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The full size version of these come with 3 additional hand grip sets for a nearly perfect grip fit. Not sure if the sub compacts do but I wouldn’t see why not. And these are great shooters right out of the box.
Timely article, we just replaced our G19’s with M&P’s too.
S&W made some fine wheel guns and I have shot many of them, many of them over 100 years old now. I think I’ll pass on their plastic offerings and stick with what they produced in steel.
I have one plastic pistol. I’m not that impressed. I’m probably getting to old to change over…..
Dear Pat: Try a review on the Taurus G2C. Comes with 2 twelve round mags for $207. I would love to have you do a review and test. I can guarantee you will love the gun for it’s hand fit, reliability, conceal carry. I can guarantee you will get one and it will be you EDC gun forever!
That strikes me as a great idea! If the G2C is as good as I heave heard, how can you go wrong at that price point? Certainly would leave a lot of $$$ on the table for buying ammo to go with it compared to the spendier brands of small pistols.
How about it, Pat?
I am a S&W fan. Particularly their revolvers. I own several and am very fond of the model 19 and the 66. I was very skeptical of the small black compact semi autos. One of my favorite gun stores had a big S&W sale. I had read some good reviews on the Shield and decided to give it a try. I am very pleased. Mine came from the Performance center and has a ported barrel, a trigger job, and red rear sights with a green dot front sight. I can pick up the front sight very quickly. It is a very accurate and reliable gun. Smith did a great job on this gun and their sales confirm that it is great concealed carry gun.
I have the full size M&P9 2.0, M&P45 2.0, an M&P40 and I liked the 40 so much I bought a second to be my truck gun. In June I will be adding two extra 9s and a 45 to the stable to round out the family needs. I have fired almost every model of Glock ever produced; carried them on duty since the 90s, and carried them off duty. I won many USPSA shoots with my stock duty Glock 21 in the 90s. I love the Glock handguns.
But I spent a weekend shooting with a fellow officer from a neighboring department and did a polar shift to M&P and am very satisfied with the decision. My last department even switched from G22/23 to M&P9 and many officers who had struggled shooting Glocks for whatever reason were corrected and became quickly proficient with the M&P. Trigger reset is fantastic now, and they shoot where you point them.
When Smith came up with the 2.0 they answered several gripes and nitpicks from end-users and produced a damned fine firearm.
I cannot speak for the M&P-C because I like full-sized guns, even for CCW. Perhaps I will add one to the stable some day, but for the near future my ranch is fully equipped with M&P.
Thanks for your fine reviews Pat. Next time you are contemplating testing and trading something, look me up! I am just an hour away to the south.
I have 2 S&W pistols. One the full size M&Pin 9mm with stainless slide. Very nice, no issues expect when ran thru the first 100 Rd’s. Couple FTE but then cleared up nicely with no issues since. It resides in the GHB in the car. The other is a M&P compact in .40 S&W. This pistol has never ever had any functioning issues. Loaded very hot .40 cal handloads and gobbles them up no prob. So like them both other than the somewhat weird if”Ed strip procedure for getting them back together, having to depress that pin or whatever you call it down the mag well. The pricing on them is always very good from what I see. Seems like you would do well to have this as your go to pistol. Although I have a Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm and those seem very nice also. Ahh whatever feels good and functions is good, eh?
Great guns but the trigger pinches my finger. I’ll keep my Glocks.
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The full size version of these come with 3 additional hand grip sets for a nearly perfect grip fit. Not sure if the sub compacts do but I wouldn’t see why not. And these are great shooters right out of the box.
Timely article, we just replaced our G19’s with M&P’s too.
S&W made some fine wheel guns and I have shot many of them, many of them over 100 years old now. I think I’ll pass on their plastic offerings and stick with what they produced in steel.
I have one plastic pistol. I’m not that impressed. I’m probably getting to old to change over…..
Dear Pat: Try a review on the Taurus G2C. Comes with 2 twelve round mags for $207. I would love to have you do a review and test. I can guarantee you will love the gun for it’s hand fit, reliability, conceal carry. I can guarantee you will get one and it will be you EDC gun forever!
That strikes me as a great idea! If the G2C is as good as I heave heard, how can you go wrong at that price point? Certainly would leave a lot of $$$ on the table for buying ammo to go with it compared to the spendier brands of small pistols.
How about it, Pat?
I am a S&W fan. Particularly their revolvers. I own several and am very fond of the model 19 and the 66. I was very skeptical of the small black compact semi autos. One of my favorite gun stores had a big S&W sale. I had read some good reviews on the Shield and decided to give it a try. I am very pleased. Mine came from the Performance center and has a ported barrel, a trigger job, and red rear sights with a green dot front sight. I can pick up the front sight very quickly. It is a very accurate and reliable gun. Smith did a great job on this gun and their sales confirm that it is great concealed carry gun.
I have the full size M&P9 2.0, M&P45 2.0, an M&P40 and I liked the 40 so much I bought a second to be my truck gun. In June I will be adding two extra 9s and a 45 to the stable to round out the family needs. I have fired almost every model of Glock ever produced; carried them on duty since the 90s, and carried them off duty. I won many USPSA shoots with my stock duty Glock 21 in the 90s. I love the Glock handguns.
But I spent a weekend shooting with a fellow officer from a neighboring department and did a polar shift to M&P and am very satisfied with the decision. My last department even switched from G22/23 to M&P9 and many officers who had struggled shooting Glocks for whatever reason were corrected and became quickly proficient with the M&P. Trigger reset is fantastic now, and they shoot where you point them.
When Smith came up with the 2.0 they answered several gripes and nitpicks from end-users and produced a damned fine firearm.
I cannot speak for the M&P-C because I like full-sized guns, even for CCW. Perhaps I will add one to the stable some day, but for the near future my ranch is fully equipped with M&P.
Thanks for your fine reviews Pat. Next time you are contemplating testing and trading something, look me up! I am just an hour away to the south.
I have 2 S&W pistols. One the full size M&Pin 9mm with stainless slide. Very nice, no issues expect when ran thru the first 100 Rd’s. Couple FTE but then cleared up nicely with no issues since. It resides in the GHB in the car. The other is a M&P compact in .40 S&W. This pistol has never ever had any functioning issues. Loaded very hot .40 cal handloads and gobbles them up no prob. So like them both other than the somewhat weird if”Ed strip procedure for getting them back together, having to depress that pin or whatever you call it down the mag well. The pricing on them is always very good from what I see. Seems like you would do well to have this as your go to pistol. Although I have a Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm and those seem very nice also. Ahh whatever feels good and functions is good, eh?
Great guns but the trigger pinches my finger. I’ll keep my Glocks.