla Giddings, is considered the most conservative representative. I’m proud of that. If you don’t like the way we do things and Idaho County don’t bother moving here!

  4. 2bob
    I can’t agree with you more. It’s so refreshing to know their are still people in this world that love freedom! I feel like such a minority often and wonder how people can find comfort in more and more regulations.
    Liberty First!

  5. I live in a small town in a midwest state, population 200. It is my contention that not only should we have no zoning department, we also should have no town government at all. There is no reason that every citizen of the town who is 18 and over could not get together to vote on anything that comes up once a month, saving the expense of paying a bunch of pirates.

  6. Moving from California from the Redoubt, we feel we need to run all Kalifornians out of the Redoubt that want to bring their liberal mindset with them.

    1. Ol Granny-I agree or at least put a sign at the border “No liberals allowed-please keep driving until you reach the border. No stopping along the way”.

  7. I continue to read articles which indicate that Idaho is really no different than the toilet that I live in. We have code enforcement crawling up our back with the smallest changes in our homes. The home owners association is like dealing with the Gestapo. The transplants from up north want to recreate the cesspool that they just left (we do not have a wall to keep them out, yet). We have been looking for a place where we could move to where we could mind our own business and be left alone. A nice community of neighbors would be welcome. We do not want to get into any ones business and we do not want them to get in ours.

    I seems that it may be necessary to vote out, recall, term limit some politicians in Idaho. We had to term limit our county commissioners 20 years ago. A small group of citizens banded together and gathered 60,000 signatures to get term limits on the ballot. Term limits passed 70/30. Cleaned the turds from that toilet.

    Information on any places of refuge would be appreciated.

  8. I live in Idaho and I don’t have a problem with people doing what they want on their property. The thing is you have inconsiderate rude people that move in next door like I have. My neighbor has a .5 acre lot like I do. He has 2-4 non running vehicles at any given time parked on his lawn. He has 20-30 goats and 4 dogs. It’s constant chaos and commotion at the place. He cuts what grass he does have about 5 times a year. The FD was going to burn the place down for training before this guy bought it with a FHA loan. He and his wife can’t figure out why nobody wants to talk to them.

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