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  1. Regarding the Plunder article:
    I am getting tired of people referring to Social Security and Medicare as reasons for the deficit and being unfunded handouts.
    The author must not have ever had a pay check with the deductions I saw for 40 years.

    1. It’s not about your deductions. It’s about what the government did with the money taken from your paychecks. It was NOT put away for your use. My deductions along with new debt are making your social security benefit payments possible. Therefore most future social security benefits are not funded. It’s a bit more complicated than that but this is the simple answer. Look up the how entitlements are defined and regulated and you might be surprised.

    2. Craig Fawcett ~ Spot-on Comment!

      I’ve seen information on the Internet, that indicates, the Federal deficit is about equal to the amount of spent, on various Welfare programs. That figure includes all programs for what we consider historical welfare for Americans [food, clothing, healthcare, housing + job training and remedial-education].
      … Plus, the 135 billion spent for the illegal aliens; should be added into the total. There are also numerous other programs, that seem to be a ‘welfare’ program benefiting people connected to the politicians. [Various allusions like, = ‘Don Quixote and the Windmills.]

      There are some government grants, that are just payouts to various political Cronies, with some of the money going back into political campaigns, or the hiring of a politician’s relatives. It often seems, foundations and nonprofits are just conduits for money benefiting someone else, including politicians.

      +With the use of foundations and nonprofits, it’s possible for some crooks to get ‘tax deductions’ when ‘paying off’ ~ ‘crooked’ politicians. … Sometimes it seems, the foundations and nonprofits should be called ‘slush funds for the Cronies.’

      But like Job, we should take comfort, = “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

  2. Brandon Smith in the comments section indicates he’s doubting Trump reelection, and that the Fed and others in money are trying to make DJT the crash patsy. Not a new concept, but becoming more possible. Still, we’ll be stuck in the swamp or stew pot, take your pick.

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