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  1. “The assassination of the top four leaders of the political left in the five year period – President John Kennedy in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968 – represented nothing less than a slow-motion coup on the political scene.

    If anyone wishes to understand what has happened to the United States since this coup, and thus to its countless victims at home and throughout the world, one must understand these assassinations and how the alleged assassins were manipulated by the coup organizers and how the public was hoodwinked in a mind-control operation on a vast scale.”

    The CIA Takeover Of America In The 1960s Is The Story Of Our Time

    1. I am open to the possibility that the CIA killed JFK but I suspect it was Giancana.

      The murder of Robert Kennedy was not so suspicious and is probably exactly what it appears and nothing more.

      Malcolm X was killed by competing radicals and fellow travelers for power over the crazy black communist/muslim mob.

      I don’t know who really killed MLK but I assume it was the KKK or remainders of the KKK.

      I just don’t see any of them as related.

      1. “Lisa Pease has long recognized the problem, and for the past twenty-five years, she has devoted herself to shedding light on the CIA’s culpability, particularly in the Robert Kennedy case. Few people possess the grit and grace to spend so much of their lives walking this path of truth. The extent of her research is dazzling, so dazzling in its voluminous detail that a reviewer can only touch on it here and there. She has written a book that is daunting in its comprehensiveness. It demands focused attention and perseverance, for it runs to over 500 pages with more than 800 footnotes.”

        I look forward to reading your comparable body of research.

  2. It almost seems as though the courts and prosecutors did not want to know the truth/facts about the murder. IMHO they had an opportunity to encourage/force the perp into talking but choose to be satisfied with a life sentence. I feel like they did the same thing with McVeigh the supposed OK city bomber. Why we/they didn’t try to learn more about who was behind these crimes is inexplicable… unless they already knew and didn’t want to make it public.

  3. Doctor King was something far more than a civil rights leader. He was a powerful Christian leader. We are in war we didn’t start, against powers of the evil one. Dr King was on our side.

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